// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package structs

import (

// StateType issue state type
type StateType string

const (
	// StateOpen pr is opend
	StateOpen StateType = "open"
	// StateClosed pr is closed
	StateClosed StateType = "closed"
	// StateAll is all
	StateAll StateType = "all"

// PullRequestMeta PR info if an issue is a PR
type PullRequestMeta struct {
	HasMerged bool       `json:"merged"`
	Merged    *time.Time `json:"merged_at"`

// RepositoryMeta basic repository information
type RepositoryMeta struct {
	ID       int64  `json:"id"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Owner    string `json:"owner"`
	FullName string `json:"full_name"`

// Issue represents an issue in a repository
// swagger:model
type Issue struct {
	ID               int64      `json:"id"`
	URL              string     `json:"url"`
	HTMLURL          string     `json:"html_url"`
	Index            int64      `json:"number"`
	Poster           *User      `json:"user"`
	OriginalAuthor   string     `json:"original_author"`
	OriginalAuthorID int64      `json:"original_author_id"`
	Title            string     `json:"title"`
	Body             string     `json:"body"`
	Ref              string     `json:"ref"`
	Labels           []*Label   `json:"labels"`
	Milestone        *Milestone `json:"milestone"`
	// deprecated
	Assignee  *User   `json:"assignee"`
	Assignees []*User `json:"assignees"`
	// Whether the issue is open or closed
	// type: string
	// enum: open,closed
	State    StateType `json:"state"`
	IsLocked bool      `json:"is_locked"`
	Comments int       `json:"comments"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Created time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Updated time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Closed *time.Time `json:"closed_at"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Deadline *time.Time `json:"due_date"`

	PullRequest *PullRequestMeta `json:"pull_request"`
	Repo        *RepositoryMeta  `json:"repository"`

// CreateIssueOption options to create one issue
type CreateIssueOption struct {
	// required:true
	Title string `json:"title" binding:"Required"`
	Body  string `json:"body"`
	Ref   string `json:"ref"`
	// deprecated
	Assignee  string   `json:"assignee"`
	Assignees []string `json:"assignees"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Deadline *time.Time `json:"due_date"`
	// milestone id
	Milestone int64 `json:"milestone"`
	// list of label ids
	Labels []int64 `json:"labels"`
	Closed bool    `json:"closed"`

// EditIssueOption options for editing an issue
type EditIssueOption struct {
	Title string  `json:"title"`
	Body  *string `json:"body"`
	Ref   *string `json:"ref"`
	// deprecated
	Assignee  *string  `json:"assignee"`
	Assignees []string `json:"assignees"`
	Milestone *int64   `json:"milestone"`
	State     *string  `json:"state"`
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Deadline       *time.Time `json:"due_date"`
	RemoveDeadline *bool      `json:"unset_due_date"`

// EditDeadlineOption options for creating a deadline
type EditDeadlineOption struct {
	// required:true
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Deadline *time.Time `json:"due_date"`

// IssueDeadline represents an issue deadline
// swagger:model
type IssueDeadline struct {
	// swagger:strfmt date-time
	Deadline *time.Time `json:"due_date"`

// IssueFormFieldType defines issue form field type, can be "markdown", "textarea", "input", "dropdown" or "checkboxes"
type IssueFormFieldType string

const (
	IssueFormFieldTypeMarkdown   IssueFormFieldType = "markdown"
	IssueFormFieldTypeTextarea   IssueFormFieldType = "textarea"
	IssueFormFieldTypeInput      IssueFormFieldType = "input"
	IssueFormFieldTypeDropdown   IssueFormFieldType = "dropdown"
	IssueFormFieldTypeCheckboxes IssueFormFieldType = "checkboxes"

// IssueFormField represents a form field
// swagger:model
type IssueFormField struct {
	Type        IssueFormFieldType     `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	ID          string                 `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	Attributes  map[string]interface{} `json:"attributes" yaml:"attributes"`
	Validations map[string]interface{} `json:"validations" yaml:"validations"`

// IssueTemplate represents an issue template for a repository
// swagger:model
type IssueTemplate struct {
	Name     string            `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Title    string            `json:"title" yaml:"title"`
	About    string            `json:"about" yaml:"about"` // Using "description" in a template file is compatible
	Labels   []string          `json:"labels" yaml:"labels"`
	Ref      string            `json:"ref" yaml:"ref"`
	Content  string            `json:"content" yaml:"-"`
	Fields   []*IssueFormField `json:"body" yaml:"body"`
	FileName string            `json:"file_name" yaml:"-"`

// IssueTemplateType defines issue template type
type IssueTemplateType string

const (
	IssueTemplateTypeMarkdown IssueTemplateType = "md"
	IssueTemplateTypeYaml     IssueTemplateType = "yaml"

// Type returns the type of IssueTemplate, can be "md", "yaml" or empty for known
func (it IssueTemplate) Type() IssueTemplateType {
	if it.Name == "config.yaml" || it.Name == "config.yml" {
		// ignore config.yaml which is a special configuration file
		return ""
	if ext := filepath.Ext(it.FileName); ext == ".md" {
		return IssueTemplateTypeMarkdown
	} else if ext == ".yaml" || ext == ".yml" {
		return IssueTemplateTypeYaml
	return ""