From 13ae036ca04b4ebd427444252ef9856b3028b7ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 13:52:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Move and refactor admin commands into admin module

 src/database/ | 239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/database/ | 220 +-------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 7d2301d9..518d7587 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-use std::{convert::TryInto, sync::Arc};
+use std::{convert::TryFrom, convert::TryInto, sync::Arc, time::Instant};
-use crate::{pdu::PduBuilder, Database};
-use rocket::futures::{channel::mpsc, stream::StreamExt};
+use crate::{
+    error::{Error, Result},
+    pdu::PduBuilder,
+    server_server, Database, PduEvent,
+use rocket::{
+    futures::{channel::mpsc, stream::StreamExt},
+    http::RawStr,
 use ruma::{
     events::{room::message::RoomMessageEventContent, EventType},
-    UserId,
+    EventId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, UserId,
 use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
 use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
@@ -137,3 +144,227 @@ impl Admin {
+pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -> AdminCommand {
+    let mut parts = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1);
+    let command_name = match {
+        Some(command) => command,
+        None => {
+            let message = "No command given. Use <code>help</code> for a list of commands.";
+            return AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                html_to_markdown(message),
+                message,
+            ));
+        }
+    };
+    let args: Vec<_> = parts.collect();
+    match try_parse_admin_command(db, command_name, args, body) {
+        Ok(admin_command) => admin_command,
+        Err(error) => {
+            let message = format!(
+                "Encountered error while handling <code>{}</code> command:\n\
+                <pre>{}</pre>",
+                command_name, error,
+            );
+            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                html_to_markdown(&message),
+                message,
+            ))
+        }
+    }
+// Helper for `RoomMessageEventContent::text_html`, which needs the content as
+// both markdown and HTML.
+fn html_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
+    text.replace("<p>", "")
+        .replace("</p>", "\n")
+        .replace("<pre>", "```\n")
+        .replace("</pre>", "\n```")
+        .replace("<code>", "`")
+        .replace("</code>", "`")
+        .replace("<li>", "* ")
+        .replace("</li>", "")
+        .replace("<ul>\n", "")
+        .replace("</ul>\n", "")
+const HELP_TEXT: &'static str = r#"
+<p>The following commands are available:</p>
+<li><code>register_appservice</code>: Register a bridge using its registration YAML</li>
+<li><code>unregister_appservice</code>: Unregister a bridge using its ID</li>
+<li><code>list_appservices</code>: List all the currently registered bridges</li>
+<li><code>get_auth_chain</code>: Get the `auth_chain` of a PDU</li>
+<li><code>parse_pdu</code>: Parse and print a PDU from a JSON</li>
+<li><code>get_pdu</code>: Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database</li>
+<li><code>database_memory_usage</code>: Print database memory usage statistics</li>
+pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
+    db: &Database,
+    command: &str,
+    args: Vec<&str>,
+    body: Vec<&str>,
+) -> Result<AdminCommand> {
+    let command = match command {
+        "help" => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+            html_to_markdown(HELP_TEXT),
+            HELP_TEXT,
+        )),
+        "register_appservice" => {
+            if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
+                let appservice_config = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
+                let parsed_config = serde_yaml::from_str::<serde_yaml::Value>(&appservice_config);
+                match parsed_config {
+                    Ok(yaml) => AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice(yaml),
+                    Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                        format!("Could not parse appservice config: {}", e),
+                    )),
+                }
+            } else {
+                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                    "Expected code block in command body.",
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+        "unregister_appservice" => {
+            if args.len() == 1 {
+                AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(args[0].to_owned())
+            } else {
+                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                    "Missing appservice identifier",
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+        "list_appservices" => AdminCommand::ListAppservices,
+        "get_auth_chain" => {
+            if args.len() == 1 {
+                if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse_arc(args[0]) {
+                    if let Some(event) = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)? {
+                        let room_id_str = event
+                            .get("room_id")
+                            .and_then(|val| val.as_str())
+                            .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?;
+                        let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str).map_err(|_| {
+                            Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database")
+                        })?;
+                        let start = Instant::now();
+                        let count =
+                            server_server::get_auth_chain(room_id, vec![event_id], db)?.count();
+                        let elapsed = start.elapsed();
+                        return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
+                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                                "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
+                                count, elapsed
+                            )),
+                        ));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                "Usage: get_auth_chain <event-id>",
+            ))
+        }
+        "parse_pdu" => {
+            if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
+                let string = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
+                match serde_json::from_str(&string) {
+                    Ok(value) => {
+                        let event_id = EventId::parse(format!(
+                            "${}",
+                            // Anything higher than version3 behaves the same
+                            ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&value, &RoomVersionId::V6)
+                                .expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes")
+                        ))
+                        .expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids");
+                        match serde_json::from_value::<PduEvent>(
+                            serde_json::to_value(value).expect("value is json"),
+                        ) {
+                            Ok(pdu) => {
+                                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                                    format!("EventId: {:?}\n{:#?}", event_id, pdu),
+                                ))
+                            }
+                            Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(
+                                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                                    "EventId: {:?}\nCould not parse event: {}",
+                                    event_id, e
+                                )),
+                            ),
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                        format!("Invalid json in command body: {}", e),
+                    )),
+                }
+            } else {
+                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                    "Expected code block in command body.",
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+        "get_pdu" => {
+            if args.len() == 1 {
+                if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse(args[0]) {
+                    let mut outlier = false;
+                    let mut pdu_json = db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
+                    if pdu_json.is_none() {
+                        outlier = true;
+                        pdu_json = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
+                    }
+                    match pdu_json {
+                        Some(json) => {
+                            let json_text = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json)
+                                .expect("canonical json is valid json");
+                            AdminCommand::SendMessage(
+                                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                                    format!("{}\n```json\n{}\n```",
+                                    if outlier {
+                                        "PDU is outlier"
+                                    } else { "PDU was accepted"}, json_text),
+                                    format!("<p>{}</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-json\">{}\n</code></pre>\n",
+                                    if outlier {
+                                        "PDU is outlier"
+                                    } else { "PDU was accepted"}, RawStr::new(&json_text).html_escape())
+                                ),
+                            )
+                        }
+                        None => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                            "PDU not found.",
+                        )),
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                        "Event ID could not be parsed.",
+                    ))
+                }
+            } else {
+                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                    "Usage: get_pdu <eventid>",
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+        "database_memory_usage" => AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage,
+        _ => {
+            let message = format!(
+                "Unrecognized command <code>{}</code>, try <code>help</code> for a list of commands.",
+                command,
+            );
+            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                html_to_markdown(&message),
+                message,
+            ))
+        }
+    };
+    Ok(command)
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 0ba6c9ba..14df8f50 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ mod edus;
 pub use edus::RoomEdus;
 use crate::{
+    database::admin::parse_admin_command,
     pdu::{EventHash, PduBuilder},
-    server_server, utils, Database, Error, PduEvent, Result,
+    utils, Database, Error, PduEvent, Result,
 use lru_cache::LruCache;
 use regex::Regex;
 use ring::digest;
-use rocket::http::RawStr;
 use ruma::{
     api::{client::error::ErrorKind, federation},
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ use ruma::{
             member::{MembershipState, RoomMemberEventContent},
-            message::RoomMessageEventContent,
@@ -40,12 +39,11 @@ use std::{
     sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock},
-    time::Instant,
 use tokio::sync::MutexGuard;
 use tracing::{error, warn};
-use super::{abstraction::Tree, admin::AdminCommand, pusher};
+use super::{abstraction::Tree, pusher};
 /// The unique identifier of each state group.
