2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
package smtp
// ../rfc/5321:2863
// Reply codes.
var (
C211SystemStatus = 211
C214Help = 214
C220ServiceReady = 220
C221Closing = 221
C235AuthSuccess = 235 // ../rfc/4954:573
C250Completed = 250
C251UserNotLocalWillForward = 251
C252WithoutVrfy = 252
C334ContinueAuth = 334 // ../rfc/4954:187
C354Continue = 354
C421ServiceUnavail = 421
C432PasswdTransitionNeeded = 432 // ../rfc/4954:578
C454TempAuthFail = 454 // ../rfc/4954:586
C450MailboxUnavail = 450
C451LocalErr = 451
C452StorageFull = 452 // Also for "too many recipients", ../rfc/5321:3576
C455BadParams = 455
C500BadSyntax = 500
C501BadParamSyntax = 501
C502CmdNotImpl = 502
C503BadCmdSeq = 503
C504ParamNotImpl = 504
C521HostNoMail = 521 // ../rfc/7504:179
C530SecurityRequired = 530 // ../rfc/3207:148 ../rfc/4954:623
C534AuthMechWeak = 534 // ../rfc/4954:593
C535AuthBadCreds = 535 // ../rfc/4954:600
2023-01-31 02:22:26 +03:00
C538EncReqForAuth = 538 // ../rfc/4954:630
2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
C550MailboxUnavail = 550
C551UserNotLocal = 551
C552MailboxFull = 552
C553BadMailbox = 553
C554TransactionFailed = 554
C555UnrecognizedAddrParams = 555
C556DomainNoMail = 556 // ../rfc/7504:207
// Short enhanced reply codes, without leading number and first dot.
// See https://www.iana.org/assignments/smtp-enhanced-status-codes/smtp-enhanced-status-codes.xhtml
var (
// 0.x - Other or Undefined Status.
// ../rfc/3463:287
SeOther00 = "0.0"
// 1.x - Address.
// ../rfc/3463:295
SeAddr1Other0 = "1.0"
SeAddr1UnknownDestMailbox1 = "1.1"
SeAddr1UnknownSystem2 = "1.2"
SeAddr1MailboxSyntax3 = "1.3"
SeAddr1MailboxAmbiguous4 = "1.4"
SeAddr1DestValid5 = "1.5" // For success responses.
SeAddr1DestMailboxMoved6 = "1.6"
SeAddr1SenderSyntax7 = "1.7"
SeAddr1BadSenderSystemAddress8 = "1.8"
SeAddr1NullMX = "1.10" // ../rfc/7505:237
// 2.x - Mailbox.
// ../rfc/3463:361
SeMailbox2Other0 = "2.0"
SeMailbox2Disabled1 = "2.1"
SeMailbox2Full2 = "2.2"
SeMailbox2MsgLimitExceeded3 = "2.3"
SeMailbox2MailListExpansion4 = "2.4"
// 3.x - Mail system.
// ../rfc/3463:405
SeSys3Other0 = "3.0"
SeSys3StorageFull1 = "3.1"
SeSys3NotAccepting2 = "3.2"
SeSys3NotSupported3 = "3.3"
SeSys3MsgLimitExceeded4 = "3.4"
SeSys3Misconfigured5 = "3.5"
// 4.x - Network and routing.
// ../rfc/3463:455
SeNet4Other0 = "4.0"
SeNet4NoAnswer1 = "4.1"
SeNet4BadConn2 = "4.2"
SeNet4Name3 = "4.3"
SeNet4Routing4 = "4.4"
SeNet4Congestion5 = "4.5"
SeNet4Loop6 = "4.6"
SeNet4DeliveryExpired7 = "4.7"
// 5.x - Mail delivery protocol.
// ../rfc/3463:527
SeProto5Other0 = "5.0"
SeProto5BadCmdOrSeq1 = "5.1"
SeProto5Syntax2 = "5.2"
SeProto5TooManyRcpts3 = "5.3"
SeProto5BadParams4 = "5.4"
SeProto5ProtocolMismatch5 = "5.5"
SeProto5AuthExchangeTooLong = "5.6" // ../rfc/4954:650
// 6.x - Message content/media.
