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package caddytls
import (
// Config describes how TLS should be configured and used.
type Config struct {
// The hostname or class of hostnames this config is
// designated for; can contain wildcard characters
// according to RFC 6125 §6.4.3 - this field MUST
// be set in order for things to work as expected
Hostname string
// Whether TLS is enabled
Enabled bool
// Minimum and maximum protocol versions to allow
ProtocolMinVersion uint16
ProtocolMaxVersion uint16
// The list of cipher suites; first should be
// TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV to prevent degrade attacks
Ciphers []uint16
// Whether to prefer server cipher suites
PreferServerCipherSuites bool
// Client authentication policy
ClientAuth tls.ClientAuthType
// List of client CA certificates to allow, if
// client authentication is enabled
ClientCerts []string
// Manual means user provides own certs and keys
Manual bool
// Managed means config qualifies for implicit,
// automatic, managed TLS; as opposed to the user
// providing and managing the certificate manually
Managed bool
// OnDemand means the class of hostnames this
// config applies to may obtain and manage
// certificates at handshake-time (as opposed
// to pre-loaded at startup); OnDemand certs
// will be managed the same way as preloaded
// ones, however, if an OnDemand cert fails to
// renew, it is removed from the in-memory
// cache; if this is true, Managed must
// necessarily be true
OnDemand bool
// SelfSigned means that this hostname is
// served with a self-signed certificate
// that we generated in memory for convenience
SelfSigned bool
// The endpoint of the directory for the ACME
// CA we are to use
CAUrl string
// The host (ONLY the host, not port) to listen
// on if necessary to start a listener to solve
// an ACME challenge
ListenHost string
// The alternate port (ONLY port, not host)
// to use for the ACME HTTP challenge; this
// port will be used if we proxy challenges
// coming in on port 80 to this alternate port
AltHTTPPort string
// The string identifier of the DNS provider
// to use when solving the ACME DNS challenge
DNSProvider string
// The email address to use when creating or
// using an ACME account (fun fact: if this
// is set to "off" then this config will not
// qualify for managed TLS)
ACMEEmail string
// The type of key to use when generating
// certificates
KeyType acme.KeyType
// The storage creator; use StorageFor() to get a guaranteed
// non-nil Storage instance. Note, Caddy may call this frequently
// so implementors are encouraged to cache any heavy instantiations.
StorageProvider string
// The state needed to operate on-demand TLS
OnDemandState OnDemandState
// OnDemandState contains some state relevant for providing
// on-demand TLS.
type OnDemandState struct {
// The number of certificates that have been issued on-demand
// by this config. It is only safe to modify this count atomically.
// If it reaches MaxObtain, on-demand issuances must fail.
ObtainedCount int32
// Set from max_certs in tls config, it specifies the
// maximum number of certificates that can be issued.
MaxObtain int32
// ObtainCert obtains a certificate for name using c, as long
// as a certificate does not already exist in storage for that
// name. The name must qualify and c must be flagged as Managed.
// This function is a no-op if storage already has a certificate
// for name.
// It only obtains and stores certificates (and their keys),
// it does not load them into memory. If allowPrompts is true,
// the user may be shown a prompt.
func (c *Config) ObtainCert(name string, allowPrompts bool) error {
if !c.Managed || !HostQualifies(name) {
return nil
storage, err := c.StorageFor(c.CAUrl)
if err != nil {
return err
siteExists, err := storage.SiteExists(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if siteExists {
return nil
if c.ACMEEmail == "" {
c.ACMEEmail = getEmail(storage, allowPrompts)
client, err := newACMEClient(c, allowPrompts)
if err != nil {
return err
return client.Obtain(name)
// RenewCert renews the certificate for name using c. It stows the
// renewed certificate and its assets in storage if successful.
func (c *Config) RenewCert(name string, allowPrompts bool) error {
client, err := newACMEClient(c, allowPrompts)
if err != nil {
return err
return client.Renew(name)
// StorageFor obtains a TLS Storage instance for the given CA URL which should
// be unique for every different ACME CA. If a StorageCreator is set on this
// Config, it will be used. Otherwise the default file storage implementation
// is used. When the error is nil, this is guaranteed to return a non-nil
// Storage instance.
func (c *Config) StorageFor(caURL string) (Storage, error) {
// Validate CA URL
if caURL == "" {
caURL = DefaultCAUrl
if caURL == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create storage without CA URL")
caURL = strings.ToLower(caURL)
// scheme required or host will be parsed as path (as of Go 1.6)
if !strings.Contains(caURL, "://") {
caURL = "https://" + caURL
u, err := url.Parse(caURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to parse CA URL: %v", caURL, err)
if u.Host == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: no host in CA URL", caURL)
// Create the storage based on the URL
var s Storage
if c.StorageProvider == "" {
c.StorageProvider = "file"
creator, ok := storageProviders[c.StorageProvider]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: Unknown storage: %v", caURL, c.StorageProvider)
s, err = creator(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to create custom storage '%v': %v", caURL, c.StorageProvider, err)
return s, nil
// MakeTLSConfig reduces configs into a single tls.Config.
