package config

import (

// parser is a type which can parse config files.
type parser struct {
	filename string                 // the name of the file that we're parsing
	lexer    lexer                  // the lexer that is giving us tokens from the raw input
	cfg      Config                 // each server gets one Config; this is the one we're currently building
	other    map[string]*controller // tokens to be parsed later by others (middleware generators)
	unused   bool                   // sometimes the token won't be immediately consumed

// newParser makes a new parser and prepares it for parsing, given
// the input to parse.
func newParser(file *os.File) (*parser, error) {
	stat, err := file.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	p := &parser{filename: stat.Name()}

	return p, nil

// Parse parses the configuration file. It produces a slice of Config
// structs which can be used to create and configure server instances.
func (p *parser) parse() ([]Config, error) {
	var configs []Config

	for {
		err := p.parseOne()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		configs = append(configs, p.cfg)

	return configs, nil

// nextArg loads the next token if it is on the same line.
// Returns true if a token was loaded; false otherwise.
func (p *parser) nextArg() bool {
	if p.unused {
		return false
	line := p.line()
	if {
		if p.line() > line {
			p.unused = true
			return false
		return true
	return false

// next loads the next token and returns true if a token
// was loaded; false otherwise.
func (p *parser) next() bool {
	if p.unused {
		p.unused = false
		return true
	} else {

// parseOne parses the contents of a configuration
// file for a single Config object (each server or
// virtualhost instance gets their own Config struct),
// which is until the next address/server block.
// Call this only after you know that the lexer has another
// another token and you're not in the middle of a server
// block already.
func (p *parser) parseOne() error {
	p.cfg = Config{}

	p.other = make(map[string]*controller)

	err := p.begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = p.unwrap()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// unwrap gets the middleware generators from the middleware
// package in the order in which they are registered, and
// executes the top-level functions (the generator function)
// to expose the second layers which is the actual middleware.
// This function should be called only after p has filled out
// p.other and that the entire server block has been consumed.
func (p *parser) unwrap() error {
	for directive := range registry.directiveMap {
		if disp, ok := p.other[directive]; ok {
			if generator, ok := registry.directiveMap[directive]; ok {
				mid, err := generator(disp)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if mid != nil {
					p.cfg.Middleware = append(p.cfg.Middleware, mid)
			} else {
				return errors.New("No middleware bound to directive '" + directive + "'")
	return nil

// tkn is shorthand to get the text/value of the current token.
func (p *parser) tkn() string {
	return p.lexer.token.text

// line is shorthand to get the line number of the current token.
func (p *parser) line() int {
	return p.lexer.token.line

// syntaxErr creates a syntax error which explains what was
// found and expected.
func (p *parser) syntaxErr(expected string) error {
	return p.err("Syntax", fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected token '%s', expecting '%s'", p.tkn(), expected))

// syntaxErr creates a syntax error that explains that there
// weren't enough arguments on the line.
func (p *parser) argErr() error {
	return p.err("Syntax", "Unexpected line break after '"+p.tkn()+"' (missing arguments?)")

// eofErr creates a syntax error describing an unexpected EOF.
func (p *parser) eofErr() error {
	return p.err("Syntax", "Unexpected EOF")

// err creates an error with a custom message msg: "{{kind}} error: {{msg}}". The
// file name and line number are included in the error message.
func (p *parser) err(kind, msg string) error {
	msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d - %s error: %s", p.filename, p.line(), kind, msg)
	return errors.New(msg)

// parseAddress takes a host:port string (val), and returns the host
// and port as separate values. Empty strings can be returned if
// either is missing.
func parseAddress(val string) (string, string) {
	parts := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 3)
	if len(parts) == 1 {
		return parts[0], ""
	} else {
		return parts[0], parts[1]