// ../rfc/3463:579
SeMsg6Other0 = "6.0"
SeMsg6MediaUnsupported1 = "6.1"
SeMsg6ConversionProhibited2 = "6.2"
SeMsg6ConversoinUnsupported3 = "6.3"
SeMsg6ConversionWithLoss4 = "6.4"
SeMsg6ConversionFailed5 = "6.5"
SeMsg6NonASCIIAddrNotPermitted7 = "6.7" // ../rfc/6531:735
SeMsg6UTF8ReplyRequired8 = "6.8" // ../rfc/6531:746
SeMsg6UTF8CannotTransfer9 = "6.9" // ../rfc/6531:758
// 7.x - Security/policy.
// ../rfc/3463:628
SePol7Other0 = "7.0"
SePol7DeliveryUnauth1 = "7.1"
SePol7ExpnProhibited2 = "7.2"
SePol7ConversionImpossible3 = "7.3"
SePol7Unsupported4 = "7.4"
SePol7CryptoFailure5 = "7.5"
SePol7CryptoUnsupported6 = "7.6"
SePol7MsgIntegrity7 = "7.7"
SePol7AuthBadCreds8 = "7.8" // ../rfc/4954:600
SePol7AuthWeakMech9 = "7.9" // ../rfc/4954:593
SePol7EncNeeded10 = "7.10" // ../rfc/5248:359
SePol7EncReqForAuth11 = "7.11" // ../rfc/4954:630
SePol7PasswdTransitionReq12 = "7.12" // ../rfc/4954:578
SePol7AccountDisabled13 = "7.13" // ../rfc/5248:399
SePol7TrustReq14 = "7.14" // ../rfc/5248:418
2024-02-10 19:55:56 +03:00
// todo spec: duplicate spec of 7.16 ../rfc/4865:412 ../rfc/6710:878
// todo spec: duplicate spec of 7.17 ../rfc/4865:418 ../rfc/7293:1137
SePol7NoDKIMPass20 = "7.20" // ../rfc/7372:137
SePol7NoDKIMAccept21 = "7.21" // ../rfc/7372:148
SePol7NoDKIMAuthorMatch22 = "7.22" // ../rfc/7372:175
SePol7SPFResultFail23 = "7.23" // ../rfc/7372:192
SePol7SPFError24 = "7.24" // ../rfc/7372:204
SePol7RevDNSFail25 = "7.25" // ../rfc/7372:233
SePol7MultiAuthFails26 = "7.26" // ../rfc/7372:246
SePol7SenderHasNullMX27 = "7.27" // ../rfc/7505:246
queue: deliver to multiple recipients in a single smtp transaction
transferring the data only once. we only do this when the recipient domains
are the same. when queuing, we now take care to set the same NextAttempt
timestamp, so queued messages are actually eligable for combined delivery.
this adds a DeliverMultiple to the smtp client. for pipelined requests, it will
send all RCPT TO (and MAIL and DATA) in one go, and handles the various
responses and error conditions, returning either an overal error, or per
recipient smtp responses. the results of the smtp LIMITS extension are also
available in the smtp client now.
this also takes the "LIMITS RCPTMAX" smtp extension into account: if the server
only accepts a single recipient, we won't send multiple.
if a server doesn't announce a RCPTMAX limit, but still has one (like mox does
for non-spf-verified transactions), we'll recognize code 452 and 552 (for
historic reasons) as temporary error, and try again in a separate transaction
immediately after. we don't yet implement "LIMITS MAILMAX", doesn't seem likely
in practice.
2024-03-07 12:07:53 +03:00
SePol7ARCFail29 = "7.29" // ../rfc/8617:1438
SePol7MissingReqTLS30 = "7.30" // ../rfc/8689:448
2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00