From b18596eb91fdd2a3bce57b1031e70359ed3fe815 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lauralani <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 10:21:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [BRANDING] adapt forgejo/contrib/

Reviewed at:

(cherry picked from commit ab986185d08a30e0172c4fcd7870803c31f843bd)
(cherry picked from commit 6068aed2a7f413e3196dd4cf704bc2cf63b36329)
(cherry picked from commit 0cbd599c0c418f9a53a039fd06d9861ac58dcc68)
(cherry picked from commit c3ef13588230e8eba9c42ddfddf966a20ab3f745)
(cherry picked from commit 0ba7194fa1cb709b40a6699a8bda29292999277b)
(cherry picked from commit 572a2a51252075c5e0e64b91c5a09c5b34353f71)
(cherry picked from commit dd0a7265e12abec694828381aaa4e1f1c4c634e7)
(cherry picked from commit 06bd195f4e9a963fead7295d9ca76ed185176675)
(cherry picked from commit 7f6100ab6ba2e0671cc2450f65d7b0933afec936)
(cherry picked from commit 58af04560a00b0f09ee8ba6ef3aa75cdf577edc2)
(cherry picked from commit 67a951f726dee99d7c035bf781c9c7253eba228f)
(cherry picked from commit 46e68309adf44ef2c6795d9de673a9327803cf7e)
(cherry picked from commit 9002654915ec16f1962f8408c39d5360dfd7dad5)
(cherry picked from commit 3f1a3a13113f186993856c77e784abb9f5917c7c)
(cherry picked from commit df1716deb446bd021c7ee4bd610fb0f06706613a)
(cherry picked from commit 8ace62b4135a944921d3ba1465bf89cb702b74b9)
(cherry picked from commit 30ab21f2642e29833eba9fbe75f9e7bd8b6ec3da)
(cherry picked from commit 7ec99bfc0da0b3c70c8ff9e5bc770c3e8a4dd495)
(cherry picked from commit 47a554c9b41db0bfe4e612838a5e30e234d067cd)
(cherry picked from commit c5aaf49d88c14f11b733ec6fb23f85f633a48196)
(cherry picked from commit 7fb42a78a41f1d3522a50d8193cb61e4df282acd)
(cherry picked from commit 336fd64a1f1fc70a9ebe3f238c591128abbfbb16)
(cherry picked from commit a7d590f7d71c2cdb37088f6f84ca3e493189583a)
(cherry picked from commit b6aa4a40e4eb4de1615c13a1aa5a511d668be967)
(cherry picked from commit fc195b0349d8c23d00ec070f6ca0448a4ae36903)
(cherry picked from commit 3c6799ad041ee5b749099b0852a1fa3f92847c40)
(cherry picked from commit 86830ae32be2fd31ac1287552d00cba0d11155b0)
(cherry picked from commit e70eb6a27781045d16c86920501658894cf3ae29)
 contrib/ | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 4b166a02a0..4240b5694f 100755
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This is an update script for gitea installed via the binary distribution
-# from on linux as systemd service. It performs a backup and updates
-# Gitea in place.
-# NOTE: This adds the GPG Signing Key of the Gitea maintainers to the keyring.
+# This is an update script for forgejo installed via the binary distribution
+# from on linux as systemd service. It
+# performs a backup and updates Forgejo in place.
+# NOTE: This adds the GPG Signing Key of the Forgejo maintainers to the keyring.
 # Depends on: bash, curl, xz, sha256sum. optionally jq, gpg
 #   See section below for available environment vars.
 #   When no version is specified, updates to the latest release.
 # Examples:
 # 1.15.10
-#   giteahome=/opt/gitea giteaconf=$giteahome/app.ini
+#   forgejohome=/opt/forgejo forgejoconf=$forgejohome/app.ini
-# Check if gitea service is running
-if ! pidof gitea &> /dev/null; then
-  echo "Error: gitea is not running."
+# Check if forgejo service is running
+if ! pidof forgejo &> /dev/null; then
+  echo "Error: forgejo is not running."
   exit 1
-# Continue with rest of the script if gitea is running
-echo "Gitea is running. Continuing with rest of script..."
+# Continue with rest of the script if forgejo is running
+echo "Forgejo is running. Continuing with rest of script..."
 # apply variables from environment
-: "${giteabin:="/usr/local/bin/gitea"}"
-: "${giteahome:="/var/lib/gitea"}"
-: "${giteaconf:="/etc/gitea/app.ini"}"
-: "${giteauser:="git"}"
+: "${forgejobin:="/usr/local/bin/forgejo"}"
+: "${forgejohome:="/var/lib/forgejo"}"
+: "${forgejoconf:="/etc/forgejo/app.ini"}"
+: "${forgejouser:="git"}"
 : "${sudocmd:="sudo"}"
 : "${arch:="linux-amd64"}"
-: "${service_start:="$sudocmd systemctl start gitea"}"
-: "${service_stop:="$sudocmd systemctl stop gitea"}"
-: "${service_status:="$sudocmd systemctl status gitea"}"
-: "${backupopts:=""}" # see `gitea dump --help` for available options
+: "${service_start:="$sudocmd systemctl start forgejo"}"
+: "${service_stop:="$sudocmd systemctl stop forgejo"}"
+: "${service_status:="$sudocmd systemctl status forgejo"}"