@@ -1496,216 +1494,8 @@ impl Rooms {
                         let command_line ="each string has at least one line");
                         let body: Vec<_> = lines.collect();
-                        let mut parts = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1);
-                        if let Some(command) = {
-                            let args: Vec<_> = parts.collect();
-                            match command {
-                                "register_appservice" => {
-                                    if body.len() > 2
-                                        && body[0].trim() == "```"
-                                        && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```"
-                                    {
-                                        let appservice_config = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
-                                        let parsed_config = serde_yaml::from_str::<serde_yaml::Value>(
-                                            &appservice_config,
-                                        );
-                                        match parsed_config {
-                                            Ok(yaml) => {
-                                                db.admin
-                                                    .send(AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice(yaml));
-                                            }
-                                            Err(e) => {
-                                                db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                                        "Could not parse appservice config: {}",
-                                                        e
-                                                    )),
-                                                ));
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    } else {
-                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                "Expected code block in command body.",
-                                            ),
-                                        ));
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                "unregister_appservice" => {
-                                    if args.len() == 1 {
-                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(
-                                            args[0].to_owned(),
-                                        ));
-                                    } else {
-                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                "Missing appservice identifier",
-                                            ),
-                                        ));
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                "list_appservices" => {
-                                    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::ListAppservices);
-                                }
-                                "get_auth_chain" => {
-                                    if args.len() == 1 {
-                                        if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse_arc(args[0]) {
-                                            if let Some(event) = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)? {
-                                                let room_id_str = event
-                                                    .get("room_id")
-                                                    .and_then(|val| val.as_str())
-                                                    .ok_or_else(|| {
-                                                        Error::bad_database(
-                                                            "Invalid event in database",
-                                                        )
-                                                    })?;
-                                                let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str)
-                                                    .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database"))?;
-                                                let start = Instant::now();
-                                                let count = server_server::get_auth_chain(
-                                                    room_id,
-                                                    vec![event_id],
-                                                    db,
-                                                )?
-                                                .count();
-                                                let elapsed = start.elapsed();
-                                                db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                                        "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
-                                                        count, elapsed
-                                                    )),
-                                                ));
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                "parse_pdu" => {
-                                    if body.len() > 2
-                                        && body[0].trim() == "```"
-                                        && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```"
-                                    {
-                                        let string = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
-                                        match serde_json::from_str(&string) {
-                                            Ok(value) => {
-                                                let event_id = EventId::parse(format!(
-                                                    "${}",
-                                                    // Anything higher than version3 behaves the same
-                                                    ruma::signatures::reference_hash(
-                                                        &value,
-                                                        &RoomVersionId::V6
-                                                    )
-                                                    .expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes")
-                                                ))
-                                                .expect(
-                                                    "ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids",
-                                                );
-                                                match serde_json::from_value::<PduEvent>(
-                                                    serde_json::to_value(value)
-                                                        .expect("value is json"),
-                                                ) {
-                                                    Ok(pdu) => {
-                                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                                format!(
-                                                                    "EventId: {:?}\n{:#?}",
-                                                                    event_id, pdu
-                                                                ),
-                                                            ),
-                                                        ));
-                                                    }
-                                                    Err(e) => {
-                                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                                format!("EventId: {:?}\nCould not parse event: {}", event_id, e),
-                                                            ),
-                                                        ));
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            Err(e) => {
-                                                db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                                        "Invalid json in command body: {}",
-                                                        e
-                                                    )),
-                                                ));
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    } else {
-                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                "Expected code block in command body.",
-                                            ),
-                                        ));
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                "get_pdu" => {
-                                    if args.len() == 1 {
-                                        if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse(args[0]) {
-                                            let mut outlier = false;
-                                            let mut pdu_json =
-                                                db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
-                                            if pdu_json.is_none() {
-                                                outlier = true;
-                                                pdu_json = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
-                                            }
-                                            match pdu_json {
-                                                Some(json) => {
-                                                    let json_text =
-                                                        serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json)
-                                                            .expect("canonical json is valid json");
-                                                    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                        RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                                                            format!("{}\n```json\n{}\n```",
-                                                            if outlier {
-                                                                "PDU is outlier"
-                                                            } else { "PDU was accepted"}, json_text),
-                                                            format!("<p>{}</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-json\">{}\n</code></pre>\n",
-                                                            if outlier {
-                                                                "PDU is outlier"
-                                                            } else { "PDU was accepted"}, RawStr::new(&json_text).html_escape())
-                                                        ),
-                                                    ));
-                                                }
-                                                None => {
-                                                    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                        RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                            "PDU not found.",
-                                                        ),
-                                                    ));
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                        } else {
-                                            db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                    "Event ID could not be parsed.",
-                                                ),
-                                            ));
-                                        }
-                                    } else {
-                                        db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                                "Usage: get_pdu <eventid>",
-                                            ),
-                                        ));
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                "database_memory_usage" => {
-                                    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage);
-                                }
-                                _ => {
-                                    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                        RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                            "Unrecognized command: {}",
-                                            command
-                                        )),
-                                    ));
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
+                        let command = parse_admin_command(db, command_line, body);
+                        db.admin.send(command);

From e378bc4a2c5590047b42cd4f8e244396125cb428 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 13:53:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Refactor admin commands to use structopt

---        |   8 +-
 Cargo.toml            |   3 +
 src/database/ | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 894bc6f4..257166eb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ First, go into the #admins room of your homeserver. The first person that
 registered on the homeserver automatically joins it. Then send a message into
 the room like this:
- register_appservice
+ register-appservice
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ the room like this:
 You can confirm it worked by sending a message like this:
-` list_appservices`
+` list-appservices`
 The @conduit bot should answer with `Appservices (1): your-bridge`
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ could help.
 To remove an appservice go to your admin room and execute
-``` unregister_appservice <name>```
+``` unregister-appservice <name>```
-where `<name>` one of the output of `list_appservices`.
+where `<name>` one of the output of `list-appservices`.
