From ccb38512818dd3ee86f7960ed6cdf34754e4d09f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wxiaoguang <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 01:39:38 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add some comments for recent code (#22725)

When using the main branch, I found that some changed code didn't have

This PR adds some comments.
 models/dbfs/dbfs.go            | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/httpcache/httpcache.go |  2 ++
 tests/mysql.ini.tmpl           |  1 +
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+)

diff --git a/models/dbfs/dbfs.go b/models/dbfs/dbfs.go
index 89d3dc7cbc..6b5b3beeb2 100644
--- a/models/dbfs/dbfs.go
+++ b/models/dbfs/dbfs.go
@@ -10,6 +10,35 @@ import (
+The reasons behind the DBFS (database-filesystem) package:
+When a Gitea action is running, the Gitea action server should collect and store all the logs.
+The requirements are:
+* The running logs must be stored across the cluster if the Gitea servers are deployed as a cluster.
+* The logs will be archived to Object Storage (S3/MinIO, etc.) after a period of time.
+* The Gitea action UI should be able to render the running logs and the archived logs.
+Some possible solutions for the running logs:
+* [Not ideal] Using local temp file: it can not be shared across the cluster.
+* [Not ideal] Using shared file in the filesystem of git repository: although at the moment, the Gitea cluster's
+	git repositories must be stored in a shared filesystem, in the future, Gitea may need a dedicated Git Service Server
+	to decouple the shared filesystem. Then the action logs will become a blocker.
+* [Not ideal] Record the logs in a database table line by line: it has a couple of problems:
+	- It's difficult to make multiple increasing sequence (log line number) for different databases.
+	- The database table will have a lot of rows and be affected by the big-table performance problem.
+	- It's difficult to load logs by using the same interface as other storages.
+  - It's difficult to calculate the size of the logs.
+The DBFS solution:
+* It can be used in a cluster.
+* It can share the same interface (Read/Write/Seek) as other storages.
+* It's very friendly to database because it only needs to store much fewer rows than the log-line solution.
+* In the future, when Gitea action needs to limit the log size (other CI/CD services also do so), it's easier to calculate the log file size.
+* Even sometimes the UI needs to render the tailing lines, the tailing lines can be found be counting the "\n" from the end of the file by seek.
+  The seeking and finding is not the fastest way, but it's still acceptable and won't affect the performance too much.
 type dbfsMeta struct {
 	ID              int64  `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
 	FullPath        string `xorm:"VARCHAR(500) UNIQUE NOT NULL"`
diff --git a/modules/httpcache/httpcache.go b/modules/httpcache/httpcache.go
index d7d9ce0b7e..f0caa30eb8 100644
--- a/modules/httpcache/httpcache.go
+++ b/modules/httpcache/httpcache.go
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import (
 func AddCacheControlToHeader(h http.Header, maxAge time.Duration, additionalDirectives ...string) {
 	directives := make([]string, 0, 2+len(additionalDirectives))
+	// "max-age=0 + must-revalidate" (aka "no-cache") is preferred instead of "no-store"
+	// because browsers may restore some input fields after navigate-back / reload a page.
 	if setting.IsProd {
 		if maxAge == 0 {
 			directives = append(directives, "max-age=0", "private", "must-revalidate")
diff --git a/tests/mysql.ini.tmpl b/tests/mysql.ini.tmpl
index b7ed98c34e..1dd7bfab2a 100644
--- a/tests/mysql.ini.tmpl
+++ b/tests/mysql.ini.tmpl
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ INTERNAL_TOKEN = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0OTU1NTE2MTh9.h
 ENABLED = true
+; temporarily disabled because the incoming mail tests are flaky due to the IMAP server (during integration tests) couldn't be not ready in time sometimes.
 ENABLED = false
 HOST = smtpimap
 PORT = 993