* dist/init/linux-sysvinit: pass --oknodo for --start as well * dist/init/linux-sysvinit: manually rm PIDFILE Since start-stop-daemon --remove-pidfile is new and not present everywhere.
In addition to `linux-upstart` and `linux-systemd`, I think this one might be very useful too. The script is based on [this script](https://git.devuan.org/fredg/stuffs/blob/master/caddy/init.d/caddy) by @fredg, found via [Installation du serveur Caddy sous Devuan · Frédéric Galusik](http://galusik.xyz/installation-caddy-server-devuan/#démon:d7570338f345f168f3c50f22e7f8c47c). I have modified it into an extended version myself, since I had the need for this.