 ### Tested appservices
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index c87d949c..08afe1f4 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ thread_local = "1.1.3"
 # used for TURN server authentication
 hmac = "0.11.0"
 sha-1 = "0.9.8"
+# used for conduit's CLI and admin room command parsing
+structopt = { version = "0.3.25", default-features = false }
+pulldown-cmark = "0.9.1"
 default = ["conduit_bin", "backend_sqlite", "backend_rocksdb"]
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 518d7587..55724db5 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use crate::{
     server_server, Database, PduEvent,
+use regex::Regex;
 use rocket::{
     futures::{channel::mpsc, stream::StreamExt},
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ use ruma::{
     EventId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, UserId,
 use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
+use structopt::StructOpt;
 use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
 use tracing::warn;
@@ -146,78 +148,98 @@ impl Admin {
 pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -> AdminCommand {
-    let mut parts = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1);
+    let mut argv: Vec<_> = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1).collect();
-    let command_name = match {
-        Some(command) => command,
+    let command_name = match argv.get(0) {
+        Some(command) => *command,
         None => {
-            let message = "No command given. Use <code>help</code> for a list of commands.";
+            let markdown_message = "No command given. Use `help` for a list of commands.";
+            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
             return AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                html_to_markdown(message),
-                message,
+                markdown_message,
+                html_message,
-    let args: Vec<_> = parts.collect();
+    // Backwards compatibility with `register_appservice`-style commands
+    let command_with_dashes;
+    if command_line.contains("_") {
+        command_with_dashes = command_name.replace("_", "-");
+        argv[0] = &command_with_dashes;
+    }
-    match try_parse_admin_command(db, command_name, args, body) {
+    match try_parse_admin_command(db, argv, body) {
         Ok(admin_command) => admin_command,
         Err(error) => {
-            let message = format!(
-                "Encountered error while handling <code>{}</code> command:\n\
-                <pre>{}</pre>",
+            let markdown_message = format!(
+                "Encountered an error while handling the `{}` command:\n\
+                ```\n{}\n```",
                 command_name, error,
+            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
-                html_to_markdown(&message),
-                message,
+                markdown_message,
+                html_message,
-// Helper for `RoomMessageEventContent::text_html`, which needs the content as
-// both markdown and HTML.
-fn html_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
-    text.replace("<p>", "")
-        .replace("</p>", "\n")
-        .replace("<pre>", "```\n")
-        .replace("</pre>", "\n```")
-        .replace("<code>", "`")
-        .replace("</code>", "`")
-        .replace("<li>", "* ")
-        .replace("</li>", "")
-        .replace("<ul>\n", "")
-        .replace("</ul>\n", "")
+enum AdminCommands {
+    #[structopt(verbatim_doc_comment)]
+    /// Register a bridge using its registration YAML
+    ///
+    /// This command needs a YAML generated by an appservice (such as a mautrix
+    /// bridge), which must be provided in a code-block below the command.
+    ///
+    /// Example:
+    /// ````
+    /// register-appservice
+    /// ```
+    /// yaml content here
+    /// ```
+    /// ````
+    RegisterAppservice,
+    /// Unregister a bridge using its ID
+    UnregisterAppservice { appservice_identifier: String },
+    /// List all the currently registered bridges
+    ListAppservices,
+    /// Get the auth_chain of a PDU
+    GetAuthChain { event_id: Box<EventId> },
+    /// Parse and print a PDU from a JSON
+    ParsePdu,
+    /// Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database
+    GetPdu { event_id: Box<EventId> },
+    /// Print database memory usage statistics
+    DatabaseMemoryUsage,
-const HELP_TEXT: &'static str = r#"
-<p>The following commands are available:</p>
-<li><code>register_appservice</code>: Register a bridge using its registration YAML</li>
-<li><code>unregister_appservice</code>: Unregister a bridge using its ID</li>
-<li><code>list_appservices</code>: List all the currently registered bridges</li>
-<li><code>get_auth_chain</code>: Get the `auth_chain` of a PDU</li>
-<li><code>parse_pdu</code>: Parse and print a PDU from a JSON</li>
-<li><code>get_pdu</code>: Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database</li>
-<li><code>database_memory_usage</code>: Print database memory usage statistics</li>
 pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
     db: &Database,
-    command: &str,
-    args: Vec<&str>,
+    mut argv: Vec<&str>,
     body: Vec<&str>,
 ) -> Result<AdminCommand> {
-    let command = match command {
-        "help" => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-            html_to_markdown(HELP_TEXT),
-            HELP_TEXT,
-        )),
-        "register_appservice" => {
+    argv.insert(0, "");
+    let command = match AdminCommands::from_iter_safe(argv) {
+        Ok(command) => command,
+        Err(error) => {
+            println!("Before:\n{}\n", error.to_string());
+            let markdown_message = usage_to_markdown(&error.to_string())
+                .replace("", db.globals.server_name().as_str());
+            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
+            return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(markdown_message, html_message),
+            ));
+        }
+    };
+    let admin_command = match command {
+        AdminCommands::RegisterAppservice => {
             if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
                 let appservice_config = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
                 let parsed_config = serde_yaml::from_str::<serde_yaml::Value>(&appservice_config);
@@ -233,47 +255,35 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
-        "unregister_appservice" => {
-            if args.len() == 1 {
-                AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(args[0].to_owned())
+        AdminCommands::UnregisterAppservice {
+            appservice_identifier,
+        } => AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(appservice_identifier),
+        AdminCommands::ListAppservices => AdminCommand::ListAppservices,
+        AdminCommands::GetAuthChain { event_id } => {
+            let event_id = Arc::<EventId>::from(event_id);
+            if let Some(event) = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)? {
+                let room_id_str = event
+                    .get("room_id")
+                    .and_then(|val| val.as_str())
+                    .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?;
+                let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str).map_err(|_| {
+                    Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database")
+                })?;
+                let start = Instant::now();
+                let count = server_server::get_auth_chain(room_id, vec![event_id], db)?.count();
+                let elapsed = start.elapsed();
+                return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
+                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                        "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
+                        count, elapsed
+                    )),
+                ));
             } else {
-                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                    "Missing appservice identifier",
-                ))
+                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Event not found."))
