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324 lines
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// Copyright 2024 The Forgejo Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package card
import (
_ "image/gif" // for processing gif images
_ "image/jpeg" // for processing jpeg images
_ "image/png" // for processing png images
_ "golang.org/x/image/webp" // for processing webp images
type Card struct {
Img *image.RGBA
Font *truetype.Font
Margin int
var fontCache = sync.OnceValues(func() (*truetype.Font, error) {
return truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
// NewCard creates a new card with the given dimensions in pixels
func NewCard(width, height int) (*Card, error) {
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
draw.Draw(img, img.Bounds(), image.NewUniform(color.White), image.Point{}, draw.Src)
font, err := fontCache()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Card{
Img: img,
Font: font,
Margin: 0,
}, nil
// Split splits the card horizontally or vertically by a given percentage; the first card returned has the percentage
// size, and the second card has the remainder. Both cards draw to a subsection of the same image buffer.
func (c *Card) Split(vertical bool, percentage int) (*Card, *Card) {
bounds := c.Img.Bounds()
bounds = image.Rect(bounds.Min.X+c.Margin, bounds.Min.Y+c.Margin, bounds.Max.X-c.Margin, bounds.Max.Y-c.Margin)
if vertical {
mid := (bounds.Dx() * percentage / 100) + bounds.Min.X
subleft := c.Img.SubImage(image.Rect(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Min.Y, mid, bounds.Max.Y)).(*image.RGBA)
subright := c.Img.SubImage(image.Rect(mid, bounds.Min.Y, bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y)).(*image.RGBA)
return &Card{Img: subleft, Font: c.Font},
&Card{Img: subright, Font: c.Font}
mid := (bounds.Dy() * percentage / 100) + bounds.Min.Y
subtop := c.Img.SubImage(image.Rect(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Min.Y, bounds.Max.X, mid)).(*image.RGBA)
subbottom := c.Img.SubImage(image.Rect(bounds.Min.X, mid, bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y)).(*image.RGBA)
return &Card{Img: subtop, Font: c.Font},
&Card{Img: subbottom, Font: c.Font}
// SetMargin sets the margins for the card
func (c *Card) SetMargin(margin int) {
c.Margin = margin
type (
VAlign int64
HAlign int64
const (
Top VAlign = iota
const (
Left HAlign = iota
// DrawText draws text within the card, respecting margins and alignment
func (c *Card) DrawText(text string, textColor color.Color, sizePt float64, valign VAlign, halign HAlign) ([]string, error) {
ft := freetype.NewContext()
face := truetype.NewFace(c.Font, &truetype.Options{Size: sizePt, DPI: 72})
fontHeight := ft.PointToFixed(sizePt).Ceil()
bounds := c.Img.Bounds()
bounds = image.Rect(bounds.Min.X+c.Margin, bounds.Min.Y+c.Margin, bounds.Max.X-c.Margin, bounds.Max.Y-c.Margin)
boxWidth, boxHeight := bounds.Size().X, bounds.Size().Y
// draw.Draw(c.Img, bounds, image.NewUniform(color.Gray{128}), image.Point{}, draw.Src) // Debug draw box
// Try to apply wrapping to this text; we'll find the most text that will fit into one line, record that line, move
// on. We precalculate each line before drawing so that we can support valign="middle" correctly which requires
// knowing the total height, which is related to how many lines we'll have.
lines := make([]string, 0)
textWords := strings.Split(text, " ")
currentLine := ""
heightTotal := 0
for {
if len(textWords) == 0 {
// Ran out of words.
if currentLine != "" {
heightTotal += fontHeight
lines = append(lines, currentLine)
nextWord := textWords[0]
proposedLine := currentLine
if proposedLine != "" {
proposedLine += " "
proposedLine += nextWord
proposedLineWidth := font.MeasureString(face, proposedLine)
if proposedLineWidth.Ceil() > boxWidth {
// no, proposed line is too big; we'll use the last "currentLine"
heightTotal += fontHeight
if currentLine != "" {
lines = append(lines, currentLine)
currentLine = ""
// leave nextWord in textWords and keep going
} else {
// just nextWord by itself doesn't fit on a line; well, we can't skip it, but we'll consume it
// regardless as a line by itself. It will be clipped by the drawing routine.
