2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
package imapserver
import (
func TestFetch ( t * testing . T ) {
tc := start ( t )
defer tc . close ( )
2024-03-09 01:29:15 +03:00
tc . client . Login ( "mjl@mox.example" , password0 )
2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
tc . client . Enable ( "imap4rev2" )
received , err := time . Parse ( time . RFC3339 , "2022-11-16T10:01:00+01:00" )
tc . check ( err , "parse time" )
tc . client . Append ( "inbox" , nil , & received , [ ] byte ( exampleMsg ) )
tc . client . Select ( "inbox" )
uid1 := imapclient . FetchUID ( 1 )
date1 := imapclient . FetchInternalDate ( "16-Nov-2022 10:01:00 +0100" )
rfcsize1 := imapclient . FetchRFC822Size ( len ( exampleMsg ) )
env1 := imapclient . FetchEnvelope {
Date : "Mon, 7 Feb 1994 21:52:25 -0800" ,
Subject : "afternoon meeting" ,
From : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "Fred Foobar" , Mailbox : "foobar" , Host : "blurdybloop.example" } } ,
Sender : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "Fred Foobar" , Mailbox : "foobar" , Host : "blurdybloop.example" } } ,
ReplyTo : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "Fred Foobar" , Mailbox : "foobar" , Host : "blurdybloop.example" } } ,
To : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Mailbox : "mooch" , Host : "owatagu.siam.edu.example" } } ,
MessageID : "<B27397-0100000@Blurdybloop.example>" ,
noflags := imapclient . FetchFlags ( nil )
bodyxstructure1 := imapclient . FetchBodystructure {
RespAttr : "BODY" ,
Body : imapclient . BodyTypeText {
MediaType : "TEXT" ,
MediaSubtype : "PLAIN" ,
BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields {
Params : [ ] [ 2 ] string { [ ... ] string { "CHARSET" , "US-ASCII" } } ,
Octets : 57 ,
} ,
Lines : 2 ,
} ,
bodystructure1 := bodyxstructure1
bodystructure1 . RespAttr = "BODYSTRUCTURE"
split := strings . SplitN ( exampleMsg , "\r\n\r\n" , 2 )
exampleMsgHeader := split [ 0 ] + "\r\n\r\n"
exampleMsgBody := split [ 1 ]
binary1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[]" , Data : exampleMsg }
binarypart1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 1 } , Data : exampleMsgBody }
binarypartial1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[]" , Data : exampleMsg [ 1 : 2 ] }
binarypartpartial1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 1 } , Data : exampleMsgBody [ 1 : 2 ] }
binaryend1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[]" , Data : "" }
binarypartend1 := imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 1 } , Data : "" }
binarysize1 := imapclient . FetchBinarySize { RespAttr : "BINARY.SIZE[]" , Size : int64 ( len ( exampleMsg ) ) }
binarysizepart1 := imapclient . FetchBinarySize { RespAttr : "BINARY.SIZE[1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 1 } , Size : int64 ( len ( exampleMsgBody ) ) }
bodyheader1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[HEADER]" , Section : "HEADER" , Body : exampleMsgHeader }
bodytext1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[TEXT]" , Section : "TEXT" , Body : exampleMsgBody }
body1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[]" , Body : exampleMsg }
bodypart1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1]" , Section : "1" , Body : exampleMsgBody }
bodyoff1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[]<1>" , Section : "" , Offset : 1 , Body : exampleMsg [ 1 : 3 ] }
body1off1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1]<1>" , Section : "1" , Offset : 1 , Body : exampleMsgBody [ 1 : 3 ] }
bodyend1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1]<100000>" , Section : "1" , Offset : 100000 , Body : "" } // todo: should offset be what was requested, or the size of the message?
rfcheader1 := imapclient . FetchRFC822Header ( exampleMsgHeader )
rfctext1 := imapclient . FetchRFC822Text ( exampleMsgBody )
rfc1 := imapclient . FetchRFC822 ( exampleMsg )
headerSplit := strings . SplitN ( exampleMsgHeader , "\r\n" , 2 )
dateheader1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Date)]" , Section : "HEADER.FIELDS (Date)" , Body : headerSplit [ 0 ] + "\r\n\r\n" }
nodateheader1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Date)]" , Section : "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Date)" , Body : headerSplit [ 1 ] }
date1header1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1.HEADER.FIELDS (Date)]" , Section : "1.HEADER.FIELDS (Date)" , Body : headerSplit [ 0 ] + "\r\n\r\n" }
nodate1header1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1.HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Date)]" , Section : "1.HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Date)" , Body : headerSplit [ 1 ] }
mime1 := imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1.MIME]" , Section : "1.MIME" , Body : "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII\r\n\r\n" }
flagsSeen := imapclient . FetchFlags { ` \Seen ` }
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 all" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , date1 , rfcsize1 , env1 , noflags } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 fast" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , date1 , rfcsize1 , noflags } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 full" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , date1 , rfcsize1 , env1 , bodyxstructure1 , noflags } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 flags" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , noflags } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } )
// Should be returned unmodified, because there is no content-transfer-encoding.
