From c83168104b8bcb09e3e6e1490bd586a9e1a55bc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wxiaoguang <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:25:40 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Use a more general (and faster) method to sanitize URLs with
 credentials (#19239)

Use a more general method to sanitize URLs with credentials: Simple and intuitive / Faster /  Remove all credentials in all URLs
 models/migrations/v180.go      |   2 +-
 models/task.go                 |   2 +-
 modules/git/command.go         |   2 +-
 modules/git/repo.go            |   4 +-
 modules/util/sanitize.go       |  88 ++++++++++--------
 modules/util/sanitize_test.go  | 161 ++++++++-------------------------
 routers/api/v1/repo/migrate.go |   2 +-
 routers/web/repo/migrate.go    |   3 +-
 services/mirror/mirror_pull.go |  45 ++++-----
 services/mirror/mirror_push.go |   6 +-
 services/task/migrate.go       |   2 +-
 services/task/task.go          |   2 +-
 12 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/migrations/v180.go b/models/migrations/v180.go
index 1b735c2035..492c91f1b9 100644
--- a/models/migrations/v180.go
+++ b/models/migrations/v180.go
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ func removeCredentials(payload string) (string, error) {
 	opts.AuthPassword = ""
 	opts.AuthToken = ""
-	opts.CloneAddr = util.NewStringURLSanitizer(opts.CloneAddr, true).Replace(opts.CloneAddr)
+	opts.CloneAddr = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(opts.CloneAddr)
 	confBytes, err := json.Marshal(opts)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/models/task.go b/models/task.go
index 64c858921c..bade1a639d 100644
--- a/models/task.go
+++ b/models/task.go
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func FinishMigrateTask(task *Task) error {
 	conf.AuthPassword = ""
 	conf.AuthToken = ""
-	conf.CloneAddr = util.NewStringURLSanitizer(conf.CloneAddr, true).Replace(conf.CloneAddr)
+	conf.CloneAddr = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(conf.CloneAddr)
 	conf.AuthPasswordEncrypted = ""
 	conf.AuthTokenEncrypted = ""
 	conf.CloneAddrEncrypted = ""
diff --git a/modules/git/command.go b/modules/git/command.go
index 8199498a2b..5d2e1dd67a 100644
--- a/modules/git/command.go
+++ b/modules/git/command.go
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func (c *Command) RunWithContext(rc *RunContext) error {
 			args = make([]string, len(c.args))
 			copy(args, c.args)
 			for _, urlArgIndex := range argSensitiveURLIndexes {
-				args[urlArgIndex] = util.NewStringURLSanitizer(args[urlArgIndex], true).Replace(args[urlArgIndex])
+				args[urlArgIndex] = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(args[urlArgIndex])
 		desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s [repo_path: %s]",, strings.Join(args, " "), rc.Dir)
diff --git a/modules/git/repo.go b/modules/git/repo.go
index b886d5ed45..b06b7feea2 100644
--- a/modules/git/repo.go
+++ b/modules/git/repo.go
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func CloneWithArgs(ctx context.Context, from, to string, args []string, opts Clo
 	cmd.AddArguments("--", from, to)
 	if strings.Contains(from, "://") && strings.Contains(from, "@") {
-		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("clone branch %s from %s to %s (shared: %t, mirror: %t, depth: %d)", opts.Branch, util.NewStringURLSanitizer(from, true).Replace(from), to, opts.Shared, opts.Mirror, opts.Depth))
+		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("clone branch %s from %s to %s (shared: %t, mirror: %t, depth: %d)", opts.Branch, util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(from), to, opts.Shared, opts.Mirror, opts.Depth))
 	} else {
 		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("clone branch %s from %s to %s (shared: %t, mirror: %t, depth: %d)", opts.Branch, from, to, opts.Shared, opts.Mirror, opts.Depth))
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ func Push(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, opts PushOptions) error {
 	if strings.Contains(opts.Remote, "://") && strings.Contains(opts.Remote, "@") {
-		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("push branch %s to %s (force: %t, mirror: %t)", opts.Branch, util.NewStringURLSanitizer(opts.Remote, true).Replace(opts.Remote), opts.Force, opts.Mirror))
+		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("push branch %s to %s (force: %t, mirror: %t)", opts.Branch, util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(opts.Remote), opts.Force, opts.Mirror))
 	} else {
 		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("push branch %s to %s (force: %t, mirror: %t)", opts.Branch, opts.Remote, opts.Force, opts.Mirror))
diff --git a/modules/util/sanitize.go b/modules/util/sanitize.go
index a782fcf512..685b2699b0 100644
--- a/modules/util/sanitize.go
+++ b/modules/util/sanitize.go
@@ -5,59 +5,71 @@
 package util
 import (
-	"net/url"
-	"strings"
+	"bytes"
+	"unicode"
-const (
-	userPlaceholder = "sanitized-credential"
-	unparsableURL   = "(unparsable url)"
+	""
 type sanitizedError struct {
-	err      error
-	replacer *strings.Replacer
+	err error
 func (err sanitizedError) Error() string {
-	return err.replacer.Replace(err.err.Error())
+	return SanitizeCredentialURLs(err.err.Error())
-// NewSanitizedError wraps an error and replaces all old, new string pairs in the message text.
