package parse

import (

func TestStandardAddress(t *testing.T) {
	for i, test := range []struct {
		input      string
		host, port string
		shouldErr  bool
		{`localhost`, "localhost", "", false},
		{`localhost:1234`, "localhost", "1234", false},
		{`localhost:`, "localhost", "", false},
		{``, "", "", false},
		{``, "", "1234", false},
		{`:1234`, "", "1234", false},
		{`[::1]`, "::1", "", false},
		{`[::1]:1234`, "::1", "1234", false},
		{`:`, "", "", false},
		{`localhost:http`, "localhost", "http", false},
		{`localhost:https`, "localhost", "https", false},
		{`:http`, "", "http", false},
		{`:https`, "", "https", false},
		{`http://localhost`, "localhost", "http", false},
		{`https://localhost`, "localhost", "https", false},
		{``, "", "http", false},
		{``, "", "https", false},
		{`http://[::1]`, "::1", "http", false},
		{`http://localhost:1234`, "localhost", "1234", false},
		{``, "", "1234", false},
		{`http://[::1]:1234`, "::1", "1234", false},
		{``, "", "", false},
		{`::1`, "::1", "", true},
		{`localhost::`, "localhost::", "", true},
		{`#$%@`, "#$%@", "", true},
	} {
		host, port, err := standardAddress(test.input)

		if err != nil && !test.shouldErr {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but had error: %v", i, err)
		if err == nil && test.shouldErr {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error, but had none", i)

		if host != {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected host '%s', got '%s'", i,, host)

		if port != test.port {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected port '%s', got '%s'", i, test.port, port)

func TestParseOne(t *testing.T) {

	testParseOne := func(input string) (multiServerBlock, error) {
		p := testParser(input)
		err := p.parseOne()
		return p.block, err

	for i, test := range []struct {
		input     string
		shouldErr bool
		addresses []address
		tokens    map[string]int // map of directive name to number of tokens expected
		{`localhost`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{}},

		  dir1`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 1,

		  dir1 foo bar`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "1234"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		{`localhost {
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 1,

		{`localhost:1234 {
		    dir1 foo bar
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "1234"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,
			"dir2": 1,

		{`http://localhost https://localhost
		  dir1 foo bar`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "http"},
			{"localhost", "https"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		{`http://localhost https://localhost {
		    dir1 foo bar
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "http"},
			{"localhost", "https"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		{`http://localhost, https://localhost {
		    dir1 foo bar
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "http"},
			{"localhost", "https"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		{`http://localhost, {
		  }`, true, []address{
			{"localhost", "http"},
		}, map[string]int{}},

		  dir1 foo bar
		  dir2 baz`, false, []address{
			{"host1", "80"},
			{"", "http"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,
			"dir2": 2,

		{`,,`, false, []address{
			{"", "http"},
			{"", "http"},
			{"", "https"},
		}, map[string]int{}},

		  dir1 foo {
		    bar baz
		  dir2`, false, []address{
			{"", "1234"},
			{"", "https"},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 6,
			"dir2": 1,

		  dir1 {
		    bar baz
		  dir2 {
		    foo bar
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 5,
			"dir2": 5,

		  unknown_directive`, true, []address{
			{"", ""},
		}, map[string]int{}},

		  dir1 {
		    foo`, true, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		  dir1 {
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 3,

		  dir1 {
		    nested {
		  dir2 foo bar`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},
		}, map[string]int{
			"dir1": 7,
			"dir2": 3,

		{``, false, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
	} {
		result, err := testParseOne(test.input)

		if test.shouldErr && err == nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i)
		if !test.shouldErr && err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err)

		if len(result.addresses) != len(test.addresses) {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d addresses, got %d",
				i, len(test.addresses), len(result.addresses))
		for j, addr := range result.addresses {
			if != test.addresses[j].host {
				t.Errorf("Test %d, address %d: Expected host to be '%s', but was '%s'",
					i, j, test.addresses[j].host,
			if addr.port != test.addresses[j].port {
				t.Errorf("Test %d, address %d: Expected port to be '%s', but was '%s'",
					i, j, test.addresses[j].port, addr.port)

		if len(result.tokens) != len(test.tokens) {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d directives, had %d",
				i, len(test.tokens), len(result.tokens))
		for directive, tokens := range result.tokens {
			if len(tokens) != test.tokens[directive] {
				t.Errorf("Test %d, directive '%s': Expected %d tokens, counted %d",
					i, directive, test.tokens[directive], len(tokens))

func TestParseAll(t *testing.T) {

	for i, test := range []struct {
		input     string
		shouldErr bool
		addresses []address // one per expected server block, in order
		{`localhost`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", ""},

		{`localhost:1234`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "1234"},

		{`localhost:1234 {
		  localhost:2015 {
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "1234"},
			{"localhost", "2015"},

		{`localhost:1234, http://host2`, false, []address{
			{"localhost", "1234"},
			{"host2", "http"},

		{`localhost:1234, http://host2,`, true, []address{}},

		{`, {
		  }, {
		  }`, false, []address{
			{"", "http"},
			{"", "http"},
			{"", "https"},
			{"", "https"},
	} {
		p := testParser(test.input)
		blocks, err := p.parseAll()

		if test.shouldErr && err == nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i)
		if !test.shouldErr && err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err)

		if len(blocks) != len(test.addresses) {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d server blocks, got %d",
				i, len(test.addresses), len(blocks))
		for j, block := range blocks {
			if block.Host != test.addresses[j].host {
				t.Errorf("Test %d, block %d: Expected host to be '%s', but was '%s'",
					i, j, test.addresses[j].host, block.Host)
			if block.Port != test.addresses[j].port {
				t.Errorf("Test %d, block %d: Expected port to be '%s', but was '%s'",
					i, j, test.addresses[j].port, block.Port)

	// Exploding the server blocks that have more than one address should replicate/share tokens
	p := testParser(`host1 {
	                   dir1 foo bar

	                 host2, host3 {
	                   dir2 foo bar
	                   dir3 foo {
	blocks, err := p.parseAll()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected there to not be an error, but there was: %v", err)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(blocks[1].Tokens, blocks[2].Tokens) {
		t.Errorf("Expected host2 and host3 to have same tokens, but they didn't.\nhost2 Block: %v\nhost3 Block: %v",
			blocks[1].Tokens, blocks[2].Tokens)

func setupParseTests() {
	// Set up some bogus directives for testing
	ValidDirectives = map[string]struct{}{
		"dir1": struct{}{},
		"dir2": struct{}{},
		"dir3": struct{}{},

func testParser(input string) parser {
	buf := strings.NewReader(input)
	p := parser{Dispenser: NewDispenser("Test", buf)}
	return p