diff --git a/src/database/key_value/rooms/auth_chain.rs b/src/database/key_value/rooms/auth_chain.rs
index 197ce844..57dbb147 100644
--- a/src/database/key_value/rooms/auth_chain.rs
+++ b/src/database/key_value/rooms/auth_chain.rs
@@ -1,358 +1,24 @@
-    /// Returns a stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for the selected shortstatehash and each parent layer.
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn load_shortstatehash_info(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-    ) -> Result<
-        Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    > {
-        if let Some(r) = self
-            .stateinfo_cache
-            .lock()
-            .unwrap()
-            .get_mut(&shortstatehash)
-        {
-            return Ok(r.clone());
-        }
-        let value = self
-            .shortstatehash_statediff
-            .get(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?
-            .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("State hash does not exist"))?;
-        let parent =
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&value[0..size_of::<u64>()]).expect("bytes have right length");
-        let mut add_mode = true;
-        let mut added = HashSet::new();
-        let mut removed = HashSet::new();
-        let mut i = size_of::<u64>();
-        while let Some(v) = value.get(i..i + 2 * size_of::<u64>()) {
-            if add_mode && v.starts_with(&0_u64.to_be_bytes()) {
-                add_mode = false;
-                i += size_of::<u64>();
-                continue;
-            }
-            if add_mode {
-                added.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            } else {
-                removed.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            }
-            i += 2 * size_of::<u64>();
-        }
-        if parent != 0_u64 {
-            let mut response = self.load_shortstatehash_info(parent)?;
-            let mut state = response.last().unwrap().1.clone();
-            state.extend(added.iter().copied());
-            for r in &removed {
-                state.remove(r);
-            }
-            response.push((shortstatehash, state, added, removed));
-            Ok(response)
-        } else {
-            let response = vec![(shortstatehash, added.clone(), added, removed)];
-            self.stateinfo_cache
-                .lock()
-                .unwrap()
-                .insert(shortstatehash, response.clone());
-            Ok(response)
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn compress_state_event(
-        &self,
-        shortstatekey: u64,
-        event_id: &EventId,
-        globals: &super::globals::Globals,
-    ) -> Result<CompressedStateEvent> {
-        let mut v = shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-        v.extend_from_slice(
-            &self
-                .get_or_create_shorteventid(event_id, globals)?
-                .to_be_bytes(),
-        );
-        Ok(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"))
-    }
-    /// Returns shortstatekey, event id
-    pub fn parse_compressed_state_event(
-        &self,
-        compressed_event: CompressedStateEvent,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, Arc<EventId>)> {
-        Ok((
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[0..size_of::<u64>()])
-                .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            self.get_eventid_from_short(
-                utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[size_of::<u64>()..])
-                    .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            )?,
-        ))
-    }
-    /// Creates a new shortstatehash that often is just a diff to an already existing
-    /// shortstatehash and therefore very efficient.
-    ///
-    /// There are multiple layers of diffs. The bottom layer 0 always contains the full state. Layer
-    /// 1 contains diffs to states of layer 0, layer 2 diffs to layer 1 and so on. If layer n > 0
-    /// grows too big, it will be combined with layer n-1 to create a new diff on layer n-1 that's
-    /// based on layer n-2. If that layer is also too big, it will recursively fix above layers too.
-    ///
-    /// * `shortstatehash` - Shortstatehash of this state
-    /// * `statediffnew` - Added to base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `statediffremoved` - Removed from base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `diff_to_sibling` - Approximately how much the diff grows each time for this layer
-    /// * `parent_states` - A stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for each parent layer
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(
-        self,
-        statediffnew,
-        statediffremoved,
-        diff_to_sibling,
-        parent_states
-    ))]
-    pub fn save_state_from_diff(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-        statediffnew: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        statediffremoved: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        diff_to_sibling: usize,
-        mut parent_states: Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    ) -> Result<()> {
-        let diffsum = statediffnew.len() + statediffremoved.len();
-        if parent_states.len() > 3 {
-            // Number of layers
-            // To many layers, we have to go deeper
-            let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        if parent_states.is_empty() {
-            // There is no parent layer, create a new state
-            let mut value = 0_u64.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); // 0 means no parent
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                warn!("Tried to create new state with removals");
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-            return Ok(());
-        };
-        // Else we have two options.
-        // 1. We add the current diff on top of the parent layer.