// If TLS is to be disabled, a nil tls.Config will be returned.
func MakeTLSConfig(configs []*Config) (*tls.Config, error) {
if configs == nil || len(configs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
config := new(tls.Config)
ciphersAdded := make(map[uint16]struct{})
configMap := make(configGroup)
for i, cfg := range configs {
if cfg == nil {
// avoid nil pointer dereference below
configs[i] = new(Config)
// Key this config by its hostname; this
// overwrites configs with the same hostname
configMap[cfg.Hostname] = cfg
// Can't serve TLS and not-TLS on same port
if i > 0 && cfg.Enabled != configs[i-1].Enabled {
thisConfProto, lastConfProto := "not TLS", "not TLS"
if cfg.Enabled {
thisConfProto = "TLS"
if configs[i-1].Enabled {
lastConfProto = "TLS"
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot multiplex %s (%s) and %s (%s) on same listener",
configs[i-1].Hostname, lastConfProto, cfg.Hostname, thisConfProto)
if !cfg.Enabled {
// Union cipher suites
for _, ciph := range cfg.Ciphers {
if _, ok := ciphersAdded[ciph]; !ok {
ciphersAdded[ciph] = struct{}{}
config.CipherSuites = append(config.CipherSuites, ciph)
// Can't resolve conflicting PreferServerCipherSuites settings
if i > 0 && cfg.PreferServerCipherSuites != configs[i-1].PreferServerCipherSuites {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot both PreferServerCipherSuites and not prefer them")
config.PreferServerCipherSuites = cfg.PreferServerCipherSuites
// Go with the widest range of protocol versions
if config.MinVersion == 0 || cfg.ProtocolMinVersion < config.MinVersion {
config.MinVersion = cfg.ProtocolMinVersion
if cfg.ProtocolMaxVersion > config.MaxVersion {
config.MaxVersion = cfg.ProtocolMaxVersion
// Go with the strictest ClientAuth type
if cfg.ClientAuth > config.ClientAuth {
config.ClientAuth = cfg.ClientAuth
// Is TLS disabled? If so, we're done here.
// By now, we know that all configs agree
// whether it is or not, so we can just look
// at the first one.
if len(configs) == 0 || !configs[0].Enabled {
return nil, nil
// Default cipher suites
if len(config.CipherSuites) == 0 {
config.CipherSuites = defaultCiphers
// For security, ensure TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is always included first
if len(config.CipherSuites) == 0 || config.CipherSuites[0] != tls.TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV {
config.CipherSuites = append([]uint16{tls.TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV}, config.CipherSuites...)
// Set up client authentication if enabled
if config.ClientAuth != tls.NoClientCert {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
clientCertsAdded := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, cfg := range configs {
for _, caFile := range cfg.ClientCerts {
// don't add cert to pool more than once
if _, ok := clientCertsAdded[caFile]; ok {
clientCertsAdded[caFile] = struct{}{}
// Any client with a certificate from this CA will be allowed to connect
caCrt, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCrt) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading client certificate '%s': no certificates were successfully parsed", caFile)
config.ClientCAs = pool
// Associate the GetCertificate callback, or almost nothing we just did will work
config.GetCertificate = configMap.GetCertificate
return config, nil
// ConfigGetter gets a Config keyed by key.
type ConfigGetter func(c *caddy.Controller) *Config
var configGetters = make(map[string]ConfigGetter)
// RegisterConfigGetter registers fn as the way to get a
// Config for server type serverType.
func RegisterConfigGetter(serverType string, fn ConfigGetter) {
configGetters[serverType] = fn
// SetDefaultTLSParams sets the default TLS cipher suites, protocol versions,
// and server preferences of a server.Config if they were not previously set
// (it does not overwrite; only fills in missing values).
func SetDefaultTLSParams(config *Config) {
// If no ciphers provided, use default list
if len(config.Ciphers) == 0 {
config.Ciphers = defaultCiphers
// Not a cipher suite, but still important for mitigating protocol downgrade attacks
// (prepend since having it at end breaks http2 due to non-h2-approved suites before it)
config.Ciphers = append([]uint16{tls.TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV}, config.Ciphers...)
// Set default protocol min and max versions - must balance compatibility and security
if config.ProtocolMinVersion == 0 {
config.ProtocolMinVersion = tls.VersionTLS11
if config.ProtocolMaxVersion == 0 {
config.ProtocolMaxVersion = tls.VersionTLS12
// Prefer server cipher suites
config.PreferServerCipherSuites = true
// Map of supported key types
var supportedKeyTypes = map[string]acme.KeyType{
"P384": acme.EC384,
"P256": acme.EC256,
"RSA8192": acme.RSA8192,
"RSA4096": acme.RSA4096,
"RSA2048": acme.RSA2048,
// Map of supported protocols.
// HTTP/2 only supports TLS 1.2 and higher.
var supportedProtocols = map[string]uint16{
"tls1.0": tls.VersionTLS10,
"tls1.1": tls.VersionTLS11,
"tls1.2": tls.VersionTLS12,
// Map of supported ciphers, used only for parsing config.
// Note that, at time of writing, HTTP/2 blacklists 276 cipher suites,
// including all but four of the suites below (the four GCM suites).
// See https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#BadCipherSuites
// TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is not in this list because we manually ensure
// it is always added (even though it is not technically a cipher suite).
// This map, like any map, is NOT ORDERED. Do not range over this map.
var supportedCiphersMap = map[string]uint16{
// List of supported cipher suites in descending order of preference.
// Ordering is very important! Getting the wrong order will break
// mainstream clients, especially with HTTP/2.
// Note that TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is not in this list since it is always
// added manually.
var supportedCiphers = []uint16{
// List of all the ciphers we want to use by default
var defaultCiphers = []uint16{
const (
// HTTPChallengePort is the officially designated port for
// the HTTP challenge.
HTTPChallengePort = "80"
// TLSSNIChallengePort is the officially designated port for
// the TLS-SNI challenge.
TLSSNIChallengePort = "443"
// DefaultHTTPAlternatePort is the port on which the ACME
// client will open a listener and solve the HTTP challenge.
// If this alternate port is used instead of the default
// port, then whatever is listening on the default port must
// be capable of proxying or forwarding the request to this
// alternate port.
DefaultHTTPAlternatePort = "5033"