-func NewSanitizedError(err error, oldnew ...string) error {
-	return sanitizedError{err: err, replacer: strings.NewReplacer(oldnew...)}
+func (err sanitizedError) Unwrap() error {
+	return err.err
-// NewURLSanitizedError wraps an error and replaces the url credential or removes them.
-func NewURLSanitizedError(err error, u *url.URL, usePlaceholder bool) error {
-	return sanitizedError{err: err, replacer: NewURLSanitizer(u, usePlaceholder)}
+// SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs wraps the error and make sure the returned error message doesn't contain sensitive credentials in URLs
+func SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err error) error {
+	return sanitizedError{err: err}
-// NewStringURLSanitizedError wraps an error and replaces the url credential or removes them.
-// If the url can't get parsed it gets replaced with a placeholder string.
-func NewStringURLSanitizedError(err error, unsanitizedURL string, usePlaceholder bool) error {
-	return sanitizedError{err: err, replacer: NewStringURLSanitizer(unsanitizedURL, usePlaceholder)}
+const userPlaceholder = "sanitized-credential"
-// NewURLSanitizer creates a replacer for the url with the credential sanitized or removed.
-func NewURLSanitizer(u *url.URL, usePlaceholder bool) *strings.Replacer {
-	old := u.String()
+var schemeSep = []byte("://")
-	if u.User != nil && usePlaceholder {
-		u.User = url.User(userPlaceholder)
-	} else {
-		u.User = nil
+// SanitizeCredentialURLs remove all credentials in URLs (starting with "scheme://") for the input string: "" => ""
+func SanitizeCredentialURLs(s string) string {
+	bs := util.StringToReadOnlyBytes(s)
+	schemeSepPos := bytes.Index(bs, schemeSep)
+	if schemeSepPos == -1 || bytes.IndexByte(bs[schemeSepPos:], '@') == -1 {
+		return s // fast return if there is no URL scheme or no userinfo
-	return strings.NewReplacer(old, u.String())
-// NewStringURLSanitizer creates a replacer for the url with the credential sanitized or removed.
-// If the url can't get parsed it gets replaced with a placeholder string
-func NewStringURLSanitizer(unsanitizedURL string, usePlaceholder bool) *strings.Replacer {
-	u, err := url.Parse(unsanitizedURL)
-	if err != nil {
-		// don't log the error, since it might contain unsanitized URL.
-		return strings.NewReplacer(unsanitizedURL, unparsableURL)
+	out := make([]byte, 0, len(bs)+len(userPlaceholder))
+	for schemeSepPos != -1 {
+		schemeSepPos += 3         // skip the "://"
+		sepAtPos := -1            // the possible '@' position: "https://foo@[^here]host"
+		sepEndPos := schemeSepPos // the possible end position: "The https://host[^here] in log for test"
+	sepLoop:
+		for ; sepEndPos < len(bs); sepEndPos++ {
+			c := bs[sepEndPos]
+			if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
+				continue
+			}
+			switch c {
+			case '@':
+				sepAtPos = sepEndPos
+			case '-', '.', '_', '~', '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=', ':', '%':
+				continue // due to RFC 3986, userinfo can contain - . _ ~ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = : and any percent-encoded chars
+			default:
+				break sepLoop // if it is an invalid char for URL (eg: space, '/', and others), stop the loop
+			}
+		}
+		// if there is '@', and the string is like "s://u@h", then hide the "u" part
+		if sepAtPos != -1 && (schemeSepPos >= 4 && unicode.IsLetter(rune(bs[schemeSepPos-4]))) && sepAtPos-schemeSepPos > 0 && sepEndPos-sepAtPos > 0 {
+			out = append(out, bs[:schemeSepPos]...)
+			out = append(out, userPlaceholder...)
+			out = append(out, bs[sepAtPos:sepEndPos]...)
+		} else {
+			out = append(out, bs[:sepEndPos]...)