-        // 2. We replace a layer above
-        let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-        let parent_diff = parent.2.len() + parent.3.len();
-        if diffsum * diffsum >= 2 * diff_to_sibling * parent_diff {
-            // Diff too big, we replace above layer(s)
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-        } else {
-            // Diff small enough, we add diff as layer on top of parent
-            let mut value = parent.0.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&0_u64.to_be_bytes());
-                for removed in &statediffremoved {
-                    value.extend_from_slice(&removed[..]);
-                }
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Returns the new shortstatehash
-    pub fn save_state(
-        room_id: &RoomId,
-        new_state_ids_compressed: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, 
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>)> // removed
-    {
-        let previous_shortstatehash = self.d.current_shortstatehash(room_id)?;
-        let state_hash = self.calculate_hash(
-            &new_state_ids_compressed
-                .iter()
-                .map(|bytes| &bytes[..])
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-        );
-        let (new_shortstatehash, already_existed) =
-            self.get_or_create_shortstatehash(&state_hash, &db.globals)?;
-        if Some(new_shortstatehash) == previous_shortstatehash {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        let states_parents = previous_shortstatehash
-            .map_or_else(|| Ok(Vec::new()), |p| self.load_shortstatehash_info(p))?;
-        let (statediffnew, statediffremoved) = if let Some(parent_stateinfo) = states_parents.last()
-        {
-            let statediffnew: HashSet<_> = new_state_ids_compressed
-                .difference(&parent_stateinfo.1)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            let statediffremoved: HashSet<_> = parent_stateinfo
-                .1
-                .difference(&new_state_ids_compressed)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            (statediffnew, statediffremoved)
-        } else {
-            (new_state_ids_compressed, HashSet::new())
-        };
-        if !already_existed {
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                new_shortstatehash,
-                statediffnew.clone(),
-                statediffremoved,
-                2, // every state change is 2 event changes on average
-                states_parents,
-            )?;
-        };
-        Ok((new_shortstatehash, statediffnew, statediffremoved))
-    }
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn get_auth_chain_from_cache<'a>(
-        &'a self,
-        key: &[u64],
-    ) -> Result<Option<Arc<HashSet<u64>>>> {
-        // Check RAM cache
-        if let Some(result) = self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(key) {
-            return Ok(Some(Arc::clone(result)));
-        }
-        // Check DB cache
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            if let Some(chain) =
-                self.shorteventid_authchain
-                    .get(&key[0].to_be_bytes())?
-                    .map(|chain| {
-                        chain
-                            .chunks_exact(size_of::<u64>())
-                            .map(|chunk| {
-                                utils::u64_from_bytes(chunk).expect("byte length is correct")
-                            })
-                            .collect()
+impl service::room::auth_chain::Data for KeyValueDatabase {
+    fn get_cached_eventid_authchain<'a>() -> Result<HashSet<u64>> {
+        self.shorteventid_authchain
+            .get(&shorteventid.to_be_bytes())?
+            .map(|chain| {
+                chain
+                    .chunks_exact(size_of::<u64>())
+                    .map(|chunk| {
+                        utils::u64_from_bytes(chunk).expect("byte length is correct")
-            {
-                let chain = Arc::new(chain);
-                // Cache in RAM
-                self.auth_chain_cache
-                    .lock()
-                    .unwrap()
-                    .insert(vec![key[0]], Arc::clone(&chain));
-                return Ok(Some(chain));
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(None)
+                    .collect()
+            })
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn cache_auth_chain(&self, key: Vec<u64>, chain: Arc<HashSet<u64>>) -> Result<()> {
-        // Persist in db
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            self.shorteventid_authchain.insert(
-                &key[0].to_be_bytes(),
-                &chain
-                    .iter()
-                    .flat_map(|s| s.to_be_bytes().to_vec())
-                    .collect::<Vec<u8>>(),
-            )?;
-        }
-        // Cache in RAM
-        self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, chain);
-        Ok(())
+    fn cache_eventid_authchain<'a>(shorteventid: u64, auth_chain: &HashSet<u64>) -> Result<()> {
+        shorteventid_authchain.insert(
+            &shorteventid.to_be_bytes(),
+            &auth_chain
+                .iter()
+                .flat_map(|s| s.to_be_bytes().to_vec())
+                .collect::<Vec<u8>>(),
+        )
diff --git a/src/database/key_value/rooms/state_compressor.rs b/src/database/key_value/rooms/state_compressor.rs
index 197ce844..71a2f3a0 100644
--- a/src/database/key_value/rooms/state_compressor.rs
+++ b/src/database/key_value/rooms/state_compressor.rs
@@ -1,26 +1,5 @@
-    /// Returns a stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for the selected shortstatehash and each parent layer.