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binary1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarypart1 } } ) // Seen flag not changed.
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[]<1.1>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarypartial1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[1]<1.1>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarypartpartial1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[]<10000.10001>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binaryend1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[1]<10000.10001>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarypartend1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary.size[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarysize1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary.size[1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binarysizepart1 } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[]<1.2>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodyoff1 } } ) // Already seen.
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodypart1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[1]<1.2>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1off1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[1]<100000.100000>" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodyend1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[header]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodyheader1 , flagsSeen } } )
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[text]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodytext1 , flagsSeen } } )
// equivalent to body.peek[header], ../rfc/3501:3183
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 rfc822.header" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , rfcheader1 } } )
// equivalent to body[text], ../rfc/3501:3199
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 rfc822.text" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , rfctext1 , flagsSeen } } )
// equivalent to body[], ../rfc/3501:3179
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 rfc822" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , rfc1 , flagsSeen } } )
// With PEEK, we should not get the \Seen flag.
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary.peek[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binary1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[header.fields (date)]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , dateheader1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[header.fields.not (date)]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , nodateheader1 } } )
// For non-multipart messages, 1 means the whole message. ../rfc/9051:4481
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[1.header.fields (date)]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , date1header1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[1.header.fields.not (date)]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , nodate1header1 } } )
// MIME, part 1 for non-multipart messages is the message itself. ../rfc/9051:4481
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body.peek[1.mime]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , mime1 } } )
// Missing sequence number. ../rfc/9051:7018
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 2 body[]" )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1:1 body[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1 , flagsSeen } } )
// UID fetch
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 1 body[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1 } } )
// UID fetch
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 2 body[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( )
// Test some invalid syntax.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch" )
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch " )
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch " )
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1" ) // At least one requested item required.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 ()" ) // Empty list not allowed
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 unknown" )
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 (unknown)" )
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 (all)" ) // Macro's not allowed in list.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 binary" ) // [] required
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 binary[text]" ) // Text/header etc only allowed for body[].
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 binary[]<1>" ) // Count required.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 binary[]<1.0>" ) // Count must be > 0.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 binary[]<1..1>" ) // Single dot.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[]<1>" ) // Count required.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[]<1.0>" ) // Count must be > 0.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[]<1..1>" ) // Single dot.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[header.fields]" ) // List of headers required.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[header.fields ()]" ) // List must be non-empty.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[header.fields.not]" ) // List of headers required.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[header.fields.not ()]" ) // List must be non-empty.
tc . transactf ( "bad" , "fetch 1 body[mime]" ) // MIME must be prefixed with a number. ../rfc/9051:4497
tc . transactf ( "no" , "fetch 1 body[2]" ) // No such part.
// Add more complex message.
uid2 := imapclient . FetchUID ( 2 )
bodystructure2 := imapclient . FetchBodystructure {
Body : imapclient . BodyTypeMpart {
Bodies : [ ] any {
imapclient . BodyTypeBasic { BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { Octets : 275 } } ,
imapclient . BodyTypeText { MediaType : "TEXT" , MediaSubtype : "PLAIN" , BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { Params : [ ] [ 2 ] string { { "CHARSET" , "US-ASCII" } } , Octets : 114 } , Lines : 3 } ,
imapclient . BodyTypeMpart {
Bodies : [ ] any {
imapclient . BodyTypeBasic { MediaType : "AUDIO" , MediaSubtype : "BASIC" , BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { CTE : "BASE64" , Octets : 22 } } ,
imapclient . BodyTypeBasic { MediaType : "IMAGE" , MediaSubtype : "JPEG" , BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { CTE : "BASE64" } } ,
} ,
MediaSubtype : "PARALLEL" ,
2024-11-01 13:28:25 +03:00
Ext : & imapclient . BodyExtensionMpart { Params : [ ] [ 2 ] string { { "boundary" , "unique-boundary-2" } } } ,
2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
} ,
imapclient . BodyTypeText { MediaType : "TEXT" , MediaSubtype : "ENRICHED" , BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { Octets : 145 } , Lines : 5 } ,
imapclient . BodyTypeMsg {
MediaType : "MESSAGE" ,
MediaSubtype : "RFC822" ,
BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { Octets : 228 } ,
Envelope : imapclient . Envelope {
Subject : "(subject in US-ASCII)" ,
From : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "" , Adl : "" , Mailbox : "info" , Host : "mox.example" } } ,
Sender : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "" , Adl : "" , Mailbox : "info" , Host : "mox.example" } } ,
ReplyTo : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "" , Adl : "" , Mailbox : "info" , Host : "mox.example" } } ,
To : [ ] imapclient . Address { { Name : "mox" , Adl : "" , Mailbox : "info" , Host : "mox.example" } } ,
} ,
Bodystructure : imapclient . BodyTypeText {
MediaType : "TEXT" , MediaSubtype : "PLAIN" , BodyFields : imapclient . BodyFields { Params : [ ] [ 2 ] string { { "CHARSET" , "ISO-8859-1" } } , CTE : "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" , Octets : 51 } , Lines : 1 } ,
Lines : 7 ,
} ,
} ,
MediaSubtype : "MIXED" ,
2024-11-01 13:28:25 +03:00
Ext : & imapclient . BodyExtensionMpart { Params : [ ] [ 2 ] string { { "boundary" , "unique-boundary-1" } } } ,
2023-01-30 16:27:06 +03:00
} ,
tc . client . Append ( "inbox" , nil , & received , [ ] byte ( nestedMessage ) )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
// Multiple responses.