+		}
+		bs = bs[sepEndPos:]
+		schemeSepPos = bytes.Index(bs, schemeSep)
-	return NewURLSanitizer(u, usePlaceholder)
+	out = append(out, bs...)
+	return util.BytesToReadOnlyString(out)
diff --git a/modules/util/sanitize_test.go b/modules/util/sanitize_test.go
index c141f5e947..78166cfdff 100644
--- a/modules/util/sanitize_test.go
+++ b/modules/util/sanitize_test.go
@@ -11,154 +11,65 @@ import (
-func TestNewSanitizedError(t *testing.T) {
-	err := errors.New("error while secret on test")
-	err2 := NewSanitizedError(err)
-	assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), err2.Error())
-	cases := []struct {
-		input    error
-		oldnew   []string
-		expected string
-	}{
-		// case 0
-		{
-			errors.New("error while secret on test"),
-			[]string{"secret", "replaced"},
-			"error while replaced on test",
-		},
-		// case 1
-		{
-			errors.New("error while sec-ret on test"),
-			[]string{"secret", "replaced"},
-			"error while sec-ret on test",
-		},
-	}
-	for n, c := range cases {
-		err := NewSanitizedError(c.input, c.oldnew...)
-		assert.Equal(t, c.expected, err.Error(), "case %d: error should match", n)
-	}
+func TestSanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(t *testing.T) {
+	err := errors.New("error with")
+	se := SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
+	assert.Equal(t, "error with https://"+userPlaceholder+"", se.Error())
-func TestNewStringURLSanitizer(t *testing.T) {
+func TestSanitizeCredentialURLs(t *testing.T) {
 	cases := []struct {
-		input       string
-		placeholder bool
-		expected    string
+		input    string
+		expected string
-		// case 0
-			true,
-		// case 1
-		{
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 2
-			true,
 			"https://" + userPlaceholder + "",
-		// case 3
-		{
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 4
-			true,
 			"https://" + userPlaceholder + "",
-		// case 5
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
+			"ftp://x@",
+			"ftp://" + userPlaceholder + "@",
-		// case 6
-			"https://gi\",
-			false,
-			unparsableURL,
+			"ftp://x/@",
+			"ftp://x/@",
+		},
+		{
+			"ftp://u@x/@", // test multiple @ chars
+			"ftp://" + userPlaceholder + "@x/@",
+		},
+		{
+			"😊ftp://u@x😊", // test unicode
+			"😊ftp://" + userPlaceholder + "@x😊",
+		},
+		{
+			"://@",
+			"://@",
+		},
+		{
+			"//u:p@h", // do not process URLs without explicit scheme, they are not treated as "valid" URLs because there is no scheme context in string
+			"//u:p@h",
+		},
+		{
+			"s://u@h", // the minimal pattern to be sanitized
+			"s://" + userPlaceholder + "@h",
+		},
+		{
+			"URLs in log https://u:b@h and https://u:b@h:80/, with and",
+			"URLs in log https://" + userPlaceholder + "@h and https://" + userPlaceholder + "@h:80/, with and",
 	for n, c := range cases {
-		// uses NewURLSanitizer internally
-		result := NewStringURLSanitizer(c.input, c.placeholder).Replace(c.input)
+		result := SanitizeCredentialURLs(c.input)
 		assert.Equal(t, c.expected, result, "case %d: error should match", n)
-func TestNewStringURLSanitizedError(t *testing.T) {
-	cases := []struct {
-		input       string
-		placeholder bool
-		expected    string
-	}{
-		// case 0
-		{
-			"",
-			true,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 1
-		{
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 2
-		{
-			"",
-			true,
-			"https://" + userPlaceholder + "",
-		},
-		// case 3
-		{
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 4
-		{
-			"",
-			true,
-			"https://" + userPlaceholder + "",
-		},
-		// case 5
-		{
-			"",
-			false,
-			"",
-		},
-		// case 6
-		{
-			"https://gi\",
-			false,
-			unparsableURL,
-		},
-	}
-	encloseText := func(input string) string {
-		return "test " + input + " test"
-	}
-	for n, c := range cases {
-		err := errors.New(encloseText(c.input))
-		result := NewStringURLSanitizedError(err, c.input, c.placeholder)
-		assert.Equal(t, encloseText(c.expected), result.Error(), "case %d: error should match", n)
-	}
diff --git a/routers/api/v1/repo/migrate.go b/routers/api/v1/repo/migrate.go
index 1adf5bbe86..d2c2d8ba14 100644
--- a/routers/api/v1/repo/migrate.go
+++ b/routers/api/v1/repo/migrate.go
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ func handleMigrateError(ctx *context.APIContext, repoOwner *user_model.User, rem
 	case base.IsErrNotSupported(err):
 		ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "", err)
-		err = util.NewStringURLSanitizedError(err, remoteAddr, true)
+		err = util.SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
 		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Authentication failed") ||
 			strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Bad credentials") ||
 			strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not read Username") {
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/migrate.go b/routers/web/repo/migrate.go
index 5845e7e5d3..38cdbd4973 100644
--- a/routers/web/repo/migrate.go
+++ b/routers/web/repo/migrate.go
