diff --git a/config/config.go b/config/config.go
index ae11b4bc7..3037a2678 100644
--- a/config/config.go
+++ b/config/config.go
@@ -182,11 +182,7 @@ func arrangeBindings(allConfigs []server.Config) (Group, error) {
 // resolve, that host can still be served but will be listening on
 // the wildcard host instead. This function takes care of this for you.
 func resolveAddr(conf server.Config) (resolvAddr *net.TCPAddr, warnErr error, fatalErr error) {
-	// The host to bind to may be different from the (virtual)host to serve
 	bindHost := conf.BindHost
-	if bindHost == "" {
-		bindHost = conf.Host
-	}
 	resolvAddr, warnErr = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(bindHost, conf.Port))
 	if warnErr != nil {
diff --git a/config/config_test.go b/config/config_test.go
index a2f9bdd03..756784191 100644
--- a/config/config_test.go
+++ b/config/config_test.go
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ func TestResolveAddr(t *testing.T) {
 		expectedIP     string
 		expectedPort   int
-		{server.Config{Host: "localhost", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
-		{server.Config{Host: "", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
-		{server.Config{Host: "should-not-resolve", Port: "1234"}, true, false, "", 1234},
-		{server.Config{Host: "localhost", Port: "http"}, false, false, "", 80},
-		{server.Config{Host: "localhost", Port: "https"}, false, false, "", 443},
-		{server.Config{Host: "", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "<nil>", 1234},
-		{server.Config{Host: "localhost", Port: "abcd"}, false, true, "", 0},
+		{server.Config{Host: "", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "<nil>", 1234},
+		{server.Config{Host: "localhost", Port: "80"}, false, false, "<nil>", 80},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "localhost", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "should-not-resolve", Port: "1234"}, true, false, "", 1234},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "localhost", Port: "http"}, false, false, "", 80},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "localhost", Port: "https"}, false, false, "", 443},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "<nil>", 1234},
+		{server.Config{BindHost: "localhost", Port: "abcd"}, false, true, "", 0},
 		{server.Config{BindHost: "", Host: "should-not-be-used", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
 		{server.Config{BindHost: "localhost", Host: "should-not-be-used", Port: "1234"}, false, false, "", 1234},
 		{server.Config{BindHost: "should-not-resolve", Host: "localhost", Port: "1234"}, true, false, "", 1234},
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 51ffa064b..947548a56 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -87,11 +87,10 @@ func main() {
 					fmt.Printf("Notice: %s is only accessible on this machine (%s)\n",
 						conf.Host, addr.IP.String())
-			}
-			if !checkedFdLimit && !addr.IP.IsLoopback() {
-				checkFdlimit()
-				checkedFdLimit = true
+				if !checkedFdLimit && !addr.IP.IsLoopback() && !isLocalhost(conf.Host) {
+					checkFdlimit()
+					checkedFdLimit = true
+				}
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ func checkFdlimit() {
 			// Note that an error here need not be reported
 			lim, err := strconv.Atoi(string(bytes.TrimSpace(out)))
 			if err == nil && lim < min {
-				fmt.Printf("Warning: File descriptor limit %d is too low for production sites.\nAt least %d is recommended. Set with \"ulimit -n %d\".\n", lim, min, min)
+				fmt.Printf("Warning: File descriptor limit %d is too low for production sites. At least %d is recommended. Set with \"ulimit -n %d\".\n", lim, min, min)