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn load_shortstatehash_info(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-    ) -> Result<
-        Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    > {
-        if let Some(r) = self
-            .stateinfo_cache
-            .lock()
-            .unwrap()
-            .get_mut(&shortstatehash)
-        {
-            return Ok(r.clone());
-        }
+impl service::room::state_compressor::Data for KeyValueDatabase {
+    fn get_statediff(shortstatehash: u64) -> Result<StateDiff> {
         let value = self
@@ -47,312 +26,23 @@
             i += 2 * size_of::<u64>();
-        if parent != 0_u64 {
-            let mut response = self.load_shortstatehash_info(parent)?;
-            let mut state = response.last().unwrap().1.clone();
-            state.extend(added.iter().copied());
-            for r in &removed {
-                state.remove(r);
-            }
-            response.push((shortstatehash, state, added, removed));
-            Ok(response)
-        } else {
-            let response = vec![(shortstatehash, added.clone(), added, removed)];
-            self.stateinfo_cache
-                .lock()
-                .unwrap()
-                .insert(shortstatehash, response.clone());
-            Ok(response)
-        }
+        StateDiff { parent, added, removed }
-    pub fn compress_state_event(
-        &self,
-        shortstatekey: u64,
-        event_id: &EventId,
-        globals: &super::globals::Globals,
-    ) -> Result<CompressedStateEvent> {
-        let mut v = shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-        v.extend_from_slice(
-            &self
-                .get_or_create_shorteventid(event_id, globals)?
-                .to_be_bytes(),
-        );
-        Ok(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"))
-    }
-    /// Returns shortstatekey, event id
-    pub fn parse_compressed_state_event(
-        &self,
-        compressed_event: CompressedStateEvent,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, Arc<EventId>)> {
-        Ok((
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[0..size_of::<u64>()])
-                .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            self.get_eventid_from_short(
-                utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[size_of::<u64>()..])
-                    .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            )?,
-        ))
-    }
-    /// Creates a new shortstatehash that often is just a diff to an already existing
-    /// shortstatehash and therefore very efficient.
-    ///
-    /// There are multiple layers of diffs. The bottom layer 0 always contains the full state. Layer
-    /// 1 contains diffs to states of layer 0, layer 2 diffs to layer 1 and so on. If layer n > 0
-    /// grows too big, it will be combined with layer n-1 to create a new diff on layer n-1 that's
-    /// based on layer n-2. If that layer is also too big, it will recursively fix above layers too.
-    ///
-    /// * `shortstatehash` - Shortstatehash of this state
-    /// * `statediffnew` - Added to base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `statediffremoved` - Removed from base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `diff_to_sibling` - Approximately how much the diff grows each time for this layer
-    /// * `parent_states` - A stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for each parent layer
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(
-        self,
-        statediffnew,
-        statediffremoved,
-        diff_to_sibling,
-        parent_states
-    ))]
-    pub fn save_state_from_diff(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-        statediffnew: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        statediffremoved: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        diff_to_sibling: usize,
-        mut parent_states: Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    ) -> Result<()> {
-        let diffsum = statediffnew.len() + statediffremoved.len();
-        if parent_states.len() > 3 {
-            // Number of layers
-            // To many layers, we have to go deeper
-            let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-            return Ok(());
+    fn save_statediff(shortstatehash: u64, diff: StateDiff) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut value = diff.parent.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
+        for new in &diff.new {
+            value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-        if parent_states.is_empty() {
-            // There is no parent layer, create a new state
-            let mut value = 0_u64.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); // 0 means no parent
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                warn!("Tried to create new state with removals");
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-            return Ok(());
-        };
-        // Else we have two options.
-        // 1. We add the current diff on top of the parent layer.
