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gorilla/sessions provides cookie and filesystem sessions and infrastructure for
custom session backends.

The key features are:

* Simple API: use it as an easy way to set signed (and optionally
  encrypted) cookies.
* Built-in backends to store sessions in cookies or the filesystem.
* Flash messages: session values that last until read.
* Convenient way to switch session persistency (aka "remember me") and set
  other attributes.
* Mechanism to rotate authentication and encryption keys.
* Multiple sessions per request, even using different backends.
* Interfaces and infrastructure for custom session backends: sessions from
  different stores can be retrieved and batch-saved using a common API.

Let's start with an example that shows the sessions API in a nutshell:

	import (

	var store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("something-very-secret"))

	func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Get a session. We're ignoring the error resulted from decoding an
		// existing session: Get() always returns a session, even if empty.
		session, _ := store.Get(r, "session-name")
		// Set some session values.
		session.Values["foo"] = "bar"
		session.Values[42] = 43
		// Save it before we write to the response/return from the handler.
		session.Save(r, w)

First we initialize a session store calling `NewCookieStore()` and passing a
secret key used to authenticate the session. Inside the handler, we call
`store.Get()` to retrieve an existing session or create a new one. Then we set
some session values in session.Values, which is a `map[interface{}]interface{}`.
And finally we call `session.Save()` to save the session in the response.

Important Note: If you aren't using gorilla/mux, you need to wrap your handlers
or else you will leak memory! An easy way to do this is to wrap the top-level
mux when calling http.ListenAndServe:

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", context.ClearHandler(http.DefaultServeMux))

The ClearHandler function is provided by the gorilla/context package.

More examples are available [on the Gorilla

## Store Implementations

Other implementations of the `sessions.Store` interface:

* []( - ArangoDB
* []( - Bolt
* []( - Couchbase
* []( - Dynamodb on AWS
* []( - DynamoDB on AWS (Official AWS library)
* []( - Memcache
* []( - Memcache/Datastore/Context in AppEngine
* []( - MongoDB
* []( - MySQL
* []( - MySQL Cluster
* []( - PostgreSQL
* []( - Redis
* []( - RethinkDB
* []( - Riak
* []( - SQLite
* []( - GORM (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite)
* []( - ql
* []( - In-memory implementation for use in unit tests
* []( - XORM (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, TiDB)

## License

BSD licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.