-        "list_appservices" => AdminCommand::ListAppservices,
-        "get_auth_chain" => {
-            if args.len() == 1 {
-                if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse_arc(args[0]) {
-                    if let Some(event) = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)? {
-                        let room_id_str = event
-                            .get("room_id")
-                            .and_then(|val| val.as_str())
-                            .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?;
-                        let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str).map_err(|_| {
-                            Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database")
-                        })?;
-                        let start = Instant::now();
-                        let count =
-                            server_server::get_auth_chain(room_id, vec![event_id], db)?.count();
-                        let elapsed = start.elapsed();
-                        return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                            RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
-                                count, elapsed
-                            )),
-                        ));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                "Usage: get_auth_chain <event-id>",
-            ))
-        }
-        "parse_pdu" => {
+        AdminCommands::ParsePdu => {
             if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
                 let string = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
                 match serde_json::from_str(&string) {
@@ -312,59 +322,83 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
-        "get_pdu" => {
-            if args.len() == 1 {
-                if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::parse(args[0]) {
-                    let mut outlier = false;
-                    let mut pdu_json = db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
-                    if pdu_json.is_none() {
-                        outlier = true;
-                        pdu_json = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
-                    }
-                    match pdu_json {
-                        Some(json) => {
-                            let json_text = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json)
-                                .expect("canonical json is valid json");
-                            AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                                    format!("{}\n```json\n{}\n```",
-                                    if outlier {
-                                        "PDU is outlier"
-                                    } else { "PDU was accepted"}, json_text),
-                                    format!("<p>{}</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-json\">{}\n</code></pre>\n",
-                                    if outlier {
-                                        "PDU is outlier"
-                                    } else { "PDU was accepted"}, RawStr::new(&json_text).html_escape())
-                                ),
-                            )
-                        }
-                        None => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                            "PDU not found.",
-                        )),
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                        "Event ID could not be parsed.",
+        AdminCommands::GetPdu { event_id } => {
+            let mut outlier = false;
+            let mut pdu_json = db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
+            if pdu_json.is_none() {
+                outlier = true;
+                pdu_json = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
+            }
+            match pdu_json {
+                Some(json) => {
+                    let json_text =
+                        serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json).expect("canonical json is valid json");
+                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                        format!(
+                            "{}\n```json\n{}\n```",
+                            if outlier {
+                                "PDU is outlier"
+                            } else {
+                                "PDU was accepted"
+                            },
+                            json_text
+                        ),
+                        format!(
+                            "<p>{}</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-json\">{}\n</code></pre>\n",
+                            if outlier {
+                                "PDU is outlier"
+                            } else {
+                                "PDU was accepted"
+                            },
+                            RawStr::new(&json_text).html_escape()
+                        ),
-            } else {
-                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                    "Usage: get_pdu <eventid>",
-                ))
+                None => {
+                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("PDU not found."))
+                }
-        "database_memory_usage" => AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage,
-        _ => {
-            let message = format!(
-                "Unrecognized command <code>{}</code>, try <code>help</code> for a list of commands.",
-                command,
-            );
-            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                html_to_markdown(&message),
-                message,
-            ))
-        }
+        AdminCommands::DatabaseMemoryUsage => AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage,
-    Ok(command)
+    Ok(admin_command)
+fn usage_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
+    // For the conduit admin room, subcommands become main commands
+    let text = text.replace("SUBCOMMAND", "COMMAND");
+    let text = text.replace("subcommand", "command");
+    // Put the first line (command name and version text) on its own paragraph
+    let re = Regex::new("^(.*?)\n").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "*$1*\n\n");
+    // Wrap command names in backticks
+    // (?m) enables multi-line mode for ^ and $
+    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^    ([a-z-]+)  +(.*)$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "    `$1`: $2");
+    // Add * to list items
+    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^    (.*)$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "* $1");
+    // Turn section names to headings
+    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^([A-Z-]+):$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "#### $1");
+    text.to_string()
+fn markdown_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
+    // CommonMark's spec allows HTML tags; however, CLI required arguments look
+    // very much like tags so escape them.
+    let text = text.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
+    let mut html_output = String::new();
+    let parser = pulldown_cmark::Parser::new(&text);
+    pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser);
+    html_output

From cc3ef1a8be08b9212a16957062304d7bd5da1111 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:06:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] Improve help text for admin commands

 src/database/ | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index f690bdf4..362ef294 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ impl Admin {
+// Parse chat messages from the admin room into an AdminCommand object
 pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -> AdminCommand {
     let mut argv: Vec<_> = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1).collect();
@@ -191,10 +192,13 @@ pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -
 enum AdminCommands {
-    /// Register a bridge using its registration YAML
+    /// Register an appservice using its registration YAML
-    /// This command needs a YAML generated by an appservice (such as a mautrix
-    /// bridge), which must be provided in a code-block below the command.
+    /// This command needs a YAML generated by an appservice (such as a bridge),
+    /// which must be provided in a Markdown code-block below the command.
+    ///
+    /// Registering a new bridge using the ID of an existing bridge will replace
+    /// the old one.
     /// Example:
     /// ````
@@ -204,16 +208,27 @@ enum AdminCommands {
     /// ```
     /// ````
-    /// Unregister a bridge using its ID
+    /// Unregister an appservice using its ID
+    /// 
+    /// You can find the ID using the `list-appservices` command.
     UnregisterAppservice { appservice_identifier: String },
-    /// List all the currently registered bridges
+    /// List all the currently registered appservices
     /// Get the auth_chain of a PDU
     GetAuthChain { event_id: Box<EventId> },
     /// Parse and print a PDU from a JSON
+    ///
+    /// The PDU event is only checked for validity and is not added to the
+    /// database.
     /// Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database
     GetPdu { event_id: Box<EventId> },
     /// Print database memory usage statistics
@@ -365,6 +380,7 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
+// Utility to turn structopt's `--help` text to markdown.
 fn usage_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
     // For the conduit admin room, subcommands become main commands
     let text = text.replace("SUBCOMMAND", "COMMAND");
@@ -390,6 +406,7 @@ fn usage_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
+// Convert markdown to HTML using the CommonMark flavor
 fn markdown_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
     // CommonMark's spec allows HTML tags; however, CLI required arguments look
     // very much like tags so escape them.