-        // 2. We replace a layer above
-        let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-        let parent_diff = parent.2.len() + parent.3.len();
-        if diffsum * diffsum >= 2 * diff_to_sibling * parent_diff {
-            // Diff too big, we replace above layer(s)
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-        } else {
-            // Diff small enough, we add diff as layer on top of parent
-            let mut value = parent.0.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&0_u64.to_be_bytes());
-                for removed in &statediffremoved {
-                    value.extend_from_slice(&removed[..]);
-                }
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Returns the new shortstatehash
-    pub fn save_state(
-        room_id: &RoomId,
-        new_state_ids_compressed: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, 
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>)> // removed
-    {
-        let previous_shortstatehash = self.d.current_shortstatehash(room_id)?;
-        let state_hash = self.calculate_hash(
-            &new_state_ids_compressed
-                .iter()
-                .map(|bytes| &bytes[..])
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-        );
-        let (new_shortstatehash, already_existed) =
-            self.get_or_create_shortstatehash(&state_hash, &db.globals)?;
-        if Some(new_shortstatehash) == previous_shortstatehash {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        let states_parents = previous_shortstatehash
-            .map_or_else(|| Ok(Vec::new()), |p| self.load_shortstatehash_info(p))?;
-        let (statediffnew, statediffremoved) = if let Some(parent_stateinfo) = states_parents.last()
-        {
-            let statediffnew: HashSet<_> = new_state_ids_compressed
-                .difference(&parent_stateinfo.1)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            let statediffremoved: HashSet<_> = parent_stateinfo
-                .1
-                .difference(&new_state_ids_compressed)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            (statediffnew, statediffremoved)
-        } else {
-            (new_state_ids_compressed, HashSet::new())
-        };
-        if !already_existed {
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                new_shortstatehash,
-                statediffnew.clone(),
-                statediffremoved,
-                2, // every state change is 2 event changes on average
-                states_parents,
-            )?;
-        };
-        Ok((new_shortstatehash, statediffnew, statediffremoved))
-    }
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn get_auth_chain_from_cache<'a>(
-        &'a self,
-        key: &[u64],
-    ) -> Result<Option<Arc<HashSet<u64>>>> {
-        // Check RAM cache
-        if let Some(result) = self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(key) {
-            return Ok(Some(Arc::clone(result)));
-        }
-        // Check DB cache
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            if let Some(chain) =
-                self.shorteventid_authchain
-                    .get(&key[0].to_be_bytes())?
-                    .map(|chain| {
-                        chain
-                            .chunks_exact(size_of::<u64>())
-                            .map(|chunk| {
-                                utils::u64_from_bytes(chunk).expect("byte length is correct")
-                            })
-                            .collect()
-                    })
-            {
-                let chain = Arc::new(chain);
-                // Cache in RAM
-                self.auth_chain_cache
-                    .lock()
-                    .unwrap()
-                    .insert(vec![key[0]], Arc::clone(&chain));
-                return Ok(Some(chain));
+        if !diff.removed.is_empty() {
+            value.extend_from_slice(&0_u64.to_be_bytes());
+            for removed in &diff.removed {
+                value.extend_from_slice(&removed[..]);
-        Ok(None)
-    }
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn cache_auth_chain(&self, key: Vec<u64>, chain: Arc<HashSet<u64>>) -> Result<()> {
-        // Persist in db
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            self.shorteventid_authchain.insert(
-                &key[0].to_be_bytes(),
-                &chain
-                    .iter()
-                    .flat_map(|s| s.to_be_bytes().to_vec())
-                    .collect::<Vec<u8>>(),
-            )?;
-        }
-        // Cache in RAM
-        self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, chain);
-        Ok(())
+        self.shortstatehash_statediff
+            .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/data.rs b/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/data.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8fde958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/data.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+pub trait Data {
+    fn get_cached_eventid_authchain<'a>() -> Result<HashSet<u64>>;
+    fn cache_eventid_authchain<'a>(shorteventid: u64, auth_chain: &HashSet<u64>) -> Result<HashSet<u64>>;
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/mod.rs b/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/mod.rs
index 197ce844..dfc289f3 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/mod.rs
+++ b/src/service/rooms/auth_chain/mod.rs
@@ -1,327 +1,27 @@
+mod data;
+pub use data::Data;
-    /// Returns a stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for the selected shortstatehash and each parent layer.
+use crate::service::*;
+pub struct Service<D: Data> {
+    db: D,
+impl Service<_> {
-    pub fn load_shortstatehash_info(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-    ) -> Result<
-        Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    > {
-        if let Some(r) = self
-            .stateinfo_cache
-            .lock()
-            .unwrap()
-            .get_mut(&shortstatehash)
-        {
-            return Ok(r.clone());
-        }
-        let value = self
-            .shortstatehash_statediff
-            .get(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?
