dom.span('Localpart (optional)', attr({title: 'Must be set if and only if account does not yet exist. The localpart for the user of this domain. E.g. postmaster.'})),,
' ',
dom.button('Add domain', attr({title: 'Domain will be added and the config reloaded. You should add the required DNS records after adding the domain.'})),'Required DNS records', attr({href: '#domains/' + d + '/dnsrecords'}))),'Check current actual DNS records and domain configuration', attr({href: '#domains/' + d + '/dnscheck'}))),
dom.h2('Client configuration'),
dom.div('If autoconfig/autodiscover does not work with an email client, use the settings below for this domain. Authenticate with email address and password.'),
dom.p('DMARC reports are periodically sent by other mail servers that received an email message with a "From" header with our domain. Domains can have a DMARC DNS record that asks other mail servers to send these aggregate reports for analysis.'),
const renderDMARCSummaries = (summaries) => {
return [
dom.p('Below a summary of DMARC aggregate reporting results for the past 30 days.'),
summaries.length === 0 ? dom.div(box(yellow, 'No domains with reports.')) :
dom.thead('Domain', attr({title: 'Domain to which the DMARC policy applied. If has a DMARC policy, and email is sent with a From-header with, and there is no DMARC record for that subdomain, but there is one for, then the DMARC policy of applies and reports are sent for that that domain.'})),'Messages', attr({title: 'Total number of messages that had the DMARC policy applied and reported. Actual messages sent is likely higher because not all email servers send DMARC aggregate reports, or perform DMARC checks at all.'})),'DMARC "quarantine"/"reject"', attr({title: 'Messages for which policy was to mark them as spam (quarantine) or reject them during SMTP delivery.'})),'DKIM "fail"', attr({title: 'Messages with a failing DKIM check. This can happen when sending through a mailing list where that list keeps your address in the message From-header but also strips DKIM-Signature headers in the message. DMARC evaluation passes if either DKIM passes or SPF passes.'})),'SPF "fail"', attr({title: 'Message with a failing SPF check. This can happen with email forwarding and with mailing list. Other mail servers have sent email with this domain in the message From-header. DMARC evaluation passes if at least SPF or DKIM passes.'})),'Policy overrides', attr({title: 'Mail servers can override the DMARC policy. E.g. a mail server may be able to detect emails coming from mailing lists that do not pass DMARC and would have to be rejected, but for which an override has been configured.'})),
const start = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 30*24*3600*1000).toISOString()
const [reports, dnsdomain] = await Promise.all([
api.DMARCReports(start, end, d),
// todo future: table sorting? period selection (last day, 7 days, 1 month, 1 year, custom period)? collapse rows for a report? show totals per report? a simple bar graph to visualize messages and dmarc/dkim/spf fails? similar for TLSRPT.
dom.p('DMARC reports are periodically sent by other mail servers that received an email message with a "From" header with our domain. Domains can have a DMARC DNS record that asks other mail servers to send these aggregate reports for analysis.'),
dom.p('Below the DMARC aggregate reports for the past 30 days.'),
reports.length === 0 ? dom.div('No DMARC reports for domain.') :
dom.thead('ID'),'Organisation', attr({title: 'Organization that sent the DMARC report.'})),'Period (UTC)', attr({title: 'Period this reporting period is about. Mail servers are recommended to stick to whole UTC days.'})),'Policy', attr({title: 'The DMARC policy that the remote mail server had fetched and applied to the message. A policy that changed during the reporting period may result in unexpected policy evaluations.'})),'Source IP', attr({title: 'Remote IP address of session at remote mail server.'})),'Messages', attr({title: 'Total messages that the results apply to.'})),'ADKIM', attr({title: 'DKIM alignment. For a pass, one of the DKIM signatures that pass must be strict/relaxed-aligned with the domain, as specified by the policy.'})),'ASPF', attr({title: 'SPF alignment. For a pass, the SPF policy must pass and be strict/relaxed-aligned with the domain, as specified by the policy.'})),'SMTP to', attr({title: 'Domain of destination address, as specified during the SMTP session.'})),'SMTP from', attr({title: 'Domain of originating address, as specified during the SMTP session.'})),'Header from', attr({title: 'Domain of address in From-header of message.'})),'Auth Results', attr({title: 'Details of DKIM and/or SPF authentication results. DMARC requires at least one aligned DKIM or SPF pass.'})),
none: 'DMARC checks or were not applied. This does not mean these messages are definitely not spam though, and they may have been rejected based on other checks, such as reputation or content-based filters.',
quarantine: 'DMARC policy is to mark message as spam.',
reject: 'DMARC policy is to reject the message during SMTP delivery.',
const rows = []
const addRow = (...last) => {
const tr =
recordIndex > 0 || rows.length > 0 ? [] : [, valignTop, dom.a('' + r.ID, attr({href: '#domains/' + d + '/dmarc/' + r.ID, title: 'View raw report.'}))),
(pol.Reasons || []).map(reason => [, dom.span(reason.Type + (reason.Comment ? ' (' + reason.Comment + ')' : ''), attr({title: 'Policy was overridden by remote mail server for this reasons.'}))]),
),, valignTop, pol.DKIM === 'pass' ? 'pass' : box(yellow, dom.span(pol.DKIM, attr({title: 'No or no valid DKIM-signature is present that is "aligned" with the domain name.'})))),, valignTop, pol.SPF === 'pass' ? 'pass' : box(yellow, dom.span(pol.SPF, attr({title: 'No SPF policy was found, or IP is not allowed by policy, or domain name is not "aligned" with the domain name.'})))),
