diff --git a/caddyhttp/templates/templates_test.go b/caddyhttp/templates/templates_test.go
index 839c39f76..289f1a85d 100644
--- a/caddyhttp/templates/templates_test.go
+++ b/caddyhttp/templates/templates_test.go
@@ -62,100 +62,79 @@ func TestTemplates(t *testing.T) {
BufPool: &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) }},
- // Test tmpl on /photos/test.html
- req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/photos/test.html", nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Test: Could not create HTTP request: %v", err)
- }
- req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey, *req.URL))
- rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
- tmpl.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
- if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
- t.Fatalf("Test: Wrong response code: %d, should be %d", rec.Code, http.StatusOK)
- }
- respBody := rec.Body.String()
- expectedBody := `
test pageHeader title
- if respBody != expectedBody {
- t.Fatalf("Test: the expected body %v is different from the response one: %v", expectedBody, respBody)
- }
- // Test tmpl on /images/img.htm
- req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/images/img.htm", nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Could not create HTTP request: %v", err)
- }
- req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey, *req.URL))
- rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
- tmpl.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
- if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
- t.Fatalf("Test: Wrong response code: %d, should be %d", rec.Code, http.StatusOK)
- }
- respBody = rec.Body.String()
- expectedBody = `imgHeader title
- if respBody != expectedBody {
- t.Fatalf("Test: the expected body %v is different from the response one: %v", expectedBody, respBody)
- }
- // Test tmpl on /images/img2.htm
- req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/images/img2.htm", nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Could not create HTTP request: %v", err)
- }
- req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey, *req.URL))
- rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
- tmpl.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
- if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
- t.Fatalf("Test: Wrong response code: %d, should be %d", rec.Code, http.StatusOK)
- }
- respBody = rec.Body.String()
- expectedBody = `img{{.Include "header.html"}}
- if respBody != expectedBody {
- t.Fatalf("Test: the expected body %v is different from the response one: %v", expectedBody, respBody)
- }
- // Test tmplroot on /root.html
- req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/root.html", nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Could not create HTTP request: %v", err)
- }
- req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey, *req.URL))
- rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
// register custom function which is used in template
httpserver.TemplateFuncs["root"] = func() string { return "root" }
- tmplroot.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
- if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
- t.Fatalf("Test: Wrong response code: %d, should be %d", rec.Code, http.StatusOK)
- }
- respBody = rec.Body.String()
- expectedBody = `rootHeader title
+ for _, c := range []struct {
+ tpl Templates
+ req string
+ respCode int
+ res string
+ }{
+ {
+ tpl: tmpl,
+ req: "/photos/test.html",
+ respCode: http.StatusOK,
+ res: `test pageHeader title
+ },
- if respBody != expectedBody {
- t.Fatalf("Test: the expected body %v is different from the response one: %v", expectedBody, respBody)
+ {
+ tpl: tmpl,
+ req: "/images/img.htm",
+ respCode: http.StatusOK,
+ res: `imgHeader title
+ },
+ {
+ tpl: tmpl,
+ req: "/images/img2.htm",
+ respCode: http.StatusOK,
+ res: `img{{.Include "header.html"}}
+ },
+ {
+ tpl: tmplroot,
+ req: "/root.html",
+ respCode: http.StatusOK,
+ res: `rootHeader title
+ },
+ // test extension filter
+ {
+ tpl: tmplroot,
+ req: "/as_it_is.txt",
+ respCode: http.StatusOK,
+ res: `as it is{{.Include "header.html"}}
+ },
+ } {
+ c := c
+ t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", c.req, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Test: Could not create HTTP request: %v", err)
+ }
+ req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), httpserver.OriginalURLCtxKey, *req.URL))
+ rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ c.tpl.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
+ if rec.Code != c.respCode {
+ t.Fatalf("Test: Wrong response code: %d, should be %d", rec.Code, c.respCode)
+ }
+ respBody := rec.Body.String()
+ if respBody != c.res {
+ t.Fatalf("Test: the expected body %v is different from the response one: %v", c.res, respBody)
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/caddyhttp/templates/testdata/as_it_is.txt b/caddyhttp/templates/testdata/as_it_is.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..487ee7273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caddyhttp/templates/testdata/as_it_is.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+as it is{{.Include "header.html"}}