// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package captcha a middleware that provides captcha service for Macaron. package captcha import ( "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "path" "strings" "github.com/Unknwon/macaron" "github.com/gogits/cache" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" ) var ( defaultChars = []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} ) const ( // default captcha attributes challengeNums = 6 expiration = 600 fieldIdName = "captcha_id" fieldCaptchaName = "captcha" cachePrefix = "captcha_" defaultURLPrefix = "/captcha/" ) // Captcha struct type Captcha struct { store cache.Cache // url prefix for captcha image URLPrefix string // specify captcha id input field name FieldIdName string // specify captcha result input field name FieldCaptchaName string // captcha image width and height StdWidth int StdHeight int // captcha chars nums ChallengeNums int // captcha expiration seconds Expiration int64 // cache key prefix CachePrefix string } // generate key string func (c *Captcha) key(id string) string { return c.CachePrefix + id } // generate rand chars with default chars func (c *Captcha) genRandChars() []byte { return base.RandomCreateBytes(c.ChallengeNums, defaultChars...) } // beego filter handler for serve captcha image func (c *Captcha) Handler(ctx *macaron.Context) { var chars []byte id := path.Base(ctx.Req.RequestURI) if i := strings.Index(id, "."); i != -1 { id = id[:i] } key := c.key(id) if v, ok := c.store.Get(key).([]byte); ok { chars = v } else { ctx.Status(404) ctx.Write([]byte("captcha not found")) return } // reload captcha if len(ctx.Query("reload")) > 0 { chars = c.genRandChars() if err := c.store.Put(key, chars, c.Expiration); err != nil { ctx.Status(500) ctx.Write([]byte("captcha reload error")) log.Error(4, "Reload Create Captcha Error: %v", err) return } } img := NewImage(chars, c.StdWidth, c.StdHeight) if _, err := img.WriteTo(ctx.RW()); err != nil { log.Error(4, "Write Captcha Image Error: %v", err) } } // tempalte func for output html func (c *Captcha) CreateCaptchaHtml() template.HTML { value, err := c.CreateCaptcha() if err != nil { log.Error(4, "Create Captcha Error: %v", err) return "" } // create html return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s">`+ `<a class="captcha" href="javascript:">`+ `<img onclick="this.src=('%s%s.png?reload='+(new Date()).getTime())" class="captcha-img" src="%s%s.png">`+ `</a>`, c.FieldIdName, value, c.URLPrefix, value, c.URLPrefix, value)) } // create a new captcha id func (c *Captcha) CreateCaptcha() (string, error) { // generate captcha id id := string(base.RandomCreateBytes(15)) // get the captcha chars chars := c.genRandChars() // save to store if err := c.store.Put(c.key(id), chars, c.Expiration); err != nil { return "", err } return id, nil } // verify from a request func (c *Captcha) VerifyReq(req *http.Request) bool { req.ParseForm() return c.Verify(req.Form.Get(c.FieldIdName), req.Form.Get(c.FieldCaptchaName)) } // direct verify id and challenge string func (c *Captcha) Verify(id string, challenge string) (success bool) { if len(challenge) == 0 || len(id) == 0 { return } var chars []byte key := c.key(id) if v, ok := c.store.Get(key).([]byte); ok && len(v) == len(challenge) { chars = v } else { return } defer func() { // finally remove it c.store.Delete(key) }() // verify challenge for i, c := range chars { if c != challenge[i]-48 { return } } return true } // create a new captcha.Captcha func NewCaptcha(urlPrefix string, store cache.Cache) *Captcha { cpt := &Captcha{} cpt.store = store cpt.FieldIdName = fieldIdName cpt.FieldCaptchaName = fieldCaptchaName cpt.ChallengeNums = challengeNums cpt.Expiration = expiration cpt.CachePrefix = cachePrefix cpt.StdWidth = stdWidth cpt.StdHeight = stdHeight if len(urlPrefix) == 0 { urlPrefix = defaultURLPrefix } if urlPrefix[len(urlPrefix)-1] != '/' { urlPrefix += "/" } cpt.URLPrefix = urlPrefix base.TemplateFuncs["CreateCaptcha"] = cpt.CreateCaptchaHtml return cpt }