pass: 'Message was signed and signature was verified.',
fail: 'Message was signed, but signature was invalid.',
policy: 'Message was signed, but signature is not accepted by policy.',
neutral: 'Message was signed, but the signature contains an error or could not be processed. This status is also used for errors not covered by other statuses.',
temperror: 'Message could not be verified. E.g. because of DNS resolve error. A later attempt may succeed. A missing DNS record is treated as temporary error, a new key may not have propagated through DNS shortly after it was taken into use.',
permerror: 'Message cannot be verified. E.g. when a required header field is absent or for invalid (combination of) parameters. We typically set this if a DNS record does not allow the signature, e.g. due to algorithm mismatch or expiry.',
dom.span(dkim.Selector, attr({title: 'Selector, the DKIM record is at "<selector>._domainkey.<domain>".' + (dkim.Domain === d ? '' : ';\ndomain: ' + dkim.Domain)})),
for (const spf of spfs) {
const statuses = {
none: 'No SPF policy found.',
neutral: 'Policy states nothing about IP, typically due to "?" qualifier in SPF record.',
pass: 'IP is authorized.',
fail: 'IP is explicitly not authorized, due to "-" qualifier in SPF record.',
softfail: 'Weak statement that IP is probably not authorized, "~" qualifier in SPF record.',
temperror: 'Trying again later may succeed, e.g. for temporary DNS lookup error.',
permerror: 'Error requiring some intervention to correct. E.g. invalid DNS record.',
dom.p('TLSRPT (TLS reporting) is a mechanism to request feedback from other mail servers about TLS connections to your mail server. If is typically used along with MTA-STS and/or DANE to enforce that SMTP connections are protected with TLS. Mail servers implementing TLSRPT will typically send a daily report with both successful and failed connection counts, including details about failures.'),
const renderTLSRPTSummaries = (summaries) => {
return [
dom.p('Below a summary of TLS reports for the past 30 days.'),
dom.p('TLSRPT (TLS reporting) is a mechanism to request feedback from other mail servers about TLS connections to your mail server. If is typically used along with MTA-STS and/or DANE to enforce that SMTP connections are protected with TLS. Mail servers implementing TLSRPT will typically send a daily report with both successful and failed connection counts, including details about failures.'),
dom.p('Below the TLS reports for the past 30 days.'),
records.length === 0 ? dom.div('No TLS reports for domain.') :
dom.thead('Report', attr({colspan: '3'})),'Policy', attr({colspan: '3'})),'Failure Details', attr({colspan: '8'})),
),'ID'),'From', attr({title: 'SMTP mail from from which we received the report.'})),'Period (UTC)', attr({title: 'Period this reporting period is about. Mail servers are recommended to stick to whole UTC days.'})),'Policy', attr({title: 'The policy applied, typically STSv1.'})),'Successes', attr({title: 'Total number of successful TLS connections for policy.'})),'Failures', attr({title: 'Total number of failed TLS connections for policy.'})),'Result Type', attr({title: 'Type of failure.'})),'Sending MTA', attr({title: 'IP of sending MTA.'})),'Receiving MX Host'),'Receiving MX HELO'),'Receiving IP'),'Count', attr({title: 'Number of TLS connections that failed with these details.'})),'More', attr({title: 'Optional additional information about the failure.'})),'Code', attr({title: 'Optional API error code relating to the failure.'})),
dom.p("MTA-STS is a mechanism allowing email domains to publish a policy for using SMTP STARTTLS and TLS verification. See ", link('', 'RFC 8461'), '.'),
dom.p("The SMTP protocol is unencrypted by default, though the SMTP STARTTLS command is typically used to enable TLS on a connection. However, MTA's using STARTTLS typically do not validate the TLS certificate. An MTA-STS policy can specify that validation of host name, non-expiration and webpki trust is required."),
const formatMTASTSMX = (mx) => {
return (mx || []).map(e => {
return (e.Wildcard ? '*.' : '') + e.Domain.ASCII
}).join(', ')
const makeMTASTSTable = items => {
if (!items || !items.length) {
return dom.div('No data')
// Elements: Field name in JSON, column name override, title for column name.
const keys = [
["LastUse", "", "Last time this policy was used."],
["Domain", "Domain", "Domain this policy was retrieved from and this policy applies to."],
["Backoff", "", "If true, a DNS record for MTA-STS exists, but a policy could not be fetched. This indicates a failure with MTA-STS."],
["RecordID", "", "Unique ID for this policy. Each time a domain changes its policy, it must also change the record ID that is published in DNS to propagate the change."],
["Version", "", "For valid MTA-STS policies, this must be 'STSv1'."],
["Mode", "", "'enforce': TLS must be used and certificates must be validated; 'none': TLS and certificate validation is not required, typically only useful for removing once-used MTA-STS; 'testing': TLS should be used and certificated should be validated, but fallback to unverified TLS or plain text is allowed, but such cases must be reported"],
["MX", "", "The MX hosts that are configured to do TLS. If TLS and validation is required, but an MX host is not on this list, delivery will not be attempted to that host."],
["MaxAgeSeconds", "", "How long a policy can be cached and reused after it was fetched. Typically in the order of weeks."],
["Extensions", "", "Free-form extensions in the MTA-STS policy."],
["ValidEnd", "", "Until when this cached policy is valid, based on time the policy was fetched and the policy max age. Non-failure policies are automatically refreshed before they become invalid."],
["LastUpdate", "", "Last time this policy was updated."],
["Inserted", "", "Time when the policy was first inserted."],