From 57979da28c0af4bc14787575d94308d5762e7dc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 17:34:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] Change structopt to clap, remove markdown dependency

 Cargo.lock            |  75 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 Cargo.toml            |   3 +-
 src/database/ | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 3 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 5be10f14..ae385fe6 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -269,6 +269,33 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "clap"
+version = "3.0.10"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "7a30c3bf9ff12dfe5dae53f0a96e0febcd18420d1c0e7fad77796d9d5c4b5375"
+dependencies = [
+ "bitflags",
+ "clap_derive",
+ "indexmap",
+ "lazy_static",
+ "os_str_bytes",
+ "textwrap",
+name = "clap_derive"
+version = "3.0.6"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "517358c28fcef6607bf6f76108e02afad7e82297d132a6b846dcc1fc3efcd153"
+dependencies = [
+ "heck 0.4.0",
+ "proc-macro-error",
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn",
 name = "color_quant"
 version = "1.1.0"
@@ -281,6 +308,7 @@ version = "0.2.0"
 dependencies = [
  "base64 0.13.0",
+ "clap",
@@ -630,7 +658,7 @@ version = "0.3.3"
 source = "registry+"
 checksum = "7c5f0096a91d210159eceb2ff5e1c4da18388a170e1e3ce948aac9c8fdbbf595"
 dependencies = [
- "heck",
+ "heck 0.3.3",
@@ -902,6 +930,12 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "heck"
+version = "0.4.0"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "2540771e65fc8cb83cd6e8a237f70c319bd5c29f78ed1084ba5d50eeac86f7f9"
 name = "heed"
 version = "0.10.6"
@@ -1570,6 +1604,15 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "os_str_bytes"
+version = "6.0.0"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "8e22443d1643a904602595ba1cd8f7d896afe56d26712531c5ff73a15b2fbf64"
+dependencies = [
+ "memchr",
 name = "page_size"
 version = "0.4.2"
@@ -1728,6 +1771,30 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "proc-macro-error"
+version = "1.0.4"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "da25490ff9892aab3fcf7c36f08cfb902dd3e71ca0f9f9517bea02a73a5ce38c"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro-error-attr",
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn",
+ "version_check",
+name = "proc-macro-error-attr"
+version = "1.0.4"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "a1be40180e52ecc98ad80b184934baf3d0d29f979574e439af5a55274b35f869"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "version_check",
 name = "proc-macro-hack"
 version = "0.5.19"
@@ -2863,6 +2930,12 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "textwrap"
+version = "0.14.2"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "0066c8d12af8b5acd21e00547c3797fde4e8677254a7ee429176ccebbe93dd80"
 name = "thiserror"
 version = "1.0.30"
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 9a2d2fdb..3f8677d6 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ thread_local = "1.1.3"
 hmac = "0.11.0"
 sha-1 = "0.9.8"
 # used for conduit's CLI and admin room command parsing
-structopt = { version = "0.3.25", default-features = false }
-pulldown-cmark = "0.9.1"
+clap = { version = "3.0.10", default-features = false, features = ["std", "derive"] }
 default = ["conduit_bin", "backend_sqlite", "backend_rocksdb"]
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 362ef294..59b8acdf 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use crate::{
     server_server, Database, PduEvent,
+use clap::Parser;
 use regex::Regex;
 use rocket::{
     futures::{channel::mpsc, stream::StreamExt},
@@ -15,7 +16,6 @@ use ruma::{
     EventId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, UserId,
 use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
-use structopt::StructOpt;
 use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
 use tracing::warn;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -
         Some(command) => *command,
         None => {
             let markdown_message = "No command given. Use `help` for a list of commands.";
-            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
+            let html_message = "No command given. Use <code>help</code> for a list of commands.";
             return AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
@@ -164,10 +164,17 @@ pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -
+    // Replace `help command` with `command --help`
+    // Clap has a help subcommand, but it omits the long help description.
+    if argv[0] == "help" {
+        argv.remove(0);
+        argv.push("--help");
+    }
     // Backwards compatibility with `register_appservice`-style commands
     let command_with_dashes;
-    if command_line.contains("_") {
-        command_with_dashes = command_name.replace("_", "-");
+    if argv[0].contains("_") {
+        command_with_dashes = argv[0].replace("_", "-");
         argv[0] = &command_with_dashes;
@@ -179,7 +186,11 @@ pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -
                 command_name, error,
-            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
+            let html_message = format!(
+                "Encountered an error while handling the <code>{}</code> command:\n\
+                <pre>\n{}\n</pre>",
+                command_name, error,
+            );
@@ -189,9 +200,10 @@ pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -
+#[clap(name = "", version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))]
 enum AdminCommands {
-    #[structopt(verbatim_doc_comment)]
+    #[clap(verbatim_doc_comment)]
     /// Register an appservice using its registration YAML
     /// This command needs a YAML generated by an appservice (such as a bridge),
@@ -200,25 +212,25 @@ enum AdminCommands {
     /// Registering a new bridge using the ID of an existing bridge will replace
     /// the old one.
-    /// Example:
-    /// ````
-    /// register-appservice
-    /// ```
-    /// yaml content here
-    /// ```
-    /// ````
+    /// [add-yaml-block-to-usage]
     /// Unregister an appservice using its ID
-    /// 
+    ///
     /// You can find the ID using the `list-appservices` command.
-    UnregisterAppservice { appservice_identifier: String },
+    UnregisterAppservice {
+        /// The appservice to unregister
+        appservice_identifier: String,
+    },
     /// List all the currently registered appservices
     /// Get the auth_chain of a PDU
-    GetAuthChain { event_id: Box<EventId> },
+    GetAuthChain {
+        /// An event ID (the $ character followed by the base64 reference hash)
+        event_id: Box<EventId>,
+    },
     /// Parse and print a PDU from a JSON
@@ -227,7 +239,10 @@ enum AdminCommands {
     /// Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database
-    GetPdu { event_id: Box<EventId> },
+    GetPdu {
+        /// An event ID (a $ followed by the base64 reference hash)
+        event_id: Box<EventId>,
+    },
     /// Print database memory usage statistics
@@ -239,16 +254,16 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
     body: Vec<&str>,
 ) -> Result<AdminCommand> {
     argv.insert(0, "");
-    let command = match AdminCommands::from_iter_safe(argv) {
+    let command = match AdminCommands::try_parse_from(argv) {
         Ok(command) => command,
         Err(error) => {
-            println!("Before:\n{}\n", error.to_string());
-            let markdown_message = usage_to_markdown(&error.to_string())
+            let message = error
+                .to_string()
                 .replace("", db.globals.server_name().as_str());
-            let html_message = markdown_to_html(&markdown_message);
+            let html_message = usage_to_html(&message);
             return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(markdown_message, html_message),
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(message, html_message),
@@ -380,42 +395,58 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
-// Utility to turn structopt's `--help` text to markdown.
-fn usage_to_markdown(text: &str) -> String {
+// Utility to turn clap's `--help` text to HTML.
+fn usage_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
     // For the conduit admin room, subcommands become main commands
     let text = text.replace("SUBCOMMAND", "COMMAND");
     let text = text.replace("subcommand", "command");
-    // Put the first line (command name and version text) on its own paragraph
+    // Escape option names (e.g. `<element-id>`) since they look like HTML tags
+    let text = text.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
+    // Italicize the first line (command name and version text)
     let re = Regex::new("^(.*?)\n").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "*$1*\n\n");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "<em>$1</em>\n");
-    // Wrap command names in backticks
+    // Unmerge wrapped lines
+    let text = text.replace("\n            ", "  ");
+    // Wrap option names in backticks. The lines look like:
+    //     -V, --version  Prints version information
+    // And are converted to:
+    // <code>-V, --version</code>: Prints version information
     // (?m) enables multi-line mode for ^ and $
-    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^    ([a-z-]+)  +(.*)$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "    `$1`: $2");
+    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^    (([a-zA-Z_&;-]+(, )?)+)  +(.*)$")
+        .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "<code>$1</code>: $4");
-    // Add * to list items
-    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^    (.*)$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "* $1");
+    // // Enclose examples in code blocks
+    // // (?ms) enables multi-line mode and dot-matches-all
+    // let re =
+    //     Regex::new("(?ms)^Example:\n(.*?)\nUSAGE:$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+    // let text = re.replace_all(&text, "EXAMPLE:\n<pre>$1</pre>\nUSAGE:");
-    // Turn section names to headings
-    let re = Regex::new("(?m)^([A-Z-]+):$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-    let text = re.replace_all(&text, "#### $1");
+    let has_yaml_block_marker = text.contains("\n[add-yaml-block-to-usage]\n");
+    let text = text.replace("\n[add-yaml-block-to-usage]\n", "");
+    // Add HTML line-breaks
+    let text = text.replace("\n", "<br>\n");
+    let text = if !has_yaml_block_marker {
+        // Wrap the usage line in code tags
+        let re = Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:<br>\n    (@conduit:.*)<br>$")
+            .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+        re.replace_all(&text, "USAGE:<br>\n<code>$1</code><br>")
+    } else {
+        // Wrap the usage line in a code block, and add a yaml block example
+        // This makes the usage of e.g. `register-appservice` more accurate
+        let re = Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:<br>\n    (.*?)<br>\n<br>\n")
+            .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+        re.replace_all(
+            &text,
+            "USAGE:<br>\n<pre>$1\n```\nyaml content here\n```</pre>",
+        )
+    };
-// Convert markdown to HTML using the CommonMark flavor
-fn markdown_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
-    // CommonMark's spec allows HTML tags; however, CLI required arguments look
-    // very much like tags so escape them.