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1:2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1,2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2:1 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1:* bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch *:1 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch *:2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch * bodystructure" ) // Highest msgseq.
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 1:* bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 1:2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 1,2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , bodystructure1 } } , imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "uid fetch 2:2 bodystructure" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , bodystructure2 } } )
// todo: read the bodies/headers of the parts, and of the nested message.
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[]" , Body : nestedMessage } } } )
part1 := tocrlf ( ` ... Some text appears here ...
[ Note that the blank between the boundary and the start
of the text in this part means no header fields were
given and this is text in the US - ASCII character set .
It could have been done with explicit typing as in the
next part . ]
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[1]" , Section : "1" , Body : part1 } } } )
tc . transactf ( "no" , "fetch 2 binary.peek[3]" ) // Only allowed on leaf parts, not multiparts.
tc . transactf ( "no" , "fetch 2 binary.peek[5]" ) // Only allowed on leaf parts, not messages.
part31 := "aGVsbG8NCndvcmxkDQo=\r\n"
part31dec := "hello\r\nworld\r\n"
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 binary.size[3.1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBinarySize { RespAttr : "BINARY.SIZE[3.1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 3 , 1 } , Size : int64 ( len ( part31dec ) ) } } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[3.1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[3.1]" , Section : "3.1" , Body : part31 } } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 binary.peek[3.1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBinary { RespAttr : "BINARY[3.1]" , Parts : [ ] uint32 { 3 , 1 } , Data : part31dec } } } )
part3 := tocrlf ( ` -- unique - boundary - 2
Content - Type : audio / basic
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
aGVsbG8NCndvcmxkDQo =
-- unique - boundary - 2
Content - Type : image / jpeg
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
-- unique - boundary - 2 --
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[3]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[3]" , Section : "3" , Body : part3 } } } )
part2mime := tocrlf ( ` Content - type : text / plain ; charset = US - ASCII
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[2.mime]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[2.MIME]" , Section : "2.MIME" , Body : part2mime } } } )
part5 := tocrlf ( ` From : info @ mox . example
To : mox < info @ mox . example >
Subject : ( subject in US - ASCII )
Content - Type : Text / plain ; charset = ISO - 8859 - 1
Content - Transfer - Encoding : Quoted - printable
... Additional text in ISO - 8859 - 1 goes here ...
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[5]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[5]" , Section : "5" , Body : part5 } } } )
part5header := tocrlf ( ` From : info @ mox . example
To : mox < info @ mox . example >
Subject : ( subject in US - ASCII )
Content - Type : Text / plain ; charset = ISO - 8859 - 1
Content - Transfer - Encoding : Quoted - printable
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[5.header]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[5.HEADER]" , Section : "5.HEADER" , Body : part5header } } } )
part5mime := tocrlf ( ` Content - Type : Text / plain ; charset = ISO - 8859 - 1
Content - Transfer - Encoding : Quoted - printable
` )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[5.mime]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[5.MIME]" , Section : "5.MIME" , Body : part5mime } } } )
part5text := " ... Additional text in ISO-8859-1 goes here ...\r\n"
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[5.text]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[5.TEXT]" , Section : "5.TEXT" , Body : part5text } } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 2 body.peek[5.1]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 2 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid2 , imapclient . FetchBody { RespAttr : "BODY[5.1]" , Section : "5.1" , Body : part5text } } } )
// In case of EXAMINE instead of SELECT, we should not be seeing any changed \Seen flags for non-peek commands.
tc . client . StoreFlagsClear ( "1" , true , ` \Seen ` )
tc . client . Unselect ( )
tc . client . Examine ( "inbox" )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 binary[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , binary1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 body[]" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , body1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 rfc822.text" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , rfctext1 } } )
tc . transactf ( "ok" , "fetch 1 rfc822" )
tc . xuntagged ( imapclient . UntaggedFetch { Seq : 1 , Attrs : [ ] imapclient . FetchAttr { uid1 , rfc1 } } )
tc . client . Logout ( )