package middleware

import (


func TestInclude(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	inputFilename := "test_file"
	absInFilePath := filepath.Join(fmt.Sprintf("%s", context.Root), inputFilename)
	defer func() {
		err := os.Remove(absInFilePath)
		if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Failed to clean test file!")

	tests := []struct {
		fileContent          string
		expectedContent      string
		shouldErr            bool
		expectedErrorContent string
		// Test 0 - all good
			fileContent:          `str1 {{ .Root }} str2`,
			expectedContent:      fmt.Sprintf("str1 %s str2", context.Root),
			shouldErr:            false,
			expectedErrorContent: "",
		// Test 1 - failure on template.Parse
			fileContent:          `str1 {{ .Root } str2`,
			expectedContent:      "",
			shouldErr:            true,
			expectedErrorContent: `unexpected "}" in operand`,
		// Test 3 - failure on template.Execute
			fileContent:          `str1 {{ .InvalidField }} str2`,
			expectedContent:      "",
			shouldErr:            true,
			expectedErrorContent: `InvalidField is not a field of struct type middleware.Context`,

	for i, test := range tests {
		testPrefix := getTestPrefix(i)

		// WriteFile truncates the contentt
		err := ioutil.WriteFile(absInFilePath, []byte(test.fileContent), os.ModePerm)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal(testPrefix+"Failed to create test file. Error was: %v", err)

		content, err := context.Include(inputFilename)
		if err != nil {
			if !test.shouldErr {
				t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected no error, found [%s]", test.expectedErrorContent, err.Error())
			if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.expectedErrorContent) {
				t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected error content [%s], found [%s]", test.expectedErrorContent, err.Error())

		if err == nil && test.shouldErr {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected error [%s] but found nil. Input file was: %s", test.expectedErrorContent, inputFilename)

		if content != test.expectedContent {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected content [%s] but found [%s]. Input file was: %s", test.expectedContent, content, inputFilename)

func TestIncludeNotExisting(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	_, err := context.Include("not_existing")
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected error but found nil!")

func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	inputFilename := "test_file"
	absInFilePath := filepath.Join(fmt.Sprintf("%s", context.Root), inputFilename)
	defer func() {
		err := os.Remove(absInFilePath)
		if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Failed to clean test file!")

	tests := []struct {
		fileContent     string
		expectedContent string
		// Test 0 - test parsing of markdown
			fileContent:     "* str1\n* str2\n",
			expectedContent: "<ul>\n<li>str1</li>\n<li>str2</li>\n</ul>\n",

	for i, test := range tests {
		testPrefix := getTestPrefix(i)

		// WriteFile truncates the contentt
		err := ioutil.WriteFile(absInFilePath, []byte(test.fileContent), os.ModePerm)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal(testPrefix+"Failed to create test file. Error was: %v", err)

		content, _ := context.Markdown(inputFilename)
		if content != test.expectedContent {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected content [%s] but found [%s]. Input file was: %s", test.expectedContent, content, inputFilename)

func TestCookie(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		cookie        *http.Cookie
		cookieName    string
		expectedValue string
		// Test 0 - happy path
			cookie:        &http.Cookie{Name: "cookieName", Value: "cookieValue"},
			cookieName:    "cookieName",
			expectedValue: "cookieValue",
		// Test 1 - try to get a non-existing cookie
			cookie:        &http.Cookie{Name: "cookieName", Value: "cookieValue"},
			cookieName:    "notExisting",
			expectedValue: "",
		// Test 2 - partial name match
			cookie:        &http.Cookie{Name: "cookie", Value: "cookieValue"},
			cookieName:    "cook",
			expectedValue: "",
		// Test 3 - cookie with optional fields
			cookie:        &http.Cookie{Name: "cookie", Value: "cookieValue", Path: "/path", Domain: "https://localhost", Expires: (time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute)), MaxAge: 120},
			cookieName:    "cookie",
			expectedValue: "cookieValue",

	for i, test := range tests {
		testPrefix := getTestPrefix(i)

		// reinitialize the context for each test
		context := getContextOrFail(t)


		actualCookieVal := context.Cookie(test.cookieName)

		if actualCookieVal != test.expectedValue {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected cookie value [%s] but found [%s] for cookie with name %s", test.expectedValue, actualCookieVal, test.cookieName)

func TestCookieMultipleCookies(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	cookieNameBase, cookieValueBase := "cookieName", "cookieValue"

	// make sure that there's no state and multiple requests for different cookies return the correct result
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		context.Req.AddCookie(&http.Cookie{Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", cookieNameBase, i), Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", cookieValueBase, i)})