-    let text = text.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
-    let mut html_output = String::new();
-    let parser = pulldown_cmark::Parser::new(&text);
-    pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser);
-    html_output

From 677f044d13985f794afecdb0bbf62fbab3a52dec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2022 23:15:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Refactor admin code to always defer command processing

 src/client_server/ |  12 +-
 src/database/       | 304 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/database/       |   8 +-
 3 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/client_server/ b/src/client_server/
index ae069849..032e446c 100644
--- a/src/client_server/
+++ b/src/client_server/
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-use crate::{
-    database::{admin::AdminCommand, DatabaseGuard},
-    ConduitResult, Error, Ruma,
+use crate::{database::DatabaseGuard, ConduitResult, Error, Ruma};
 use ruma::{
     api::client::{error::ErrorKind, r0::room::report_content},
@@ -50,8 +47,8 @@ pub async fn report_event_route(
-    db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-        message::RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+    db.admin
+        .send_message(message::RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
                 "Report received from: {}\n\n\
                 Event ID: {}\n\
@@ -75,8 +72,7 @@ pub async fn report_event_route(
-        ),
-    ));
+        ));
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index dbd20e44..ea08f65a 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -19,25 +19,21 @@ use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
 use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
 use tracing::warn;
-pub enum AdminCommand {
-    RegisterAppservice(serde_yaml::Value),
-    UnregisterAppservice(String),
-    ListAppservices,
-    ListLocalUsers,
-    ShowMemoryUsage,
+pub enum AdminRoomEvent {
+    ProcessMessage(String),
 pub struct Admin {
-    pub sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<AdminCommand>,
+    pub sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<AdminRoomEvent>,
 impl Admin {
     pub fn start_handler(
         db: Arc<RwLock<Database>>,
-        mut receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<AdminCommand>,
+        mut receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<AdminRoomEvent>,
     ) {
         tokio::spawn(async move {
             // TODO: Use futures when we have long admin commands
@@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ impl Admin {
                         .expect("#admins:server_name is a valid room alias"),
-                .unwrap();
+                .expect("Admin room must exist");
             let conduit_room = match conduit_room {
                 None => {
@@ -105,46 +101,13 @@ impl Admin {
                         let state_lock = mutex_state.lock().await;
                         match event {
-                            AdminCommand::ListLocalUsers => {
-                                match guard.users.list_local_users() {
-                                    Ok(users) => {
-                                        let mut msg: String = format!("Found {} local user account(s):\n", users.len());
-                                        msg += &users.join("\n");
-                                        send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(&msg), guard, &state_lock);
-                                    }
-                                    Err(e) => {
-                                        send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(e.to_string()), guard, &state_lock);
-                                    }
-                                }
+                            AdminRoomEvent::SendMessage(content) => {
+                                send_message(content, guard, &state_lock);
-                            AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice(yaml) => {
-                                guard.appservice.register_appservice(yaml).unwrap(); // TODO handle error
-                            }
-                            AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(service_name) => {
-                                guard.appservice.unregister_appservice(&service_name).unwrap(); // TODO: see above
-                            }
-                            AdminCommand::ListAppservices => {
-                                if let Ok(appservices) = guard.appservice.iter_ids().map(|ids| ids.collect::<Vec<_>>()) {
-                                    let count = appservices.len();
-                                    let output = format!(
-                                        "Appservices ({}): {}",
-                                        count,
-                                        appservices.into_iter().filter_map(|r| r.ok()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
-                                    );
-                                    send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(output), guard, &state_lock);
-                                } else {
-                                    send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Failed to get appservices."), guard, &state_lock);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage => {
-                                if let Ok(response) = guard._db.memory_usage() {
-                                    send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(response), guard, &state_lock);
-                                } else {
-                                    send_message(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Failed to get database memory usage.".to_owned()), guard, &state_lock);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            AdminCommand::SendMessage(message) => {
-                                send_message(message, guard, &state_lock);
+                            AdminRoomEvent::ProcessMessage(room_message) => {
+                                let reply_message = process_admin_message(&*guard, room_message);
+                                send_message(reply_message, guard, &state_lock);
@@ -155,67 +118,81 @@ impl Admin {
-    pub fn send(&self, command: AdminCommand) {
-        self.sender.unbounded_send(command).unwrap();
+    pub fn process_message(&self, room_message: String) {
+        self.sender
+            .unbounded_send(AdminRoomEvent::ProcessMessage(room_message))
+            .unwrap();
+    }
+    pub fn send_message(&self, message_content: RoomMessageEventContent) {
+        self.sender
+            .unbounded_send(AdminRoomEvent::SendMessage(message_content))
+            .unwrap();
+    }
+// Parse and process a message from the admin room
+pub fn process_admin_message(db: &Database, room_message: String) -> RoomMessageEventContent {
+    let mut lines = room_message.lines();
+    let command_line ="each string has at least one line");
+    let body: Vec<_> = lines.collect();
+    let admin_command = match parse_admin_command(&command_line) {
+        Ok(command) => command,
+        Err(error) => {
+            let message = error
+                .to_string()
+                .replace("", db.globals.server_name().as_str());
+            let html_message = usage_to_html(&message);
+            return RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(message, html_message);
+        }
+    };
+    match process_admin_command(db, admin_command, body) {
+        Ok(reply_message) => reply_message,
+        Err(error) => {
+            let markdown_message = format!(
+                "Encountered an error while handling the command:\n\
+                ```\n{}\n```",
+                error,
+            );
+            let html_message = format!(
+                "Encountered an error while handling the command:\n\
+                <pre>\n{}\n</pre>",
+                error,
+            );
+            RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(markdown_message, html_message)
+        }
 // Parse chat messages from the admin room into an AdminCommand object
-pub fn parse_admin_command(db: &Database, command_line: &str, body: Vec<&str>) -> AdminCommand {
-    let mut argv: Vec<_> = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1).collect();
-    let command_name = match argv.get(0) {
-        Some(command) => *command,
-        None => {
-            let markdown_message = "No command given. Use `help` for a list of commands.";
-            let html_message = "No command given. Use <code>help</code> for a list of commands.";
-            return AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                markdown_message,
-                html_message,
-            ));
-        }
-    };
+fn parse_admin_command(command_line: &str) -> std::result::Result<AdminCommand, String> {
+    // Note: argv[0] is `@conduit:servername:`, which is treated as the main command
+    let mut argv: Vec<_> = command_line.split_whitespace().collect();
     // Replace `help command` with `command --help`
     // Clap has a help subcommand, but it omits the long help description.
