diff --git a/caddytest/caddytest.go b/caddytest/caddytest.go
index d3c70b600..5387da788 100644
--- a/caddytest/caddytest.go
+++ b/caddytest/caddytest.go
@@ -314,9 +314,13 @@ func (tc *Tester) AssertRedirect(requestURI string, expectedToLocation string, e
 	if err != nil {
 		tc.t.Errorf("requesting \"%s\" expected location: \"%s\" but got error: %s", requestURI, expectedToLocation, err)
-	if expectedToLocation != loc.String() {
-		tc.t.Errorf("requesting \"%s\" expected location: \"%s\" but got \"%s\"", requestURI, expectedToLocation, loc.String())
+	if loc == nil && expectedToLocation != "" {
+		tc.t.Errorf("requesting \"%s\" expected a Location header, but didn't get one", requestURI)
+	}
+	if loc != nil {
+		if expectedToLocation != loc.String() {
+			tc.t.Errorf("requesting \"%s\" expected location: \"%s\" but got \"%s\"", requestURI, expectedToLocation, loc.String())
+		}
 	return resp
diff --git a/caddytest/integration/autohttps_test.go b/caddytest/integration/autohttps_test.go
index 62f172d2b..db6329a09 100644
--- a/caddytest/integration/autohttps_test.go
+++ b/caddytest/integration/autohttps_test.go
@@ -7,7 +7,21 @@ import (
-func TestAutoHTTPtoHTTPSRedirects(t *testing.T) {
+func TestAutoHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectsImplicitPort(t *testing.T) {
+	tester := caddytest.NewTester(t)
+	tester.InitServer(`
+	{
+		http_port     9080
+		https_port    9443
+	}
+	localhost
+	respond "Yahaha! You found me!"
+  `, "caddyfile")
+	tester.AssertRedirect("http://localhost:9080/", "https://localhost/", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
+func TestAutoHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectsExplicitPortSameAsHTTPSPort(t *testing.T) {
 	tester := caddytest.NewTester(t)
@@ -20,3 +34,49 @@ func TestAutoHTTPtoHTTPSRedirects(t *testing.T) {
 	tester.AssertRedirect("http://localhost:9080/", "https://localhost/", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
+func TestAutoHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectsExplicitPortDifferentFromHTTPSPort(t *testing.T) {
+	tester := caddytest.NewTester(t)
+	tester.InitServer(`
+	{
+		http_port     9080
+		https_port    9443
+	}
+	localhost:1234
+	respond "Yahaha! You found me!"
+  `, "caddyfile")
+	tester.AssertRedirect("http://localhost:9080/", "https://localhost:1234/", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
+func TestAutoHTTPRedirectsWithHTTPListenerFirstInAddresses(t *testing.T) {
+	tester := caddytest.NewTester(t)
+	tester.InitServer(`
+  "apps": {
+    "http": {
+      "http_port": 9080,
+      "https_port": 9443,
+      "servers": {
+        "ingress_server": {
+          "listen": [
+            ":9080",
+            ":9443"
+          ],
+          "routes": [
+            {
+              "match": [
+                {
+				  "host": ["localhost"]
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+`, "json")
+	tester.AssertRedirect("http://localhost:9080/", "https://localhost/", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
index fff4c4614..9d6612fa4 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
@@ -303,31 +303,11 @@ uniqueDomainsLoop:
 			matcherSet = append(matcherSet, MatchHost(domains))
-		// build the address to which to redirect
 		addr, err := caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(addrStr)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
-		redirTo := "https://{http.request.host}"
-		if addr.StartPort != uint(app.httpsPort()) {
-			redirTo += ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(addr.StartPort))
-		}
-		redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
-		// build the route
-		redirRoute := Route{
-			MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{matcherSet},
-			Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
-				StaticResponse{
-					StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
-					Headers: http.Header{
-						"Location":   []string{redirTo},
-						"Connection": []string{"close"},
-					},
-					Close: true,
-				},
-			},
-		}
+		redirRoute := app.makeRedirRoute(addr.StartPort, matcherSet)
 		// use the network/host information from the address,
 		// but change the port to the HTTP port then rebuild
@@ -355,25 +335,7 @@ uniqueDomainsLoop:
 	// it's not something that should be relied on. We can change this
 	// if we want to.
 	appendCatchAll := func(routes []Route) []Route {
-		redirTo := "https://{http.request.host}"
-		if app.httpsPort() != DefaultHTTPSPort {
-			redirTo += ":" + strconv.Itoa(app.httpsPort())
-		}
-		redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
-		routes = append(routes, Route{
-			MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{{MatchProtocol("http")}},
-			Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
-				StaticResponse{
-					StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
-					Headers: http.Header{
-						"Location":   []string{redirTo},
-						"Connection": []string{"close"},
-					},
-					Close: true,
-				},
-			},
-		})
-		return routes
+		return append(routes, app.makeRedirRoute(uint(app.httpsPort()), MatcherSet{MatchProtocol("http")}))
@@ -422,6 +384,40 @@ redirServersLoop:
 	return nil
+func (app *App) makeRedirRoute(redirToPort uint, matcherSet MatcherSet) Route {
+	redirTo := "https://{http.request.host}"
+	// since this is an external redirect, we should only append an explicit
+	// port if we know it is not the officially standardized HTTPS port, and,
+	// notably, also not the port that Caddy thinks is the HTTPS port (the
+	// configurable HTTPSPort parameter) - we can't change the standard HTTPS
+	// port externally, so that config parameter is for internal use only;
+	// we also do not append the port if it happens to be the HTTP port as
+	// well, obviously (for example, user defines the HTTP port explicitly
+	// in the list of listen addresses for a server)
+	if redirToPort != uint(app.httpPort()) &&
+		redirToPort != uint(app.httpsPort()) &&
+		redirToPort != DefaultHTTPPort &&
+		redirToPort != DefaultHTTPSPort {
+		redirTo += ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(redirToPort))
+	}
+	redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
+	return Route{
+		MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{matcherSet},
+		Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
+			StaticResponse{
+				StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
+				Headers: http.Header{
+					"Location":   []string{redirTo},
+					"Connection": []string{"close"},
+				},
+				Close: true,
+			},
+		},
+	}
 // createAutomationPolicy ensures that automated certificates for this
 // app are managed properly. This adds up to two automation policies:
 // one for the public names, and one for the internal names. If a catch-all