@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ func handleMigrateError(ctx *context.Context, owner *user_model.User, err error,
 		ctx.Data["Err_RepoName"] = true
 		ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.form.name_pattern_not_allowed", err.(db.ErrNamePatternNotAllowed).Pattern), tpl, form)
-		remoteAddr, _ := forms.ParseRemoteAddr(form.CloneAddr, form.AuthUsername, form.AuthPassword)
-		err = util.NewStringURLSanitizedError(err, remoteAddr, true)
+		err = util.SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
 		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Authentication failed") ||
 			strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Bad credentials") ||
 			strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not read Username") {
diff --git a/services/mirror/mirror_pull.go b/services/mirror/mirror_pull.go
index 45749aebfd..aa9fb4cccb 100644
--- a/services/mirror/mirror_pull.go
+++ b/services/mirror/mirror_pull.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func UpdateAddress(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror, addr string) error
 	cmd := git.NewCommand(ctx, "remote", "add", remoteName, "--mirror=fetch", addr)
 	if strings.Contains(addr, "://") && strings.Contains(addr, "@") {
-		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, util.NewStringURLSanitizer(addr, true).Replace(addr), repoPath))
+		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(addr), repoPath))
 	} else {
 		cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, addr, repoPath))
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func UpdateAddress(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror, addr string) error
 		cmd = git.NewCommand(ctx, "remote", "add", remoteName, "--mirror=fetch", wikiRemotePath)
 		if strings.Contains(wikiRemotePath, "://") && strings.Contains(wikiRemotePath, "@") {
-			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, util.NewStringURLSanitizer(wikiRemotePath, true).Replace(wikiRemotePath), wikiPath))
+			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(wikiRemotePath), wikiPath))
 		} else {
 			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=fetch %s [repo_path: %s]", remoteName, wikiRemotePath, wikiPath))
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ func pruneBrokenReferences(ctx context.Context,
 	repoPath string,
 	timeout time.Duration,
 	stdoutBuilder, stderrBuilder *strings.Builder,
-	sanitizer *strings.Replacer,
 	isWiki bool,
 ) error {
 	wiki := ""
@@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ func pruneBrokenReferences(ctx context.Context,
 		// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may
 		// contain a password
-		stderrMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stderr)
-		stdoutMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stdout)
+		stderrMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stderr)
+		stdoutMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stdout)
 		log.Error("Failed to prune mirror repository %s%-v references:\nStdout: %s\nStderr: %s\nErr: %v", wiki, m.Repo, stdoutMessage, stderrMessage, pruneErr)
 		desc := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to prune mirror repository %s'%s' references: %s", wiki, repoPath, stderrMessage)
@@ -229,11 +228,9 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 		stdout := stdoutBuilder.String()
 		stderr := stderrBuilder.String()
-		// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may
-		// contain a password
-		sanitizer := util.NewURLSanitizer(remoteAddr, true)
-		stderrMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stderr)
-		stdoutMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stdout)
+		// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may contain a password
+		stderrMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stderr)
+		stdoutMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stdout)
 		// Now check if the error is a resolve reference due to broken reference
 		if strings.Contains(stderr, "unable to resolve reference") && strings.Contains(stderr, "reference broken") {
@@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 			err = nil
 			// Attempt prune
-			pruneErr := pruneBrokenReferences(ctx, m, repoPath, timeout, &stdoutBuilder, &stderrBuilder, sanitizer, false)
+			pruneErr := pruneBrokenReferences(ctx, m, repoPath, timeout, &stdoutBuilder, &stderrBuilder, false)
 			if pruneErr == nil {
 				// Successful prune - reattempt mirror
@@ -259,8 +256,8 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 					// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may
 					// contain a password
-					stderrMessage = sanitizer.Replace(stderr)
-					stdoutMessage = sanitizer.Replace(stdout)
+					stderrMessage = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stderr)
+					stdoutMessage = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stdout)
@@ -322,19 +319,9 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 			stdout := stdoutBuilder.String()
 			stderr := stderrBuilder.String()
