mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 17:05:34 +03:00
caddytls: Reuse certificate cache through reloads (#5623)
* caddytls: Don't purge cert cache on config reload * Update CertMagic This actually avoids reloading managed certs from storage when already in the cache, d'oh. * Fix bug; re-implement HasCertificateForSubject * Update go.mod: CertMagic tag
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 115 additions and 38 deletions
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ func handleConfigID(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
// map the ID to the expanded path
expanded, ok := rawCfgIndex[id]
defer currentCtxMu.RUnlock()
if !ok {
return APIError{
HTTPStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
@ -959,8 +959,9 @@ func Version() (simple, full string) {
// This function is experimental and might be changed
// or removed in the future.
func ActiveContext() Context {
defer currentCtxMu.RUnlock()
// TODO: This locking might still be needed; more investigation is required (deadlock during Cleanup for the caddytls.TLS module).
// currentCtxMu.RLock()
// defer currentCtxMu.RUnlock()
return currentCtx
@ -410,6 +410,11 @@ func (ctx Context) loadModuleInline(moduleNameKey, moduleScope string, raw json.
// called during the Provision/Validate phase to reference a
// module's own host app (since the parent app module is still
// in the process of being provisioned, it is not yet ready).
// We return any type instead of the App type because it is NOT
// intended for the caller of this method to be the one to start
// or stop App modules. The caller is expected to assert to the
// concrete type.
func (ctx Context) App(name string) (any, error) {
if app, ok := ctx.cfg.apps[name]; ok {
return app, nil
@ -428,18 +433,15 @@ func (ctx Context) App(name string) (any, error) {
// AppIfConfigured returns an app by its name if it has been
// configured. Can be called instead of App() to avoid
// instantiating an empty app when that's not desirable.
func (ctx Context) AppIfConfigured(name string) (any, error) {
app, ok := ctx.cfg.apps[name]
if !ok || app == nil {
return nil, nil
appModule, err := ctx.App(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return appModule, nil
// instantiating an empty app when that's not desirable. If
// the app has not been loaded, nil is returned.
// We return any type instead of the App type because it is not
// intended for the caller of this method to be the one to start
// or stop App modules. The caller is expected to assert to the
// concrete type.
func (ctx Context) AppIfConfigured(name string) any {
return ctx.cfg.apps[name]
// Storage returns the configured Caddy storage implementation.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ require (
github.com/Masterminds/sprig/v3 v3.2.3
github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2 v2.7.0
github.com/aryann/difflib v0.0.0-20210328193216-ff5ff6dc229b
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.18.2
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.19.0
github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.1
github.com/go-chi/chi v4.1.2+incompatible
github.com/google/cel-go v0.15.1
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ require (
github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-20 v0.2.2 // indirect
github.com/smallstep/go-attestation v0.4.4-0.20230509120429-e17291421738 // indirect
github.com/x448/float16 v0.8.4 // indirect
github.com/zeebo/blake3 v0.2.3 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/propagators/aws v1.17.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/propagators/b3 v1.17.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/propagators/jaeger v1.17.0 // indirect
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ github.com/bketelsen/crypt v0.0.3-0.20200106085610-5cbc8cc4026c/go.mod h1:MKsuJm
github.com/blakesmith/ar v0.0.0-20190502131153-809d4375e1fb/go.mod h1:PkYb9DJNAwrSvRx5DYA+gUcOIgTGVMNkfSCbZM8cWpI=
github.com/boltdb/bolt v1.3.1/go.mod h1:clJnj/oiGkjum5o1McbSZDSLxVThjynRyGBgiAx27Ps=
github.com/caarlos0/ctrlc v1.0.0/go.mod h1:CdXpj4rmq0q/1Eb44M9zi2nKB0QraNKuRGYGrrHhcQw=
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.18.2 h1:Nj2+M+A2Ho9IF6n1wUSbra4mX1X6ALzWpul9HooprHA=
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.18.2/go.mod h1:cLsgYXecH1iVUPjDXw15/1SKjZk/TK+aFfQk5FnugGQ=
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.19.0 h1:HuJ1Yf1H1jAfmBGrSSQN1XRkafnWcpDtyIiyMV6vmpM=
github.com/caddyserver/certmagic v0.19.0/go.mod h1:fsL01NomQ6N+kE2j37ZCnig2MFosG+MIO4ztnmG/zz8=