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		expectedCookieVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", cookieValueBase, i)
		actualCookieVal := context.Cookie(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", cookieNameBase, i))
		if actualCookieVal != expectedCookieVal {
			t.Fatalf("Expected cookie value %s, found %s", expectedCookieVal, actualCookieVal)

func TestHeader(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	headerKey, headerVal := "Header1", "HeaderVal1"
	context.Req.Header.Add(headerKey, headerVal)

	actualHeaderVal := context.Header(headerKey)
	if actualHeaderVal != headerVal {
		t.Errorf("Expected header %s, found %s", headerVal, actualHeaderVal)

	missingHeaderVal := context.Header("not-existing")
	if missingHeaderVal != "" {
		t.Errorf("Expected empty header value, found %s", missingHeaderVal)

func TestIP(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	tests := []struct {
		inputRemoteAddr string
		expectedIP      string
		// Test 0 - ipv4 with port
		{"", ""},
		// Test 1 - ipv4 without port
		{"", ""},
		// Test 2 - ipv6 with port
		{"[::1]:11", "::1"},
		// Test 3 - ipv6 without port and brackets
		{"[2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1]", "[2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1]"},
		// Test 4 - ipv6 with zone and port
		{`[fe80:1::3%eth0]:44`, `fe80:1::3%eth0`},

	for i, test := range tests {
		testPrefix := getTestPrefix(i)

		context.Req.RemoteAddr = test.inputRemoteAddr
		actualIP := context.IP()

		if actualIP != test.expectedIP {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected IP %s, found %s", test.expectedIP, actualIP)

func TestURL(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	inputURL := "http://localhost"
	context.Req.RequestURI = inputURL

	if inputURL != context.URI() {
		t.Errorf("Expected url %s, found %s", inputURL, context.URI())

func TestHost(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		input        string
		expectedHost string
		shouldErr    bool
			input:        "localhost:123",
			expectedHost: "localhost",
			shouldErr:    false,
			input:        "localhost",
			expectedHost: "localhost",
			shouldErr:    false,
			input:        "[::]",
			expectedHost: "",
			shouldErr:    true,

	for _, test := range tests {
		testHostOrPort(t, true, test.input, test.expectedHost, test.shouldErr)

func TestPort(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		input        string
		expectedPort string
		shouldErr    bool
			input:        "localhost:123",
			expectedPort: "123",
			shouldErr:    false,
			input:        "localhost",
			expectedPort: "80", // assuming 80 is the default port
			shouldErr:    false,
			input:        ":8080",
			expectedPort: "8080",
			shouldErr:    false,
			input:        "[::]",
			expectedPort: "",
			shouldErr:    true,

	for _, test := range tests {
		testHostOrPort(t, false, test.input, test.expectedPort, test.shouldErr)

func testHostOrPort(t *testing.T, isTestingHost bool, input, expectedResult string, shouldErr bool) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	context.Req.Host = input
	var actualResult, testedObject string
	var err error

	if isTestingHost {
		actualResult, err = context.Host()
		testedObject = "host"
	} else {
		actualResult, err = context.Port()
		testedObject = "port"

	if shouldErr && err == nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected error, found nil!")

	if !shouldErr && err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected no error, found %s", err)

	if actualResult != expectedResult {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s %s, found %s", testedObject, expectedResult, actualResult)

func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	method := "POST"
	context.Req.Method = method

	if method != context.Method() {
		t.Errorf("Expected method %s, found %s", method, context.Method())


func TestPathMatches(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)

	tests := []struct {
		urlStr      string
		pattern     string
		shouldMatch bool
		// Test 0
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/",
			pattern:     "",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 1
			urlStr:      "http://localhost",
			pattern:     "",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 1
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/",
			pattern:     "/",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 3
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/?param=val",
			pattern:     "/",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 4
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/dir1/dir2",
			pattern:     "/dir2",
			shouldMatch: false,
		// Test 5
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/dir1/dir2",
			pattern:     "/dir1",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 6
			urlStr:      "http://localhost:444/dir1/dir2",
			pattern:     "/dir1",
			shouldMatch: true,
		// Test 7
			urlStr:      "http://localhost/dir1/dir2",
			pattern:     "*/dir2",
			shouldMatch: false,

	for i, test := range tests {
		testPrefix := getTestPrefix(i)
		var err error
		context.Req.URL, err = url.Parse(test.urlStr)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Failed to prepare test URL from string %s! Error was: %s", test.urlStr, err)

