package proxy

import (


var (
	supportedPolicies map[string]func() Policy = make(map[string]func() Policy)
	proxyHeaders      http.Header              = make(http.Header)

type staticUpstream struct {
	from   string
	Hosts  HostPool
	Policy Policy

	FailTimeout time.Duration
	MaxFails    int32
	HealthCheck struct {
		Path     string
		Interval time.Duration
	WithoutPathPrefix string

// NewStaticUpstreams parses the configuration input and sets up
// static upstreams for the proxy middleware.
func NewStaticUpstreams(c parse.Dispenser) ([]Upstream, error) {
	var upstreams []Upstream
	for c.Next() {
		upstream := &staticUpstream{
			from:        "",
			Hosts:       nil,
			Policy:      &Random{},
			FailTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
			MaxFails:    1,

		if !c.Args(&upstream.from) {
			return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
		to := c.RemainingArgs()
		if len(to) == 0 {
			return upstreams, c.ArgErr()

		for c.NextBlock() {
			switch c.Val() {
			case "policy":
				if !c.NextArg() {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()

				if policyCreateFunc, ok := supportedPolicies[c.Val()]; ok {
					upstream.Policy = policyCreateFunc()
				} else {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
			case "fail_timeout":
				if !c.NextArg() {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
				if dur, err := time.ParseDuration(c.Val()); err == nil {
					upstream.FailTimeout = dur
				} else {
					return upstreams, err
			case "max_fails":
				if !c.NextArg() {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
				if n, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Val()); err == nil {
					upstream.MaxFails = int32(n)
				} else {
					return upstreams, err
			case "health_check":
				if !c.NextArg() {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
				upstream.HealthCheck.Path = c.Val()
				upstream.HealthCheck.Interval = 30 * time.Second
				if c.NextArg() {
					if dur, err := time.ParseDuration(c.Val()); err == nil {
						upstream.HealthCheck.Interval = dur
					} else {
						return upstreams, err
			case "proxy_header":
				var header, value string
				if !c.Args(&header, &value) {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
				proxyHeaders.Add(header, value)
			case "websocket":
				proxyHeaders.Add("Connection", "{>Connection}")
				proxyHeaders.Add("Upgrade", "{>Upgrade}")
			case "without":
				if !c.NextArg() {
					return upstreams, c.ArgErr()
				upstream.WithoutPathPrefix = c.Val()

		upstream.Hosts = make([]*UpstreamHost, len(to))
		for i, host := range to {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(host, "http") {
				host = "http://" + host
			uh := &UpstreamHost{
				Name:         host,
				Conns:        0,
				Fails:        0,
				FailTimeout:  upstream.FailTimeout,
				Unhealthy:    false,
				ExtraHeaders: proxyHeaders,
				CheckDown: func(upstream *staticUpstream) UpstreamHostDownFunc {
					return func(uh *UpstreamHost) bool {
						if uh.Unhealthy {
							return true
						if uh.Fails >= upstream.MaxFails &&
							upstream.MaxFails != 0 {
							return true
						return false
				WithoutPathPrefix: upstream.WithoutPathPrefix,
			if baseURL, err := url.Parse(uh.Name); err == nil {
				uh.ReverseProxy = NewSingleHostReverseProxy(baseURL, uh.WithoutPathPrefix)
			} else {
				return upstreams, err
			upstream.Hosts[i] = uh

		if upstream.HealthCheck.Path != "" {
			go upstream.HealthCheckWorker(nil)
		upstreams = append(upstreams, upstream)
	return upstreams, nil

// RegisterPolicy adds a custom policy to the proxy.
func RegisterPolicy(name string, policy func() Policy) {
	supportedPolicies[name] = policy

func (u *staticUpstream) From() string {
	return u.from

func (u *staticUpstream) healthCheck() {
	for _, host := range u.Hosts {
		hostURL := host.Name + u.HealthCheck.Path
		if r, err := http.Get(hostURL); err == nil {
			io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r.Body)
			host.Unhealthy = r.StatusCode < 200 || r.StatusCode >= 400
		} else {
			host.Unhealthy = true

func (u *staticUpstream) HealthCheckWorker(stop chan struct{}) {
	ticker := time.NewTicker(u.HealthCheck.Interval)
	for {
		select {
		case <-ticker.C:
		case <-stop:
			// TODO: the library should provide a stop channel and global
			// waitgroup to allow goroutines started by plugins a chance
			// to clean themselves up.

func (u *staticUpstream) Select() *UpstreamHost {
	pool := u.Hosts
	if len(pool) == 1 {
		if pool[0].Down() {
			return nil
		return pool[0]
	allDown := true
	for _, host := range pool {
		if !host.Down() {
			allDown = false
	if allDown {
		return nil

	if u.Policy == nil {
		return (&Random{}).Select(pool)
	return u.Policy.Select(pool)