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Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 09:03:01 -0500
From: "BarXStop" <info@trabullers.work>
Reply-To: "Easy Dog Training Tool" <contact@trabullers.work>
Subject: Control your dog's bad habits from a distance
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<p align="center" class="h">Most Effective and Safe Training Device</p>
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<td align="right" width="128"><b>25-Dec-2021</b></td>
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<p align="justify"><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank">BarXStop</a> is an innovative Dog training device that stops barking and possible aggression towards you or others. It uses ultrasonic sound and high pitch tones which only dogs can detect.</p>
<p><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank"><img alt="Best Ultrasonic Anti bark Device" src="http://trabullers.work/0f424179d8d09ce1dd.jpg" width="650" /></a></p>
<p align="center" class="h">The device is harmless to humans or animals and works instantly.</p>
<p align="justify"><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank">BarXStop</a> uses a patented technology which is also used by dog-handlers in the US army and is very effective. The product can be used by dog owners as well as people with noisy dogs in their area or people who are afraid of dogs.</p>
<p align="center"><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" style="background-color:black; padding:5px 15px; font-size:18px; color:white;" target="_blank">Continue Redaing..</a></p>
<p><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank"><img alt="Best Ultrasonic Anti bark Device" src="http://trabullers.work/34acebb368455ae182.jpg" width="680" /></a></p>
<p><b>BarXStop Ultrasonic <a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank">Dog Repellent Device</a> Feature</b></p>
<li>Super-fast Performing Gadget</li>
<li>Highly Effective Canine Disturbing Ultra-sound</li>
<li><b><i>Recommended by The Best Dog Trainers</i></b></li>
<li>A Single Button Operated</li>
<li>Non-Violent Pet Training Device</li>
<li>Great Things about utilizing Ultra Sonic pet bark management apparatus</li>
<td><a href="http://trabullers.work/IrpIoCtws4ogFEyHQ_MHMoZ7Y0uVbj2F5YTDV-EBtfHMqQOY" target="_blank"><img alt="AntiBarking Dog Traning Tool" src="http://trabullers.work/945b02fa58a6750515.png" width="200" /></a></td>
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