Matthew Holt 794d271152 Remove extra tests that were Linux-specific
These tests with the backslash seem to assert that shlex (our Unix shell parsing library) is working properly, not our wrapper function (that parses commands for both Windows and non-Windows). These tests break on Windows so I have removed them.
2015-10-21 14:11:30 -06:00

184 lines
5.1 KiB

package middleware
import (
func TestParseWindowsCommand(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range []struct {
input string
expected []string
{ // 0
input: `cmd`,
expected: []string{`cmd`},
{ // 1
input: `cmd arg1 arg2`,
expected: []string{`cmd`, `arg1`, `arg2`},
{ // 2
input: `cmd "combined arg" arg2`,
expected: []string{`cmd`, `combined arg`, `arg2`},
{ // 3
input: `mkdir C:\Windows\foo\bar`,
expected: []string{`mkdir`, `C:\Windows\foo\bar`},
{ // 4
input: `"command here"`,
expected: []string{`command here`},
{ // 5
input: `cmd \"arg\"`,
expected: []string{`cmd`, `"arg"`},
{ // 6
input: `cmd "a \"quoted value\""`,
expected: []string{`cmd`, `a "quoted value"`},
{ // 7
input: `mkdir "C:\directory name\foobar"`,
expected: []string{`mkdir`, `C:\directory name\foobar`},
{ // 8
input: `mkdir C:\ space`,
expected: []string{`mkdir`, `C:\`, `space`},
{ // 9
input: `mkdir "C:\ space"`,
expected: []string{`mkdir`, `C:\ space`},
{ // 10
input: `\\"`,
expected: []string{`\`},
{ // 11
input: `"\\\""`,
expected: []string{`\"`},
} {
actual := parseWindowsCommand(test.input)
if len(actual) != len(test.expected) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d parts, got %d: %#v", i, len(test.expected), len(actual), actual)
for j := 0; j < len(actual); j++ {
if expectedPart, actualPart := test.expected[j], actual[j]; expectedPart != actualPart {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected: %v Actual: %v (index %d)", i, expectedPart, actualPart, j)
func TestSplitCommandAndArgs(t *testing.T) {
var parseErrorContent = "error parsing command:"
var noCommandErrContent = "no command contained in"
tests := []struct {
input string
expectedCommand string
expectedArgs []string
expectedErrContent string
// Test case 0 - emtpy command
input: ``,
expectedCommand: ``,
expectedArgs: nil,
expectedErrContent: noCommandErrContent,
// Test case 1 - command without arguments
input: `command`,
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: nil,
expectedErrContent: ``,
// Test case 2 - command with single argument
input: `command arg1`,
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: []string{`arg1`},
expectedErrContent: ``,
// Test case 3 - command with multiple arguments
input: `command arg1 arg2`,
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: []string{`arg1`, `arg2`},
expectedErrContent: ``,
// Test case 4 - command with single argument with space character - in quotes
input: `command "arg1 arg1"`,
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: []string{`arg1 arg1`},
expectedErrContent: ``,
// Test case 5 - command with comments
input: `command arg1 #comment1 comment2`,
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: []string{`arg1`},
expectedErrContent: "",
// Test case 6 - command with multiple spaces and tab character
input: "command arg1 arg2\targ3",
expectedCommand: `command`,
expectedArgs: []string{`arg1`, `arg2`, "arg3"},
expectedErrContent: "",
// Test case 7 - command with unclosed quotes
input: `command "arg1 arg2`,
expectedCommand: "",
expectedArgs: nil,
expectedErrContent: parseErrorContent,
// Test case 8 - command with unclosed quotes
input: `command 'arg1 arg2"`,
expectedCommand: "",
expectedArgs: nil,
expectedErrContent: parseErrorContent,
for i, test := range tests {
errorPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test [%d]: ", i)
errorSuffix := fmt.Sprintf(" Command to parse: [%s]", test.input)
actualCommand, actualArgs, actualErr := SplitCommandAndArgs(test.input)
// test if error matches expectation
if test.expectedErrContent != "" {
if actualErr == nil {
t.Errorf(errorPrefix+"Expected error with content [%s], found no error."+errorSuffix, test.expectedErrContent)
} else if !strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), test.expectedErrContent) {
t.Errorf(errorPrefix+"Expected error with content [%s], found [%v]."+errorSuffix, test.expectedErrContent, actualErr)
} else if actualErr != nil {
t.Errorf(errorPrefix+"Expected no error, found [%v]."+errorSuffix, actualErr)
// test if command matches
if test.expectedCommand != actualCommand {
t.Errorf("Expected command: [%s], actual: [%s]."+errorSuffix, test.expectedCommand, actualCommand)
// test if arguments match
if len(test.expectedArgs) != len(actualArgs) {
t.Errorf("Wrong number of arguments! Expected [%v], actual [%v]."+errorSuffix, test.expectedArgs, actualArgs)
for j, actualArg := range actualArgs {
expectedArg := test.expectedArgs[j]
if actualArg != expectedArg {
t.Errorf(errorPrefix+"Argument at position [%d] differ! Expected [%s], actual [%s]"+errorSuffix, j, expectedArg, actualArg)