The access level path control used by dufs has two disadvantages: 1. One path cannot support multiple users 2. It is very troublesome to set multiple paths for one user So it needs to be refactored. The new auth is account based, it closes #207, closes #208. BREAKING CHANGE: new auth
78 lines
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78 lines
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mod fixtures;
mod utils;
use diqwest::blocking::WithDigestAuth;
use fixtures::{port, tmpdir, wait_for_port, Error};
use assert_cmd::prelude::*;
use assert_fs::fixture::TempDir;
use rstest::rstest;
use std::io::Read;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
#[case(&["-a", "user:pass@/:rw", "--log-format", "$remote_user"], false)]
#[case(&["-a", "user:pass@/:rw", "--log-format", "$remote_user", "--auth-method", "basic"], true)]
fn log_remote_user(
tmpdir: TempDir,
port: u16,
#[case] args: &[&str],
#[case] is_basic: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut child = Command::cargo_bin("dufs")?
let stdout = child.stdout.as_mut().expect("Failed to get stdout");
let req = fetch!(b"GET", &format!("http://localhost:{port}"));
let resp = if is_basic {
req.basic_auth("user", Some("pass")).send()?
} else {
req.send_with_digest_auth("user", "pass")?
assert_eq!(resp.status(), 200);
let mut buf = [0; 1000];
let buf_len = stdout.read(&mut buf)?;
let output = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[0..buf_len])?;
#[case(&["--log-format", ""])]
fn no_log(tmpdir: TempDir, port: u16, #[case] args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut child = Command::cargo_bin("dufs")?
let stdout = child.stdout.as_mut().expect("Failed to get stdout");
let resp = fetch!(b"GET", &format!("http://localhost:{port}")).send()?;
assert_eq!(resp.status(), 200);
let mut buf = [0; 1000];
let buf_len = stdout.read(&mut buf)?;
let output = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[0..buf_len])?;
assert_eq!(output.lines().last().unwrap(), "");