-            .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("State hash does not exist"))?;
-        let parent =
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&value[0..size_of::<u64>()]).expect("bytes have right length");
-        let mut add_mode = true;
-        let mut added = HashSet::new();
-        let mut removed = HashSet::new();
-        let mut i = size_of::<u64>();
-        while let Some(v) = value.get(i..i + 2 * size_of::<u64>()) {
-            if add_mode && v.starts_with(&0_u64.to_be_bytes()) {
-                add_mode = false;
-                i += size_of::<u64>();
-                continue;
-            }
-            if add_mode {
-                added.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            } else {
-                removed.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            }
-            i += 2 * size_of::<u64>();
-        }
-        if parent != 0_u64 {
-            let mut response = self.load_shortstatehash_info(parent)?;
-            let mut state = response.last().unwrap().1.clone();
-            state.extend(added.iter().copied());
-            for r in &removed {
-                state.remove(r);
-            }
-            response.push((shortstatehash, state, added, removed));
-            Ok(response)
-        } else {
-            let response = vec![(shortstatehash, added.clone(), added, removed)];
-            self.stateinfo_cache
-                .lock()
-                .unwrap()
-                .insert(shortstatehash, response.clone());
-            Ok(response)
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn compress_state_event(
-        &self,
-        shortstatekey: u64,
-        event_id: &EventId,
-        globals: &super::globals::Globals,
-    ) -> Result<CompressedStateEvent> {
-        let mut v = shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-        v.extend_from_slice(
-            &self
-                .get_or_create_shorteventid(event_id, globals)?
-                .to_be_bytes(),
-        );
-        Ok(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"))
-    }
-    /// Returns shortstatekey, event id
-    pub fn parse_compressed_state_event(
-        &self,
-        compressed_event: CompressedStateEvent,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, Arc<EventId>)> {
-        Ok((
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[0..size_of::<u64>()])
-                .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            self.get_eventid_from_short(
-                utils::u64_from_bytes(&compressed_event[size_of::<u64>()..])
-                    .expect("bytes have right length"),
-            )?,
-        ))
-    }
-    /// Creates a new shortstatehash that often is just a diff to an already existing
-    /// shortstatehash and therefore very efficient.
-    ///
-    /// There are multiple layers of diffs. The bottom layer 0 always contains the full state. Layer
-    /// 1 contains diffs to states of layer 0, layer 2 diffs to layer 1 and so on. If layer n > 0
-    /// grows too big, it will be combined with layer n-1 to create a new diff on layer n-1 that's
-    /// based on layer n-2. If that layer is also too big, it will recursively fix above layers too.
-    ///
-    /// * `shortstatehash` - Shortstatehash of this state
-    /// * `statediffnew` - Added to base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `statediffremoved` - Removed from base. Each vec is shortstatekey+shorteventid
-    /// * `diff_to_sibling` - Approximately how much the diff grows each time for this layer
-    /// * `parent_states` - A stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for each parent layer
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(
-        self,
-        statediffnew,
-        statediffremoved,
-        diff_to_sibling,
-        parent_states
-    ))]
-    pub fn save_state_from_diff(
-        &self,
-        shortstatehash: u64,
-        statediffnew: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        statediffremoved: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-        diff_to_sibling: usize,
-        mut parent_states: Vec<(
-            u64,                           // sstatehash
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
-        )>,
-    ) -> Result<()> {
-        let diffsum = statediffnew.len() + statediffremoved.len();
-        if parent_states.len() > 3 {
-            // Number of layers
-            // To many layers, we have to go deeper
-            let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        if parent_states.is_empty() {
-            // There is no parent layer, create a new state
-            let mut value = 0_u64.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); // 0 means no parent
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                warn!("Tried to create new state with removals");
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-            return Ok(());
-        };
-        // Else we have two options.
-        // 1. We add the current diff on top of the parent layer.
