From 2babff1e418d9c82d187f7c016d7e33ef00a3d2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Zohren <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 08:23:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] CI: Test registration with element web

 .gitlab-ci.yml                                |  31 +++++-
 .../test-element-web-registration.js          | 101 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test-config.toml                        |  15 +++
 3 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/client-element-web/test-element-web-registration.js
 create mode 100644 tests/test-config.toml

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 92da543b..cb7385ac 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  - test
   - build
+  - test
   - upload artifacts
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ variables:
   stage: "test"
   needs: []
@@ -34,6 +32,31 @@ test:cargo:
     - cargo test --workspace --verbose --locked
     - cargo clippy
+  stage: "test"
+  needs:
+    - "build:cargo:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+  image: "buildkite/puppeteer:latest"
+  tags: ["docker"]
+  interruptible: true
+  script:
+    - "CONDUIT_CONFIG=tests/test-config.toml ./conduit-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu > conduit.log &"
+    - "cd tests/client-element-web/"
+    - "npm install puppeteer"
+    - "node test-element-web-registration.js \"\" \"http://localhost:6167\""
+    - "killall --regexp \"conduit\""
+    - "cd ../.."
+    - "cat conduit.log"
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - "tests/client-element-web/*.png"
+      - "*.log"
+    expire_in: 1 week
+    when: always
+  retry: 1
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
 #  Cargo: Compiling for different architectures                         #
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
@@ -76,6 +99,8 @@ build:cargo:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu:
   extends: .build-cargo-shared-settings
     TARGET: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+  rules:
+    - if: "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH"
   extends: .build-cargo-shared-settings
diff --git a/tests/client-element-web/test-element-web-registration.js b/tests/client-element-web/test-element-web-registration.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f2e7f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/client-element-web/test-element-web-registration.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
+run().then(() => console.log('Done')).catch(error => {
+    console.error("Registration test failed.");
+    console.error("There might be a screenshot of the failure in the artifacts.\n");
+    console.error(error);
+    process.exit(111);
+async function run() {
+    const elementUrl = process.argv[process.argv.length - 2];
+    console.debug("Testing registration with ElementWeb hosted at "+ elementUrl);
+    const homeserverUrl = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1];
+    console.debug("Homeserver url: "+ homeserverUrl);
+    const username = "testuser" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000));
+    const password = "testpassword" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000));
+    console.debug("Testuser for this run:\n  User: " + username + "\n  Password: " + password);
+    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
+        headless: true, args: [
+            "--no-sandbox"
+        ]
+    });
+    const page = await browser.newPage();
+    await page.goto(elementUrl);
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '01-element-web-opened.png' });
+    console.debug("Click [Create Account] button");
+    await page.waitForSelector('a.mx_ButtonCreateAccount');
+    await'a.mx_ButtonCreateAccount');
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '02-clicked-create-account-button.png' });
+    // The webapp should have loaded right now, if anything takes more than 5 seconds, something probably broke
+    page.setDefaultTimeout(5000);
+    console.debug("Click [Edit] to switch homeserver");
+    await page.waitForSelector('div.mx_ServerPicker_change');
+    await'div.mx_ServerPicker_change');
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '03-clicked-edit-homeserver-button.png' });
+    console.debug("Type in local homeserver url");
+    await page.waitForSelector('input#mx_homeserverInput');
+    await'input#mx_homeserverInput');
+    await'input#mx_homeserverInput');
+    await page.keyboard.type(homeserverUrl);
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '04-typed-in-homeserver.png' });
+    console.debug("[Continue] with changed homeserver");
+    await page.waitForSelector("div.mx_ServerPickerDialog_continue");
+    await'div.mx_ServerPickerDialog_continue');
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '05-back-to-enter-user-credentials.png' });
+    console.debug("Type in username");
+    await page.waitForSelector("input#mx_RegistrationForm_username");
+    await'input#mx_RegistrationForm_username');
+    await page.keyboard.type(username);
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '06-typed-in-username.png' });
+    console.debug("Type in password");
+    await page.waitForSelector("input#mx_RegistrationForm_password");
+    await'input#mx_RegistrationForm_password');
+    await page.keyboard.type(password);
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '07-typed-in-password-once.png' });
+    console.debug("Type in password again");
+    await page.waitForSelector("input#mx_RegistrationForm_passwordConfirm");
+    await'input#mx_RegistrationForm_passwordConfirm');
+    await page.keyboard.type(password);
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '08-typed-in-password-twice.png' });
+    console.debug("Click on [Register] to finish the account creation");
+    await page.waitForSelector("input.mx_Login_submit");
+    await'input.mx_Login_submit');
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '09-clicked-on-register-button.png' });
+    // Waiting for the app to login can take some time, so be patient.
+    page.setDefaultTimeout(10000);
+    console.debug("Wait for chat window to show up");
+    await page.waitForSelector("div.mx_HomePage_default_buttons");
+    console.debug("Apparently the registration worked.");
+    await page.screenshot({ path: '10-logged-in-homescreen.png' });
+    // Close the browser and exit the script
+    await browser.close();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test-config.toml b/tests/test-config.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4666878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Server runs in same container as tests do, so localhost is fine
+server_name = "localhost"
+# With a bit of luck /tmp is a RAM disk, so that the file system does not become the bottleneck while testing
+database_path = "/tmp"
+# All the other settings are left at their defaults:
+port = 6167
+max_request_size = 20_000_000
+allow_registration = true
+trusted_servers = [""]
+address = ""
+proxy = "none"
\ No newline at end of file