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// Package proxy is middleware that proxies HTTP requests.
package proxy
import (
var errUnreachable = errors.New("unreachable backend")
// Proxy represents a middleware instance that can proxy requests.
type Proxy struct {
Next httpserver.Handler
Upstreams []Upstream
// Upstream manages a pool of proxy upstream hosts. Select should return a
// suitable upstream host, or nil if no such hosts are available.
type Upstream interface {
// The path this upstream host should be routed on
From() string
// Selects an upstream host to be routed to.
Select(*http.Request) *UpstreamHost
// Checks if subpath is not an ignored path
AllowedPath(string) bool
// UpstreamHostDownFunc can be used to customize how Down behaves.
type UpstreamHostDownFunc func(*UpstreamHost) bool
// UpstreamHost represents a single proxy upstream
type UpstreamHost struct {
Conns int64 // must be first field to be 64-bit aligned on 32-bit systems
Name string // hostname of this upstream host
ReverseProxy *ReverseProxy
Fails int32
FailTimeout time.Duration
Unhealthy bool
UpstreamHeaders http.Header
DownstreamHeaders http.Header
CheckDown UpstreamHostDownFunc
WithoutPathPrefix string
MaxConns int64
// Down checks whether the upstream host is down or not.
// Down will try to use uh.CheckDown first, and will fall
// back to some default criteria if necessary.
func (uh *UpstreamHost) Down() bool {
if uh.CheckDown == nil {
// Default settings
return uh.Unhealthy || uh.Fails > 0
return uh.CheckDown(uh)
// Full checks whether the upstream host has reached its maximum connections
func (uh *UpstreamHost) Full() bool {
return uh.MaxConns > 0 && uh.Conns >= uh.MaxConns
// Available checks whether the upstream host is available for proxying to
func (uh *UpstreamHost) Available() bool {
return !uh.Down() && !uh.Full()
// tryDuration is how long to try upstream hosts; failures result in
// immediate retries until this duration ends or we get a nil host.
var tryDuration = 60 * time.Second
// ServeHTTP satisfies the httpserver.Handler interface.
func (p Proxy) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
// start by selecting most specific matching upstream config
upstream := p.match(r)
if upstream == nil {
return p.Next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// this replacer is used to fill in header field values
replacer := httpserver.NewReplacer(r, nil, "")
// outreq is the request that makes a roundtrip to the backend
outreq := createUpstreamRequest(r)
// since Select() should give us "up" hosts, keep retrying
// hosts until timeout (or until we get a nil host).
start := time.Now()
for time.Now().Sub(start) < tryDuration {
host := upstream.Select(r)
if host == nil {
return http.StatusBadGateway, errUnreachable
if rr, ok := w.(*httpserver.ResponseRecorder); ok && rr.Replacer != nil {
rr.Replacer.Set("upstream", host.Name)
proxy := host.ReverseProxy
// a backend's name may contain more than just the host,
// so we parse it as a URL to try to isolate the host.
if nameURL, err := url.Parse(host.Name); err == nil {
outreq.Host = nameURL.Host
if proxy == nil {
proxy = NewSingleHostReverseProxy(nameURL, host.WithoutPathPrefix)
// use upstream credentials by default
if outreq.Header.Get("Authorization") == "" && nameURL.User != nil {
pwd, _ := nameURL.User.Password()
outreq.SetBasicAuth(nameURL.User.Username(), pwd)
} else {
outreq.Host = host.Name
if proxy == nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("proxy for host '" + host.Name + "' is nil")
// set headers for request going upstream
if host.UpstreamHeaders != nil {
// modify headers for request that will be sent to the upstream host
mutateHeadersByRules(outreq.Header, host.UpstreamHeaders, replacer)
if hostHeaders, ok := outreq.Header["Host"]; ok && len(hostHeaders) > 0 {
outreq.Host = hostHeaders[len(hostHeaders)-1]
// prepare a function that will update response
// headers coming back downstream
var downHeaderUpdateFn respUpdateFn
if host.DownstreamHeaders != nil {
downHeaderUpdateFn = createRespHeaderUpdateFn(host.DownstreamHeaders, replacer)
// tell the proxy to serve the request
atomic.AddInt64(&host.Conns, 1)
backendErr := proxy.ServeHTTP(w, outreq, downHeaderUpdateFn)
atomic.AddInt64(&host.Conns, -1)
// if no errors, we're done here; otherwise failover
if backendErr == nil {
return 0, nil
timeout := host.FailTimeout
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = 10 * time.Second
atomic.AddInt32(&host.Fails, 1)
go func(host *UpstreamHost, timeout time.Duration) {
atomic.AddInt32(&host.Fails, -1)
}(host, timeout)
return http.StatusBadGateway, errUnreachable
// match finds the best match for a proxy config based
// on r.
func (p Proxy) match(r *http.Request) Upstream {
var u Upstream
var longestMatch int
for _, upstream := range p.Upstreams {
basePath := upstream.From()
if !httpserver.Path(r.URL.Path).Matches(basePath) || !upstream.AllowedPath(r.URL.Path) {
if len(basePath) > longestMatch {
longestMatch = len(basePath)
u = upstream
return u
// createUpstremRequest shallow-copies r into a new request
// that can be sent upstream.
// Derived from reverseproxy.go in the standard Go httputil package.
func createUpstreamRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request {
outreq := new(http.Request)
*outreq = *r // includes shallow copies of maps, but okay
// Restore URL Path if it has been modified
if outreq.URL.RawPath != "" {
outreq.URL.Opaque = outreq.URL.RawPath
// Remove hop-by-hop headers to the backend. Especially
// important is "Connection" because we want a persistent
// connection, regardless of what the client sent to us. This
// is modifying the same underlying map from r (shallow
// copied above) so we only copy it if necessary.
var copiedHeaders bool
for _, h := range hopHeaders {
if outreq.Header.Get(h) != "" {
if !copiedHeaders {
outreq.Header = make(http.Header)
copyHeader(outreq.Header, r.Header)
copiedHeaders = true
if clientIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr); err == nil {
// If we aren't the first proxy, retain prior
// X-Forwarded-For information as a comma+space
// separated list and fold multiple headers into one.
if prior, ok := outreq.Header["X-Forwarded-For"]; ok {
clientIP = strings.Join(prior, ", ") + ", " + clientIP
outreq.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", clientIP)
return outreq
func createRespHeaderUpdateFn(rules http.Header, replacer httpserver.Replacer) respUpdateFn {
return func(resp *http.Response) {
mutateHeadersByRules(resp.Header, rules, replacer)
func mutateHeadersByRules(headers, rules http.Header, repl httpserver.Replacer) {
for ruleField, ruleValues := range rules {
if strings.HasPrefix(ruleField, "+") {
for _, ruleValue := range ruleValues {
headers.Add(strings.TrimPrefix(ruleField, "+"), repl.Replace(ruleValue))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(ruleField, "-") {
headers.Del(strings.TrimPrefix(ruleField, "-"))
} else if len(ruleValues) > 0 {
headers.Set(ruleField, repl.Replace(ruleValues[len(ruleValues)-1]))