diff --git a/modules/markup/sanitizer.go b/modules/markup/sanitizer.go
index ffc33c3b8e..b942406901 100644
--- a/modules/markup/sanitizer.go
+++ b/modules/markup/sanitizer.go
@@ -105,18 +105,12 @@ func createDefaultPolicy() *bluemonday.Policy {
 	// Allow icons
-	// Allow unlabelled labels
-	policy.AllowNoAttrs().OnElements("label")
 	// Allow classes for emojis
 	// Allow icons, emojis, chroma syntax and keyword markup on span
 	policy.AllowAttrs("class").Matching(regexp.MustCompile(`^((icon(\s+[\p{L}\p{N}_-]+)+)|(emoji)|(language-math display)|(language-math inline))$|^([a-z][a-z0-9]{0,2})$|^` + keywordClass + `$`)).OnElements("span")
-	// Allow 'style' attribute on text elements.
-	policy.AllowAttrs("style").OnElements("span", "p")
 	// Allow 'color' and 'background-color' properties for the style attribute on text elements.
 	policy.AllowStyles("color", "background-color").OnElements("span", "p")
@@ -144,7 +138,7 @@ func createDefaultPolicy() *bluemonday.Policy {
 	generalSafeElements := []string{
 		"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "h7", "h8", "br", "b", "i", "strong", "em", "a", "pre", "code", "img", "tt",
-		"div", "ins", "del", "sup", "sub", "p", "ol", "ul", "table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "blockquote",
+		"div", "ins", "del", "sup", "sub", "p", "ol", "ul", "table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "blockquote", "label",
 		"dl", "dt", "dd", "kbd", "q", "samp", "var", "hr", "ruby", "rt", "rp", "li", "tr", "td", "th", "s", "strike", "summary",
 		"details", "caption", "figure", "figcaption",
 		"abbr", "bdo", "cite", "dfn", "mark", "small", "span", "time", "video", "wbr",