+: "${backupopts:=""}" # see `forgejo dump --help` for available options
-function giteacmd {
+function forgejocmd {
   if [[ $sudocmd = "su" ]]; then
     # `-c` only accept one string as argument.
-    "$sudocmd" - "$giteauser" -c "$(printf "%q " "$giteabin" "--config" "$giteaconf" "--work-path" "$giteahome" "$@")"
+    "$sudocmd" - "$forgejouser" -c "$(printf "%q " "$forgejobin" "--config" "$forgejoconf" "--work-path" "$forgejohome" "$@")"
-    "$sudocmd" --user "$giteauser" "$giteabin" --config "$giteaconf" --work-path "$giteahome" "$@"
+    "$sudocmd" --user "$forgejouser" "$forgejobin" --config "$forgejoconf" --work-path "$forgejohome" "$@"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function require {
 # parse command line arguments
 while true; do
   case "$1" in
-    -v | --version ) giteaversion="$2"; shift 2 ;;
+    -v | --version ) forgejoversion="$2"; shift 2 ;;
     -y | --yes ) no_confirm="yes"; shift ;;
     --ignore-gpg) ignore_gpg="yes"; shift ;;
     "" | -- ) shift; break ;;
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
   if [[ "$os_release" =~ "OpenWrt" ]]; then
-    service_start="/etc/init.d/gitea start"
-    service_stop="/etc/init.d/gitea stop"
-    service_status="/etc/init.d/gitea status"
+    service_start="/etc/init.d/forgejo start"
+    service_stop="/etc/init.d/forgejo stop"
+    service_status="/etc/init.d/forgejo status"
     require systemctl
@@ -76,31 +76,31 @@ fi
 require curl xz sha256sum "$sudocmd"
 # select version to install
-if [[ -z "${giteaversion:-}" ]]; then
+if [[ -z "${forgejoversion:-}" ]]; then
   require jq
-  giteaversion=$(curl --connect-timeout 10 -sL | jq -r .latest.version)
-  echo "Latest available version is $giteaversion"
+  forgejoversion=$(curl --connect-timeout 10 -sL '' -H 'accept: application/json' | jq -r '.[0].tag_name | sub("v"; "")')
+  echo "Latest available version is $forgejoversion"
 # confirm update
 echo "Checking currently installed version..."
-current=$(giteacmd --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
-[[ "$current" == "$giteaversion" ]] && echo "$current is already installed, stopping." && exit 1
+current=$(forgejocmd --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
+[[ "$current" == "$forgejoversion" ]] && echo "$current is already installed, stopping." && exit 1
 if [[ -z "${no_confirm:-}"  ]]; then
-  echo "Make sure to read the changelog first:"
-  echo "Are you ready to update Gitea from ${current} to ${giteaversion}? (y/N)"
+  echo "Make sure to read the changelog first:"
+  echo "Are you ready to update forgejo from ${current} to ${forgejoversion}? (y/N)"
   read -r confirm
   [[ "$confirm" == "y" ]] || [[ "$confirm" == "Y" ]] || exit 1
-echo "Upgrading gitea from $current to $giteaversion ..."
+echo "Upgrading forgejo from $current to $forgejoversion ..."
 pushd "$(pwd)" &>/dev/null
-cd "$giteahome" # needed for gitea dump later
+cd "$forgejohome" # needed for forgejo dump later
 # download new binary
 echo "Downloading $binurl..."
 curl --connect-timeout 10 --silent --show-error --fail --location -O "$binurl{,.sha256,.asc}"
@@ -108,28 +108,28 @@ curl --connect-timeout 10 --silent --show-error --fail --location -O "$binurl{,.
 sha256sum -c "${binname}.xz.sha256"
 if [[ -z "${ignore_gpg:-}" ]]; then
   require gpg
-  gpg --keyserver --recv 7C9E68152594688862D62AF62D9AE806EC1592E2
+  gpg --keyserver --recv EB114F5E6C0DC2BCDD183550A4B61A2DC5923710
   gpg --verify "${binname}.xz.asc" "${binname}.xz" || { echo 'Signature does not match'; exit 1; }
 rm "${binname}".xz.{sha256,asc}
 # unpack binary + make executable
 xz --decompress --force "${binname}.xz"
-chown "$giteauser" "$binname"
+chown "$forgejouser" "$binname"
 chmod +x "$binname"
-# stop gitea, create backup, replace binary, restart gitea
-echo "Flushing gitea queues at $(date)"
-giteacmd manager flush-queues
-echo "Stopping gitea at $(date)"
+# stop forgejo, create backup, replace binary, restart forgejo
+echo "Flushing forgejo queues at $(date)"
+forgejocmd manager flush-queues
+echo "Stopping forgejo at $(date)"
-echo "Creating backup in $giteahome"
-giteacmd dump $backupopts
-echo "Updating binary at $giteabin"
-cp -f "$giteabin" "$giteabin.bak" && mv -f "$binname" "$giteabin"
+echo "Creating backup in $forgejohome"
+forgejocmd dump $backupopts
+echo "Updating binary at $forgejobin"
+cp -f "$forgejobin" "$forgejobin.bak" && mv -f "$binname" "$forgejobin"
-echo "Upgrade to $giteaversion successful!"
+echo "Upgrade to $forgejoversion successful!"