-    if argv[0] == "help" {
-        argv.remove(0);
+    if argv.len() > 1 && argv[1] == "help" {
+        argv.remove(1);
     // Backwards compatibility with `register_appservice`-style commands
     let command_with_dashes;
-    if argv[0].contains("_") {
-        command_with_dashes = argv[0].replace("_", "-");
-        argv[0] = &command_with_dashes;
+    if argv.len() > 1 && argv[1].contains("_") {
+        command_with_dashes = argv[1].replace("_", "-");
+        argv[1] = &command_with_dashes;
-    match try_parse_admin_command(db, argv, body) {
-        Ok(admin_command) => admin_command,
-        Err(error) => {
-            let markdown_message = format!(
-                "Encountered an error while handling the `{}` command:\n\
-                ```\n{}\n```",
-                command_name, error,
-            );
-            let html_message = format!(
-                "Encountered an error while handling the <code>{}</code> command:\n\
-                <pre>\n{}\n</pre>",
-                command_name, error,
-            );
-            AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
-                markdown_message,
-                html_message,
-            ))
-        }
-    }
+    AdminCommand::try_parse_from(argv).map_err(|error| error.to_string())
 #[clap(name = "", version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))]
-enum AdminCommands {
+enum AdminCommand {
     /// Register an appservice using its registration YAML
@@ -264,49 +241,70 @@ enum AdminCommands {
-pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
+fn process_admin_command(
     db: &Database,
-    mut argv: Vec<&str>,
+    command: AdminCommand,
     body: Vec<&str>,
-) -> Result<AdminCommand> {
-    argv.insert(0, "");
-    let command = match AdminCommands::try_parse_from(argv) {
-        Ok(command) => command,
-        Err(error) => {
-            let message = error
-                .to_string()
-                .replace("", db.globals.server_name().as_str());
-            let html_message = usage_to_html(&message);
-            return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(message, html_message),
-            ));
-        }
-    };
-    let admin_command = match command {
-        AdminCommands::RegisterAppservice => {
+) -> Result<RoomMessageEventContent> {
+    let reply_message_content = match command {
+        AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice => {
             if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
                 let appservice_config = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
                 let parsed_config = serde_yaml::from_str::<serde_yaml::Value>(&appservice_config);
                 match parsed_config {
-                    Ok(yaml) => AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice(yaml),
-                    Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                        format!("Could not parse appservice config: {}", e),
+                    Ok(yaml) => match db.appservice.register_appservice(yaml) {
+                        Ok(()) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Appservice registered."),
+                        Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                            "Failed to register appservice: {}",
+                            e
+                        )),
+                    },
+                    Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                        "Could not parse appservice config: {}",
+                        e
             } else {
-                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                    "Expected code block in command body.",
-                ))
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+                    "Expected code block in command body. Add --help for details.",
+                )
-        AdminCommands::UnregisterAppservice {
+        AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice {
-        } => AdminCommand::UnregisterAppservice(appservice_identifier),
-        AdminCommands::ListAppservices => AdminCommand::ListAppservices,
-        AdminCommands::ListLocalUsers => AdminCommand::ListLocalUsers,
-        AdminCommands::GetAuthChain { event_id } => {
+        } => match db.appservice.unregister_appservice(&appservice_identifier) {
+            Ok(()) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Appservice unregistered."),
+            Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                "Failed to unregister appservice: {}",
+                e
+            )),
+        },
+        AdminCommand::ListAppservices => {
+            if let Ok(appservices) = db.appservice.iter_ids().map(|ids| ids.collect::<Vec<_>>()) {
+                let count = appservices.len();
+                let output = format!(
+                    "Appservices ({}): {}",
+                    count,
+                    appservices
+                        .into_iter()
+                        .filter_map(|r| r.ok())
+                        .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                        .join(", ")
+                );
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(output)
+            } else {
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Failed to get appservices.")
+            }
+        }
+        AdminCommand::ListLocalUsers => match db.users.list_local_users() {
+            Ok(users) => {
+                let mut msg: String = format!("Found {} local user account(s):\n", users.len());
+                msg += &users.join("\n");
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(&msg)
+            }
+            Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(e.to_string()),
+        },
+        AdminCommand::GetAuthChain { event_id } => {
             let event_id = Arc::<EventId>::from(event_id);
             if let Some(event) = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)? {
                 let room_id_str = event
@@ -320,17 +318,15 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
                 let start = Instant::now();
                 let count = server_server::get_auth_chain(room_id, vec![event_id], db)?.count();
                 let elapsed = start.elapsed();
-                return Ok(AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                        "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
-                        count, elapsed
-                    )),
-                ));
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                    "Loaded auth chain with length {} in {:?}",
+                    count, elapsed
+                ))
             } else {
-                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Event not found."))
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Event not found.")
-        AdminCommands::ParsePdu => {
+        AdminCommand::ParsePdu => {
             if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
                 let string = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n");
                 match serde_json::from_str(&string) {
@@ -346,30 +342,26 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
                         match serde_json::from_value::<PduEvent>(
                             serde_json::to_value(value).expect("value is json"),
                         ) {
-                            Ok(pdu) => {
-                                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                                    format!("EventId: {:?}\n{:#?}", event_id, pdu),
-                                ))
-                            }
-                            Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(
-                                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-                                    "EventId: {:?}\nCould not parse event: {}",
-                                    event_id, e
-                                )),
-                            ),
+                            Ok(pdu) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                                "EventId: {:?}\n{:#?}",
+                                event_id, pdu
+                            )),
+                            Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                                "EventId: {:?}\nCould not parse event: {}",
+                                event_id, e
+                            )),
-                    Err(e) => AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                        format!("Invalid json in command body: {}", e),
+                    Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                        "Invalid json in command body: {}",
+                        e
             } else {
-                AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-                    "Expected code block in command body.",
-                ))
+                RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Expected code block in command body.")
-        AdminCommands::GetPdu { event_id } => {
+        AdminCommand::GetPdu { event_id } => {
             let mut outlier = false;
             let mut pdu_json = db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?;
             if pdu_json.is_none() {
@@ -380,7 +372,7 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
                 Some(json) => {
                     let json_text =
                         serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json).expect("canonical json is valid json");
-                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
+                    RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(
                             if outlier {
@@ -399,17 +391,21 @@ pub fn try_parse_admin_command(
-                    ))
-                }
-                None => {
-                    AdminCommand::SendMessage(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("PDU not found."))