github.com/campoy/unique v0.0.0-20180121183637-88950e537e7e/go.mod h1:9IOqJGCPMSc6E5ydlp5NIonxObaeu/Iub/X03EKPVYo=
github.com/casbin/casbin/v2 v2.1.2/go.mod h1:YcPU1XXisHhLzuxH9coDNf2FbKpjGlbCg3n9yuLkIJQ=
github.com/cavaliercoder/go-cpio v0.0.0-20180626203310-925f9528c45e/go.mod h1:oDpT4efm8tSYHXV5tHSdRvBet/b/QzxZ+XyyPehvm3A=
@ -650,6 +650,7 @@ github.com/kisielk/gotool v1.0.0/go.mod h1:XhKaO+MFFWcvkIS/tQcRk01m1F5IRFswLeQ+o
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.12.3/go.mod h1:8dP1Hq4DHOhN9w426knH3Rhby4rFm6D8eO+e+Dq5Gzg=
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.6 h1:91SKEy4K37vkp255cJ8QesJhjyRO0hn9i9G0GoUwLsk=
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.6/go.mod h1:ntbaceVETuRiXiv4DpjP66DpAtAGkEQskQzEyD//IeE=
github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.0.12/go.mod h1:g2LTdtYhdyuGPqyWyv7qRAmj1WBqxuObKfj5c0PQa7c=
github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.5 h1:0E5MSMDEoAulmXNFquVs//DdoomxaoTY1kUhbc/qbZg=
github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.5/go.mod h1:Lcz8mBdAVJIBVzewtcLocK12l3Y+JytZYpaMropDUws=
github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.1/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
@ -1012,6 +1013,12 @@ github.com/yuin/goldmark v1.5.4 h1:2uY/xC0roWy8IBEGLgB1ywIoEJFGmRrX21YQcvGZzjU=
github.com/yuin/goldmark v1.5.4/go.mod h1:6yULJ656Px+3vBD8DxQVa3kxgyrAnzto9xy5taEt/CY=
github.com/yuin/goldmark-highlighting/v2 v2.0.0-20220924101305-151362477c87 h1:Py16JEzkSdKAtEFJjiaYLYBOWGXc1r/xHj/Q/5lA37k=
github.com/yuin/goldmark-highlighting/v2 v2.0.0-20220924101305-151362477c87/go.mod h1:ovIvrum6DQJA4QsJSovrkC4saKHQVs7TvcaeO8AIl5I=
github.com/zeebo/assert v1.1.0 h1:hU1L1vLTHsnO8x8c9KAR5GmM5QscxHg5RNU5z5qbUWY=
github.com/zeebo/assert v1.1.0/go.mod h1:Pq9JiuJQpG8JLJdtkwrJESF0Foym2/D9XMU5ciN/wJ0=
github.com/zeebo/blake3 v0.2.3 h1:TFoLXsjeXqRNFxSbk35Dk4YtszE/MQQGK10BH4ptoTg=
github.com/zeebo/blake3 v0.2.3/go.mod h1:mjJjZpnsyIVtVgTOSpJ9vmRE4wgDeyt2HU3qXvvKCaQ=
github.com/zeebo/pcg v1.0.1 h1:lyqfGeWiv4ahac6ttHs+I5hwtH/+1mrhlCtVNQM2kHo=
github.com/zeebo/pcg v1.0.1/go.mod h1:09F0S9iiKrwn9rlI5yjLkmrug154/YRW6KnnXVDM/l4=
github.com/zenazn/goji v0.9.0/go.mod h1:7S9M489iMyHBNxwZnk9/EHS098H4/F6TATF2mIxtB1Q=
go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.2/go.mod h1:IbVyRI1SCnLcuJnV2u8VeU0CEYM7e686BmAb1XKL+uU=
go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.3/go.mod h1:IbVyRI1SCnLcuJnV2u8VeU0CEYM7e686BmAb1XKL+uU=
@ -196,8 +196,7 @@ func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx caddy.Context, repl *caddy.Replacer) er
// if a certificate for this name is already loaded,
// don't obtain another one for it, unless we are
// supposed to ignore loaded certificates
if !srv.AutoHTTPS.IgnoreLoadedCerts &&
len(app.tlsApp.AllMatchingCertificates(d)) > 0 {
if !srv.AutoHTTPS.IgnoreLoadedCerts && app.tlsApp.HasCertificateForSubject(d) {
logger.Info("skipping automatic certificate management because one or more matching certificates are already loaded",
zap.String("domain", d),
zap.String("server_name", srvName),
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ func (t TLSConfig) MakeTLSClientConfig(ctx caddy.Context) (*tls.Config, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("managing client certificate: %v", err)
cfg.GetClientCertificate = func(cri *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
certs := tlsApp.AllMatchingCertificates(t.ClientCertificateAutomate)
certs := caddytls.AllMatchingCertificates(t.ClientCertificateAutomate)
var err error
for _, cert := range certs {
err = cri.SupportsCertificate(&cert.Certificate)
@ -50,11 +50,7 @@ func (a *adminAPI) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
a.log = ctx.Logger(a) // TODO: passing in 'a' is a hack until the admin API is officially extensible (see #5032)
// Avoid initializing PKI if it wasn't configured
pkiApp, err := a.ctx.AppIfConfigured("pki")
if err != nil {
return err
if pkiApp != nil {
if pkiApp := a.ctx.AppIfConfigured("pki"); pkiApp != nil {
a.pkiApp = pkiApp.(*PKI)
@ -294,7 +294,9 @@ func (ap *AutomationPolicy) Provision(tlsApp *TLS) error {
Issuers: issuers,
Logger: tlsApp.logger,
ap.magic = certmagic.New(tlsApp.certCache, template)
ap.magic = certmagic.New(certCache, template)
// sometimes issuers may need the parent certmagic.Config in
// order to function properly (for example, ACMEIssuer needs
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ func init() {
var (
certCache *certmagic.Cache
certCacheMu sync.RWMutex
// TLS provides TLS facilities including certificate
// loading and management, client auth, and more.
