- Default value: _None, you will need to choose your own._
The server_name is the name of this server. It is used as a suffix for user and room ids.
Example: If you set it to `conduit.rs`, your usernames will look like `@somebody:conduit.rs`.
The Conduit server needs to be reachable at https://your.server.name/ on port 443 (client-server) and 8448 (server-server) OR you can create /.well-known files to redirect requests.
See the [Client-Server specs](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#get-well-known-matrix-client) and the [Server-Server specs](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/server_server/r0.1.4#get-well-known-matrix-server) for more information.
### Database Path
- Config file key: `database_path`
- Envirnoment variable: `CONDUIT_DATABASE_PATH`
- Default value: _None, but many people like to use `/var/lib/conduit/`_.
A directory where Conduit stores its database and media files.
This directory must exist, have enough free space and be readable and writable by the user Conduit is running as.
What does _enough free space_ mean? It heavily on the amount of messages your Conduit server will see and the
amount and size of media files users on your Conduit server send.
As a rule of thumb, you should have at least 10 GB of free space left.
You should be comfortable for quite some time with 50 GB.
### TCP Port
- Config file key: `port`
- Environment variable: `CONDUIT_PORT`
- Default value: _None, but many people like to use `6167`_.
The TCP port Conduit will listen on for connections. The port needs to be free (no other program is listeing on it).
Conduit does currently (2021-09) not offer HTTPS by itself. Only unencrypted HTTP requests will be accepted on this port.
Unless you know what you are doing, this port should not be exposed to the internet.
Instead, use a reverse proxy capable of doing TLS to offer your Conduit server to the internet via HTTPS.
See [TODO] for example configurations.
## Optional configuration options
These config options come with defaults and don't need to be configured for Conduit to run.
That said, you should still check them to make sure that your Conduit server behaves like you want it to do.
| `max_concurrent_requests` | `CONDUIT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS` | `100` | How many requests Conduit sends to other servers at the same time. |
| `log` | `CONDUIT_LOG` | `info,state_res=warn,rocket=off,_=off,sled=off` | Configures which kind of messages Conduit logs. |
| `workers` | `CONDUIT_WORKERS` | cpu core count * 2 | How many worker processes are used. |
| `address` | `CONDUIT_ADDRESS` | `` | Which IP address conduit is listening on. means that Conduit can only be accessed from the same server or through a reverse proxy on that server. |
| `db_cache_capacity_mb` | `CONDUIT_DB_CACHE_CAPACITY_MB` | `200` | The total amount of memory that the database will use. (this needs clearification: In RAM or on disk and for what exactly?) |