-        // 2. We replace a layer above
-        let parent = parent_states.pop().unwrap();
-        let parent_diff = parent.2.len() + parent.3.len();
-        if diffsum * diffsum >= 2 * diff_to_sibling * parent_diff {
-            // Diff too big, we replace above layer(s)
-            let mut parent_new = parent.2;
-            let mut parent_removed = parent.3;
-            for removed in statediffremoved {
-                if !parent_new.remove(&removed) {
-                    // It was not added in the parent and we removed it
-                    parent_removed.insert(removed);
-                }
-                // Else it was added in the parent and we removed it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            for new in statediffnew {
-                if !parent_removed.remove(&new) {
-                    // It was not touched in the parent and we added it
-                    parent_new.insert(new);
-                }
-                // Else it was removed in the parent and we added it again. We can forget this change
-            }
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                shortstatehash,
-                parent_new,
-                parent_removed,
-                diffsum,
-                parent_states,
-            )?;
-        } else {
-            // Diff small enough, we add diff as layer on top of parent
-            let mut value = parent.0.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&0_u64.to_be_bytes());
-                for removed in &statediffremoved {
-                    value.extend_from_slice(&removed[..]);
-                }
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Returns the new shortstatehash
-    pub fn save_state(
-        room_id: &RoomId,
-        new_state_ids_compressed: HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>,
-    ) -> Result<(u64, 
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
-            HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>)> // removed
-    {
-        let previous_shortstatehash = self.d.current_shortstatehash(room_id)?;
-        let state_hash = self.calculate_hash(
-            &new_state_ids_compressed
-                .iter()
-                .map(|bytes| &bytes[..])
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-        );
-        let (new_shortstatehash, already_existed) =
-            self.get_or_create_shortstatehash(&state_hash, &db.globals)?;
-        if Some(new_shortstatehash) == previous_shortstatehash {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        let states_parents = previous_shortstatehash
-            .map_or_else(|| Ok(Vec::new()), |p| self.load_shortstatehash_info(p))?;
-        let (statediffnew, statediffremoved) = if let Some(parent_stateinfo) = states_parents.last()
-        {
-            let statediffnew: HashSet<_> = new_state_ids_compressed
-                .difference(&parent_stateinfo.1)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            let statediffremoved: HashSet<_> = parent_stateinfo
-                .1
-                .difference(&new_state_ids_compressed)
-                .copied()
-                .collect();
-            (statediffnew, statediffremoved)
-        } else {
-            (new_state_ids_compressed, HashSet::new())
-        };
-        if !already_existed {
-            self.save_state_from_diff(
-                new_shortstatehash,
-                statediffnew.clone(),
-                statediffremoved,
-                2, // every state change is 2 event changes on average
-                states_parents,
-            )?;
-        };
-        Ok((new_shortstatehash, statediffnew, statediffremoved))
-    }
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn get_auth_chain_from_cache<'a>(
+    pub fn get_cached_eventid_authchain<'a>(
         &'a self,
         key: &[u64],
     ) -> Result<Option<Arc<HashSet<u64>>>> {
         // Check RAM cache
-        if let Some(result) = self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(key) {
+        if let Some(result) = self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(key.to_be_bytes()) {
             return Ok(Some(Arc::clone(result)));
-        // Check DB cache
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            if let Some(chain) =
-                self.shorteventid_authchain
-                    .get(&key[0].to_be_bytes())?
-                    .map(|chain| {
-                        chain
-                            .chunks_exact(size_of::<u64>())
-                            .map(|chunk| {
-                                utils::u64_from_bytes(chunk).expect("byte length is correct")
-                            })
-                            .collect()
-                    })
+        // We only save auth chains for single events in the db
+        if key.len == 1 {
+            // Check DB cache
+            if let Some(chain) = self.db.get_cached_eventid_authchain(key[0])
                 let chain = Arc::new(chain);
@@ -339,20 +39,15 @@
-    pub fn cache_auth_chain(&self, key: Vec<u64>, chain: Arc<HashSet<u64>>) -> Result<()> {
-        // Persist in db
+    pub fn cache_auth_chain(&self, key: Vec<u64>, auth_chain: Arc<HashSet<u64>>) -> Result<()> {
+        // Only persist single events in db
         if key.len() == 1 {
-            self.shorteventid_authchain.insert(
-                &key[0].to_be_bytes(),
-                &chain
-                    .iter()
-                    .flat_map(|s| s.to_be_bytes().to_vec())
-                    .collect::<Vec<u8>>(),
-            )?;
+            self.db.cache_auth_chain(key[0], auth_chain)?;
         // Cache in RAM
-        self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, chain);
+        self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, auth_chain);
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/data.rs b/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/data.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b855cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/data.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+struct StateDiff {
+    parent: Option<u64>,
+    added: Vec<CompressedStateEvent>,
+    removed: Vec<CompressedStateEvent>,
+pub trait Data {
+    fn get_statediff(shortstatehash: u64) -> Result<StateDiff>;
+    fn save_statediff(shortstatehash: u64, diff: StateDiff) -> Result<()>;
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/mod.rs b/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/mod.rs
index 197ce844..d6d88e25 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/mod.rs
+++ b/src/service/rooms/state_compressor/mod.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+mod data;
+pub use data::Data;
+use crate::service::*;
+pub struct Service<D: Data> {
+    db: D,
+impl Service<_> {
     /// Returns a stack with info on shortstatehash, full state, added diff and removed diff for the selected shortstatehash and each parent layer.
