Any kind of contributions are welcome.
GopherLua uses simple inlining tool for generate efficient codes. This tool requires python interpreter. Files name of which starts with _
genarate files name of which does not starts with _
. For instance, _state.go
generate state.go
. You do not edit generated sources.
To generate sources, some make target is available.
make build
make glua
make test
You have to run make build
before committing to the repository.
Our workflow is based on the github-flow .
Clone your fork and add the upstream.
git remote add upstream
Pull new changes from the upstream.
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
Create a feature branch
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Commit your changes and reference the issue number in your comment.
git commit -m "Issue #<issue-ref> : <your message>"
Push the feature branch to your remote repository.
git push origin <branch-name>
Open new pull request.