type TLS struct {
@ -77,12 +82,15 @@ type TLS struct {
certificateLoaders []CertificateLoader
automateNames []string
certCache *certmagic.Cache
ctx caddy.Context
storageCleanTicker *time.Ticker
storageCleanStop chan struct{}
logger *zap.Logger
events *caddyevents.App
// set of subjects with managed certificates,
// and hashes of manually-loaded certificates
managing, loaded map[string]struct{}
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
@ -103,6 +111,7 @@ func (t *TLS) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
t.ctx = ctx
t.logger = ctx.Logger()
repl := caddy.NewReplacer()
t.managing, t.loaded = make(map[string]struct{}), make(map[string]struct{})
// set up a new certificate cache; this (re)loads all certificates
cacheOpts := certmagic.CacheOptions{
@ -121,7 +130,14 @@ func (t *TLS) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
if cacheOpts.Capacity <= 0 {
cacheOpts.Capacity = 10000
t.certCache = certmagic.NewCache(cacheOpts)
if certCache == nil {
certCache = certmagic.NewCache(cacheOpts)
} else {
// certificate loaders
val, err := ctx.LoadModule(t, "CertificatesRaw")
@ -209,7 +225,8 @@ func (t *TLS) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
// provision so that other apps (such as http) can know which
// certificates have been manually loaded, and also so that
// commands like validate can be a better test
magic := certmagic.New(t.certCache, certmagic.Config{
magic := certmagic.New(certCache, certmagic.Config{
Storage: ctx.Storage(),
Logger: t.logger,
OnEvent: t.onEvent,
@ -217,16 +234,18 @@ func (t *TLS) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
DisableStapling: t.DisableOCSPStapling,
for _, loader := range t.certificateLoaders {
certs, err := loader.LoadCertificates()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading certificates: %v", err)
for _, cert := range certs {
err := magic.CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate(ctx, cert.Certificate, cert.Tags)
hash, err := magic.CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate(ctx, cert.Certificate, cert.Tags)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("caching unmanaged certificate: %v", err)
t.loaded[hash] = struct{}{}
@ -305,16 +324,44 @@ func (t *TLS) Stop() error {
// Cleanup frees up resources allocated during Provision.
func (t *TLS) Cleanup() error {
// stop the certificate cache
if t.certCache != nil {
// stop the session ticket rotation goroutine
if t.SessionTickets != nil {
// if a new TLS app was loaded, remove certificates from the cache that are no longer
// being managed or loaded by the new config; if there is no more TLS app running,
// then stop cert maintenance and let the cert cache be GC'ed
if nextTLS := caddy.ActiveContext().AppIfConfigured("tls"); nextTLS != nil {
nextTLSApp := nextTLS.(*TLS)
// compute which certificates were managed or loaded into the cert cache by this
// app instance (which is being stopped) that are not managed or loaded by the
// new app instance (which just started), and remove them from the cache
var noLongerManaged, noLongerLoaded []string
for subj := range t.managing {
if _, ok := nextTLSApp.managing[subj]; !ok {
noLongerManaged = append(noLongerManaged, subj)
for hash := range t.loaded {
if _, ok := nextTLSApp.loaded[hash]; !ok {
noLongerLoaded = append(noLongerLoaded, hash)
} else {
// no more TLS app running, so delete in-memory cert cache
certCache = nil
return nil
@ -339,6 +386,9 @@ func (t *TLS) Manage(names []string) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("automate: manage %v: %v", names, err)
for _, name := range names {
t.managing[name] = struct{}{}
return nil
@ -449,8 +499,27 @@ func (t *TLS) getAutomationPolicyForName(name string) *AutomationPolicy {
// AllMatchingCertificates returns the list of all certificates in
// the cache which could be used to satisfy the given SAN.
func (t *TLS) AllMatchingCertificates(san string) []certmagic.Certificate {
return t.certCache.AllMatchingCertificates(san)
func AllMatchingCertificates(san string) []certmagic.Certificate {
return certCache.AllMatchingCertificates(san)
func (t *TLS) HasCertificateForSubject(subject string) bool {
allMatchingCerts := certCache.AllMatchingCertificates(subject)
for _, cert := range allMatchingCerts {
// check if the cert is manually loaded by this config
if _, ok := t.loaded[cert.Hash()]; ok {
return true
// check if the cert is automatically managed by this config
for _, name := range cert.Names {
if _, ok := t.managing[name]; ok {
return true
return false
// keepStorageClean starts a goroutine that immediately cleans up all
Reference in a new issue