		matches := context.PathMatches(test.pattern)
		if matches != test.shouldMatch {
			t.Errorf(testPrefix+"Expected and actual result differ: expected to match [%t], actual matches [%t]", test.shouldMatch, matches)

func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)
	tests := []struct {
		inputString string
		inputLength int
		expected    string
		// Test 0 - small length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: 1,
			expected:    "s",
		// Test 1 - exact length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: 6,
			expected:    "string",
		// Test 2 - bigger length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: 10,
			expected:    "string",
		// Test 3 - zero length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: 0,
			expected:    "",
		// Test 4 - negative, smaller length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: -5,
			expected:    "tring",
		// Test 5 - negative, exact length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: -6,
			expected:    "string",
		// Test 6 - negative, bigger length
			inputString: "string",
			inputLength: -7,
			expected:    "string",

	for i, test := range tests {
		actual := context.Truncate(test.inputString, test.inputLength)
		if actual != test.expected {
			t.Errorf(getTestPrefix(i)+"Expected '%s', found '%s'. Input was Truncate(%q, %d)", test.expected, actual, test.inputString, test.inputLength)

func TestStripHTML(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)
	tests := []struct {
		input    string
		expected string
		// Test 0 - no tags
			input:    `h1`,
			expected: `h1`,
		// Test 1 - happy path
			input:    `<h1>h1</h1>`,
			expected: `h1`,
		// Test 2 - tag in quotes
			input:    `<h1">">h1</h1>`,
			expected: `h1`,
		// Test 3 - multiple tags
			input:    `<h1><b>h1</b></h1>`,
			expected: `h1`,
		// Test 4 - tags not closed
			input:    `<h1`,
			expected: `<h1`,
		// Test 5 - false start
			input:    `<h1<b>hi`,
			expected: `<h1hi`,

	for i, test := range tests {
		actual := context.StripHTML(test.input)
		if actual != test.expected {
			t.Errorf(getTestPrefix(i)+"Expected %s, found %s. Input was StripHTML(%s)", test.expected, actual, test.input)

func TestStripExt(t *testing.T) {
	context := getContextOrFail(t)
	tests := []struct {
		input    string
		expected string
		// Test 0 - empty input
			input:    "",
			expected: "",
		// Test 1 - relative file with ext
			input:    "file.ext",
			expected: "file",
		// Test 2 - relative file without ext
			input:    "file",
			expected: "file",
		// Test 3 - absolute file without ext
			input:    "/file",
			expected: "/file",
		// Test 4 - absolute file with ext
			input:    "/file.ext",
			expected: "/file",
		// Test 5 - with ext but ends with /
			input:    "/dir.ext/",
			expected: "/dir.ext/",
		// Test 6 - file with ext under dir with ext
			input:    "/dir.ext/file.ext",
			expected: "/dir.ext/file",

	for i, test := range tests {
		actual := context.StripExt(test.input)
		if actual != test.expected {
			t.Errorf(getTestPrefix(i)+"Expected %s, found %s. Input was StripExt(%q)", test.expected, actual, test.input)

func initTestContext() (Context, error) {
	body := bytes.NewBufferString("request body")
	request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://localhost", body)
	if err != nil {
		return Context{}, err

	return Context{Root: http.Dir(os.TempDir()), Req: request}, nil

func getContextOrFail(t *testing.T) Context {
	context, err := initTestContext()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to prepare test context")
	return context

func getTestPrefix(testN int) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Test [%d]: ", testN)

func TestTemplates(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct{ tmpl, expected string }{
		{`{{.ToUpper "aAA"}}`, "AAA"},
		{`{{"bbb" | .ToUpper}}`, "BBB"},
		{`{{.ToLower "CCc"}}`, "ccc"},
		{`{{range (.Split "a,b,c" ",")}}{{.}}{{end}}`, "abc"},
		{`{{range .Split "a,b,c" ","}}{{.}}{{end}}`, "abc"},
		{`{{range .Slice "a" "b" "c"}}{{.}}{{end}}`, "abc"},
		{`{{with .Map "A" "a" "B" "b" "c" "d"}}{{.A}}{{.B}}{{.c}}{{end}}`, "abd"},
	for i, test := range tests {
		ctx := getContextOrFail(t)
		tmpl, err := template.New("").Parse(test.tmpl)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: %s", i, err)
		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
		err = tmpl.Execute(buf, ctx)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: %s", i, err)
		if buf.String() != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Results do not match. '%s' != '%s'", i, buf.String(), test.expected)