// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

//go:build !gogit
// +build !gogit

package git

import (

// Signature represents the Author or Committer information.
type Signature struct {
	// Name represents a person name. It is an arbitrary string.
	Name string
	// Email is an email, but it cannot be assumed to be well-formed.
	Email string
	// When is the timestamp of the signature.
	When time.Time

func (s *Signature) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", s.Name, s.Email)

// Decode decodes a byte array representing a signature to signature
func (s *Signature) Decode(b []byte) {
	sig, _ := newSignatureFromCommitline(b)
	s.Email = sig.Email
	s.Name = sig.Name
	s.When = sig.When

// Helper to get a signature from the commit line, which looks like these:
//     author Patrick Gundlach <gundlach@speedata.de> 1378823654 +0200
//     author Patrick Gundlach <gundlach@speedata.de> Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200
// but without the "author " at the beginning (this method should)
// be used for author and committer.
func newSignatureFromCommitline(line []byte) (sig *Signature, err error) {
	sig = new(Signature)
	emailStart := bytes.LastIndexByte(line, '<')
	emailEnd := bytes.LastIndexByte(line, '>')
	if emailStart == -1 || emailEnd == -1 || emailEnd < emailStart {

	sig.Name = string(line[:emailStart-1])
	sig.Email = string(line[emailStart+1 : emailEnd])

	hasTime := emailEnd+2 < len(line)
	if !hasTime {

	// Check date format.
	firstChar := line[emailEnd+2]
	if firstChar >= 48 && firstChar <= 57 {
		idx := bytes.IndexByte(line[emailEnd+2:], ' ')
		if idx < 0 {

		timestring := string(line[emailEnd+2 : emailEnd+2+idx])
		seconds, _ := strconv.ParseInt(timestring, 10, 64)
		sig.When = time.Unix(seconds, 0)

		idx += emailEnd + 3
		if idx >= len(line) || idx+5 > len(line) {

		timezone := string(line[idx : idx+5])
		tzhours, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(timezone[0:3], 10, 64)
		tzmins, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(timezone[3:], 10, 64)
		if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
		if tzhours < 0 {
			tzmins *= -1
		tz := time.FixedZone("", int(tzhours*60*60+tzmins*60))
		sig.When = sig.When.In(tz)
	} else {
		sig.When, err = time.Parse(GitTimeLayout, string(line[emailEnd+2:]))
		if err != nil {