.goreleaser.yml 3.2 KB

  1. # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://goreleaser.com/static/schema.json
  2. version: 2
  3. builds:
  4. - binary: task
  5. main: ./cmd/task
  6. goos:
  7. - windows
  8. - darwin
  9. - linux
  10. - freebsd
  11. goarch:
  12. - '386'
  13. - amd64
  14. - arm
  15. - arm64
  16. - riscv64
  17. goarm:
  18. - '6'
  19. ignore:
  20. - goos: darwin
  21. goarch: '386'
  22. - goos: darwin
  23. goarch: riscv64
  24. - goos: windows
  25. goarch: riscv64
  26. env:
  27. - CGO_ENABLED=0
  28. mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
  29. flags:
  30. - -trimpath
  31. ldflags:
  32. - -s -w # Don't set main.version.
  33. gomod:
  34. proxy: true
  35. archives:
  36. - name_template: "{{.Binary}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}"
  37. files:
  38. - README.md
  39. - LICENSE
  40. - completion/**/*
  41. format_overrides:
  42. - goos: windows
  43. format: zip
  44. release:
  45. draft: true
  46. snapshot:
  47. version_template: "{{.Tag}}"
  48. checksum:
  49. name_template: "task_checksums.txt"
  50. nfpms:
  51. - vendor: Task
  52. homepage: https://taskfile.dev
  53. maintainer: Andrey Nering <andrey@nering.com.br>
  54. description: Simple task runner written in Go
  55. license: MIT
  56. conflicts:
  57. - taskwarrior
  58. formats:
  59. - deb
  60. - rpm
  61. file_name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}"
  62. contents:
  63. - src: completion/bash/task.bash
  64. dst: /etc/bash_completion.d/task
  65. - src: completion/fish/task.fish
  66. dst: /usr/share/fish/completions/task.fish
  67. - src: completion/zsh/_task
  68. dst: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_task
  69. brews:
  70. - name: go-task
  71. description: Task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
  72. license: MIT
  73. homepage: https://taskfile.dev
  74. directory: Formula
  75. repository:
  76. owner: go-task
  77. name: homebrew-tap
  78. test:
  79. system "#{bin}/task", "--help"
  80. install: |-
  81. bin.install "task"
  82. bash_completion.install "completion/bash/task.bash" => "task"
  83. zsh_completion.install "completion/zsh/_task" => "_task"
  84. fish_completion.install "completion/fish/task.fish"
  85. commit_author:
  86. name: task-bot
  87. email: 106601941+task-bot@users.noreply.github.com
  88. winget:
  89. - name: Task
  90. publisher: Task
  91. short_description: A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
  92. description: Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU Make.
  93. license: MIT
  94. homepage: https://taskfile.dev/
  95. publisher_url: https://taskfile.dev/
  96. publisher_support_url: https://github.com/go-task/task/issues
  97. package_identifier: Task.Task
  98. commit_author:
  99. name: task-bot
  100. email: 106601941+task-bot@users.noreply.github.com
  101. commit_msg_template: "chore: bump {{.PackageIdentifier}} to {{.Tag}}"
  102. release_notes_url: https://github.com/go-task/task/releases/tag/{{.Tag}}
  103. tags:
  104. - build
  105. - build-tool
  106. - devops
  107. - go
  108. - make
  109. - makefile
  110. - runner
  111. - task
  112. - task-runner
  113. - taskfile
  114. - tool
  115. skip_upload: true
  116. repository:
  117. owner: microsoft
  118. name: winget-pkgs
  119. pull_request:
  120. enabled: true
  121. base:
  122. owner: go-task
  123. name: winget-pkgs
  124. branch: "bump-task-to-{{.Tag}}"