lines = append(lines, nextWord)
textWords = textWords[1:]
} else {
// yes, it will fit
currentLine = proposedLine
textWords = textWords[1:]
textY := 0
switch valign {
case Top:
textY = fontHeight
case Bottom:
textY = boxHeight - heightTotal + fontHeight
case Middle:
textY = ((boxHeight - heightTotal) / 2) + fontHeight
for _, line := range lines {
lineWidth := font.MeasureString(face, line)
textX := 0
switch halign {
case Left:
textX = 0
case Right:
textX = boxWidth - lineWidth.Ceil()
case Center:
textX = (boxWidth - lineWidth.Ceil()) / 2
pt := freetype.Pt(bounds.Min.X+textX, bounds.Min.Y+textY)
_, err := ft.DrawString(line, pt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
textY += fontHeight
return lines, nil
// DrawImage fills the card with an image, scaled to maintain the original aspect ratio and centered with respect to the non-filled dimension
func (c *Card) DrawImage(img image.Image) {
bounds := c.Img.Bounds()
targetRect := image.Rect(bounds.Min.X+c.Margin, bounds.Min.Y+c.Margin, bounds.Max.X-c.Margin, bounds.Max.Y-c.Margin)
srcBounds := img.Bounds()
srcAspect := float64(srcBounds.Dx()) / float64(srcBounds.Dy())
targetAspect := float64(targetRect.Dx()) / float64(targetRect.Dy())
var scale float64
if srcAspect > targetAspect {
// Image is wider than target, scale by width
scale = float64(targetRect.Dx()) / float64(srcBounds.Dx())
} else {
// Image is taller or equal, scale by height
scale = float64(targetRect.Dy()) / float64(srcBounds.Dy())
newWidth := int(math.Round(float64(srcBounds.Dx()) * scale))
newHeight := int(math.Round(float64(srcBounds.Dy()) * scale))
// Center the image within the target rectangle
offsetX := (targetRect.Dx() - newWidth) / 2
offsetY := (targetRect.Dy() - newHeight) / 2
scaledRect := image.Rect(targetRect.Min.X+offsetX, targetRect.Min.Y+offsetY, targetRect.Min.X+offsetX+newWidth, targetRect.Min.Y+offsetY+newHeight)
draw.CatmullRom.Scale(c.Img, scaledRect, img, srcBounds, draw.Over, nil)
func fallbackImage() image.Image {
// can't usage image.Uniform(color.White) because it's infinitely sized causing a panic in the scaler in DrawImage
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 1))
img.Set(0, 0, color.White)
return img
// As defensively as possible, attempt to load an image from a presumed external and untrusted URL
func (c *Card) fetchExternalImage(url string) (image.Image, bool) {
// Use a short timeout; in the event of any failure we'll be logging and returning a placeholder, but we don't want
// this rendering process to be slowed down
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 1 * time.Second, // 1 second timeout
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: proxy.Proxy(),
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error when fetching external image from %s: %w", url, err)
return nil, false
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Warn("non-OK error code when fetching external image from %s: %s", url, resp.Status)
return nil, false
contentType := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")
// Support content types are in-sync with the allowed custom avatar file types
if contentType != "image/png" && contentType != "image/jpeg" && contentType != "image/gif" && contentType != "image/webp" {
log.Warn("fetching external image returned unsupported Content-Type which was ignored: %s", contentType)
return nil, false
body := io.LimitReader(resp.Body, setting.Avatar.MaxFileSize)
bodyBytes, err := io.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error when fetching external image from %s: %w", url, err)
return nil, false
if int64(len(bodyBytes)) == setting.Avatar.MaxFileSize {
log.Warn("while fetching external image response size hit MaxFileSize (%d) and was discarded from url %s", setting.Avatar.MaxFileSize, url)
return nil, false
bodyBuffer := bytes.NewReader(bodyBytes)
imgCfg, imgType, err := image.DecodeConfig(bodyBuffer)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error when decoding external image from %s: %w", url, err)
return nil, false
// Verify that we have a match between actual data understood in the image body and the reported Content-Type
if (contentType == "image/png" && imgType != "png") ||
(contentType == "image/jpeg" && imgType != "jpeg") ||
(contentType == "image/gif" && imgType != "gif") ||
(contentType == "image/webp" && imgType != "webp") {
log.Warn("while fetching external image, mismatched image body (%s) and Content-Type (%s)", imgType, contentType)
return nil, false
// do not process image which is too large, it would consume too much memory
if imgCfg.Width > setting.Avatar.MaxWidth {
log.Warn("while fetching external image, width %d exceeds Avatar.MaxWidth %d", imgCfg.Width, setting.Avatar.MaxWidth)
return nil, false
if imgCfg.Height > setting.Avatar.MaxHeight {
log.Warn("while fetching external image, height %d exceeds Avatar.MaxHeight %d", imgCfg.Height, setting.Avatar.MaxHeight)
return nil, false
_, err = bodyBuffer.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) // reset for actual decode
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error w/ bodyBuffer.Seek")
return nil, false
img, _, err := image.Decode(bodyBuffer)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error when decoding external image from %s: %w", url, err)
return nil, false
return img, true
func (c *Card) DrawExternalImage(url string) {
image, ok := c.fetchExternalImage(url)
if !ok {
image = fallbackImage()