+                    )
+                None => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("PDU not found."),
-        AdminCommands::DatabaseMemoryUsage => AdminCommand::ShowMemoryUsage,
+        AdminCommand::DatabaseMemoryUsage => match db._db.memory_usage() {
+            Ok(response) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(response),
+            Err(e) => RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+                "Failed to get database memory usage: {}",
+                e
+            )),
+        },
-    Ok(admin_command)
+    Ok(reply_message_content)
 // Utility to turn clap's `--help` text to HTML.
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 1f4566fe..2303b0dd 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ mod edus;
 pub use edus::RoomEdus;
 use crate::{
-    database::admin::parse_admin_command,
     pdu::{EventHash, PduBuilder},
     utils, Database, Error, PduEvent, Result,
@@ -1490,12 +1489,7 @@ impl Rooms {
                             == Some(&pdu.room_id)
-                        let mut lines = body.lines();
-                        let command_line ="each string has at least one line");
-                        let body: Vec<_> = lines.collect();
-                        let command = parse_admin_command(db, command_line, body);
-                        db.admin.send(command);
+                        db.admin.process_message(body.to_string());

From 87225e70c3441c9ddd96d9fe0c4dd4e5a2c1289e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 21:35:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] Parse admin command body templates from doc comments

 src/database/ | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index ea08f65a..c7150493 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ impl Admin {
 // Parse and process a message from the admin room
-pub fn process_admin_message(db: &Database, room_message: String) -> RoomMessageEventContent {
+fn process_admin_message(db: &Database, room_message: String) -> RoomMessageEventContent {
     let mut lines = room_message.lines();
     let command_line ="each string has at least one line");
     let body: Vec<_> = lines.collect();
@@ -202,7 +202,10 @@ enum AdminCommand {
     /// Registering a new bridge using the ID of an existing bridge will replace
     /// the old one.
-    /// [add-yaml-block-to-usage]
+    /// [commandbody]
+    /// # ```
+    /// # yaml content here
+    /// # ```
     /// Unregister an appservice using its ID
@@ -225,10 +228,16 @@ enum AdminCommand {
         event_id: Box<EventId>,
+    #[clap(verbatim_doc_comment)]
     /// Parse and print a PDU from a JSON
     /// The PDU event is only checked for validity and is not added to the
     /// database.
+    ///
+    /// [commandbody]
+    /// # ```
+    /// # PDU json content here
+    /// # ```
     /// Retrieve and print a PDU by ID from the Conduit database
@@ -433,33 +442,51 @@ fn usage_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
         .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
     let text = re.replace_all(&text, "<code>$1</code>: $4");
-    // // Enclose examples in code blocks
-    // // (?ms) enables multi-line mode and dot-matches-all
-    // let re =
-    //     Regex::new("(?ms)^Example:\n(.*?)\nUSAGE:$").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-    // let text = re.replace_all(&text, "EXAMPLE:\n<pre>$1</pre>\nUSAGE:");
+    // Look for a `[commandbody]` tag. If it exists, use all lines below it that
+    // start with a `#` in the USAGE section.
+    let mut text_lines: Vec<&str> = text.lines().collect();
+    let mut command_body = String::new();
-    let has_yaml_block_marker = text.contains("\n[add-yaml-block-to-usage]\n");
-    let text = text.replace("\n[add-yaml-block-to-usage]\n", "");
+    if let Some(line_index) = text_lines.iter().position(|line| *line == "[commandbody]") {
+        text_lines.remove(line_index);
-    // Add HTML line-breaks
-    let text = text.replace("\n", "<br>\n");
+        while text_lines
+            .get(line_index)
+            .map(|line| line.starts_with("#"))
+            .unwrap_or(false)
+        {
+            command_body += if text_lines[line_index].starts_with("# ") {
+                &text_lines[line_index][2..]
+            } else {
+                &text_lines[line_index][1..]
+            };
+            command_body += "[nobr]\n";
+            text_lines.remove(line_index);
+        }
+    }
-    let text = if !has_yaml_block_marker {
+    let text = text_lines.join("\n");
+    // Improve the usage section
+    let text = if command_body.is_empty() {
         // Wrap the usage line in code tags
-        let re = Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:<br>\n    (@conduit:.*)<br>$")
+        let re = Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:\n    (@conduit:.*)$")
             .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-        re.replace_all(&text, "USAGE:<br>\n<code>$1</code><br>")
+        re.replace_all(&text, "USAGE:\n<code>$1</code>").to_string()
     } else {
         // Wrap the usage line in a code block, and add a yaml block example
         // This makes the usage of e.g. `register-appservice` more accurate
-        let re = Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:<br>\n    (.*?)<br>\n<br>\n")
-            .expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
-        re.replace_all(
-            &text,
-            "USAGE:<br>\n<pre>$1\n```\nyaml content here\n```</pre>",
-        )
+        let re =
+            Regex::new("(?m)^USAGE:\n    (.*?)\n\n").expect("Regex compilation should not fail");
+        re.replace_all(&text, "USAGE:\n<pre>$1[nobr]\n[commandbodyblock]</pre>")
+            .replace("[commandbodyblock]", &command_body)
-    text.to_string()
+    // Add HTML line-breaks
+    let text = text
+        .replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")
+        .replace("\n", "<br>\n")
+        .replace("[nobr]<br>", "");
+    text

From 6399a7fe4e07f9992ac8ca0412dc48c87d4d0456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Vasiliu <>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 20:21:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Remove dash from admin command help

 src/database/ | 17 ++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 8f90e4d5..34bef5f5 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use rocket::{
 use ruma::{
     events::{room::message::RoomMessageEventContent, EventType},
-    EventId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, UserId,
+    EventId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, ServerName, UserId,
 use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
 use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
@@ -140,10 +140,11 @@ fn process_admin_message(db: &Database, room_message: String) -> RoomMessageEven
     let admin_command = match parse_admin_command(&command_line) {
         Ok(command) => command,
         Err(error) => {
+            let server_name = db.globals.server_name();
             let message = error
-                .replace("", db.globals.server_name().as_str());
-            let html_message = usage_to_html(&message);
+                .replace("", server_name.as_str());
+            let html_message = usage_to_html(&message, server_name);
             return RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(message, html_message);
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ fn parse_admin_command(command_line: &str) -> std::result::Result<AdminCommand,
-#[clap(name = "", version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))]
+#[clap(name = "", version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))]
 enum AdminCommand {
     /// Register an appservice using its registration YAML
@@ -421,7 +422,13 @@ fn process_admin_command(
 // Utility to turn clap's `--help` text to HTML.
-fn usage_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
+fn usage_to_html(text: &str, server_name: &ServerName) -> String {
+    // Replace `@conduit:servername:-subcmdname` with `@conduit:servername: subcmdname`
+    let text = text.replace(
+        &format!("@conduit:{}:-", server_name),
+        &format!("@conduit:{}: ", server_name),
+    );
     // For the conduit admin room, subcommands become main commands
     let text = text.replace("SUBCOMMAND", "COMMAND");
     let text = text.replace("subcommand", "command");