     pub fn load_shortstatehash_info(
@@ -21,31 +30,7 @@
             return Ok(r.clone());
-        let value = self
-            .shortstatehash_statediff
-            .get(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?
-            .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("State hash does not exist"))?;
-        let parent =
-            utils::u64_from_bytes(&value[0..size_of::<u64>()]).expect("bytes have right length");
-        let mut add_mode = true;
-        let mut added = HashSet::new();
-        let mut removed = HashSet::new();
-        let mut i = size_of::<u64>();
-        while let Some(v) = value.get(i..i + 2 * size_of::<u64>()) {
-            if add_mode && v.starts_with(&0_u64.to_be_bytes()) {
-                add_mode = false;
-                i += size_of::<u64>();
-                continue;
-            }
-            if add_mode {
-                added.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            } else {
-                removed.insert(v.try_into().expect("we checked the size above"));
-            }
-            i += 2 * size_of::<u64>();
-        }
+        self.db.get_statediff(shortstatehash)?;
         if parent != 0_u64 {
             let mut response = self.load_shortstatehash_info(parent)?;
@@ -170,17 +155,7 @@
         if parent_states.is_empty() {
             // There is no parent layer, create a new state
-            let mut value = 0_u64.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); // 0 means no parent
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                warn!("Tried to create new state with removals");
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
+            self.db.save_statediff(shortstatehash, StateDiff { parent: 0, new: statediffnew, removed: statediffremoved })?;
             return Ok(());
@@ -222,20 +197,7 @@
         } else {
             // Diff small enough, we add diff as layer on top of parent
-            let mut value = parent.0.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
-            for new in &statediffnew {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&new[..]);
-            }
-            if !statediffremoved.is_empty() {
-                value.extend_from_slice(&0_u64.to_be_bytes());
-                for removed in &statediffremoved {
-                    value.extend_from_slice(&removed[..]);
-                }
-            }
-            self.shortstatehash_statediff
-                .insert(&shortstatehash.to_be_bytes(), &value)?;
+            self.db.save_statediff(shortstatehash, StateDiff { parent: parent.0, new: statediffnew, removed: statediffremoved })?;
@@ -298,61 +260,4 @@
         Ok((new_shortstatehash, statediffnew, statediffremoved))
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn get_auth_chain_from_cache<'a>(
-        &'a self,
-        key: &[u64],
-    ) -> Result<Option<Arc<HashSet<u64>>>> {
-        // Check RAM cache
-        if let Some(result) = self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(key) {
-            return Ok(Some(Arc::clone(result)));
-        }
-        // Check DB cache
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            if let Some(chain) =
-                self.shorteventid_authchain
-                    .get(&key[0].to_be_bytes())?
-                    .map(|chain| {
-                        chain
-                            .chunks_exact(size_of::<u64>())
-                            .map(|chunk| {
-                                utils::u64_from_bytes(chunk).expect("byte length is correct")
-                            })
-                            .collect()
-                    })
-            {
-                let chain = Arc::new(chain);
-                // Cache in RAM
-                self.auth_chain_cache
-                    .lock()
-                    .unwrap()
-                    .insert(vec![key[0]], Arc::clone(&chain));
-                return Ok(Some(chain));
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(None)
-    }
-    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
-    pub fn cache_auth_chain(&self, key: Vec<u64>, chain: Arc<HashSet<u64>>) -> Result<()> {
-        // Persist in db
-        if key.len() == 1 {
-            self.shorteventid_authchain.insert(
-                &key[0].to_be_bytes(),
-                &chain
-                    .iter()
-                    .flat_map(|s| s.to_be_bytes().to_vec())
-                    .collect::<Vec<u8>>(),
-            )?;
-        }
-        // Cache in RAM
-        self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, chain);
-        Ok(())
-    }