-			// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may
-			// contain a password
-			remoteAddr, remoteErr := git.GetRemoteAddress(ctx, wikiPath, m.GetRemoteName())
-			if remoteErr != nil {
-				log.Error("SyncMirrors [repo: %-v Wiki]: unable to get GetRemoteAddress Error %v", m.Repo, remoteErr)
-			}
-			// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may
-			// contain a password
-			sanitizer := util.NewURLSanitizer(remoteAddr, true)
-			stderrMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stderr)
-			stdoutMessage := sanitizer.Replace(stdout)
+			// sanitize the output, since it may contain the remote address, which may contain a password
+			stderrMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stderr)
+			stdoutMessage := util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stdout)
 			// Now check if the error is a resolve reference due to broken reference
 			if strings.Contains(stderrMessage, "unable to resolve reference") && strings.Contains(stderrMessage, "reference broken") {
@@ -342,7 +329,7 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 				err = nil
 				// Attempt prune
-				pruneErr := pruneBrokenReferences(ctx, m, repoPath, timeout, &stdoutBuilder, &stderrBuilder, sanitizer, true)
+				pruneErr := pruneBrokenReferences(ctx, m, repoPath, timeout, &stdoutBuilder, &stderrBuilder, true)
 				if pruneErr == nil {
 					// Successful prune - reattempt mirror
@@ -358,8 +345,8 @@ func runSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.Mirror) ([]*mirrorSyncResult, bo
 						}); err != nil {
 						stdout := stdoutBuilder.String()
 						stderr := stderrBuilder.String()
-						stderrMessage = sanitizer.Replace(stderr)
-						stdoutMessage = sanitizer.Replace(stdout)
+						stderrMessage = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stderr)
+						stdoutMessage = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(stdout)
diff --git a/services/mirror/mirror_push.go b/services/mirror/mirror_push.go
index 742338ef5f..e5c4b39895 100644
--- a/services/mirror/mirror_push.go
+++ b/services/mirror/mirror_push.go
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func AddPushMirrorRemote(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.PushMirror, addr str
 	addRemoteAndConfig := func(addr, path string) error {
 		cmd := git.NewCommand(ctx, "remote", "add", "--mirror=push", m.RemoteName, addr)
 		if strings.Contains(addr, "://") && strings.Contains(addr, "@") {
-			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=push %s [repo_path: %s]", m.RemoteName, util.NewStringURLSanitizer(addr, true).Replace(addr), path))
+			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=push %s [repo_path: %s]", m.RemoteName, util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(addr), path))
 		} else {
 			cmd.SetDescription(fmt.Sprintf("remote add %s --mirror=push %s [repo_path: %s]", m.RemoteName, addr, path))
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func runPushSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.PushMirror) error {
 			endpoint := lfs.DetermineEndpoint(remoteAddr.String(), "")
 			lfsClient := lfs.NewClient(endpoint, nil)
 			if err := pushAllLFSObjects(ctx, gitRepo, lfsClient); err != nil {
-				return util.NewURLSanitizedError(err, remoteAddr, true)
+				return util.SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func runPushSync(ctx context.Context, m *repo_model.PushMirror) error {
 		}); err != nil {
 			log.Error("Error pushing %s mirror[%d] remote %s: %v", path, m.ID, m.RemoteName, err)
-			return util.NewURLSanitizedError(err, remoteAddr, true)
+			return util.SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
 		return nil
diff --git a/services/task/migrate.go b/services/task/migrate.go
index d6ff514320..6f35134525 100644
--- a/services/task/migrate.go
+++ b/services/task/migrate.go
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func runMigrateTask(t *models.Task) (err error) {
 	// remoteAddr may contain credentials, so we sanitize it
-	err = util.NewStringURLSanitizedError(err, opts.CloneAddr, true)
+	err = util.SanitizeErrorCredentialURLs(err)
 	if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Authentication failed") ||
 		strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not read Username") {
 		return fmt.Errorf("Authentication failed: %v", err.Error())
diff --git a/services/task/task.go b/services/task/task.go
index 3f823fc224..9deb0286c5 100644
--- a/services/task/task.go
+++ b/services/task/task.go
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func CreateMigrateTask(doer, u *user_model.User, opts base.MigrateOptions) (*mod
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	opts.CloneAddr = util.NewStringURLSanitizer(opts.CloneAddr, true).Replace(opts.CloneAddr)
+	opts.CloneAddr = util.SanitizeCredentialURLs(opts.CloneAddr)
 	opts.AuthPasswordEncrypted, err = secret.EncryptSecret(setting.SecretKey, opts.AuthPassword)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err