.gitignore 958 B

  1. .DS_Store
  2. *.[56789ao]
  3. *.a[56789o]
  4. *.so
  5. *.pyc
  6. ._*
  7. .nfs.*
  8. [56789a].out
  9. *~
  10. *.orig
  11. *.rej
  12. *.exe
  13. .*.swp
  14. core
  15. *.cgo*.go
  16. *.cgo*.c
  17. _cgo_*
  18. _obj
  19. _test
  20. _testmain.go
  21. /VERSION.cache
  22. /bin/
  23. /build.out
  24. /doc/articles/wiki/*.bin
  25. /goinstall.log
  26. /last-change
  27. /misc/cgo/life/run.out
  28. /misc/cgo/stdio/run.out
  29. /misc/cgo/testso/main
  30. /pkg/
  31. /src/*.*/
  32. /src/cmd/cgo/zdefaultcc.go
  33. /src/cmd/dist/dist
  34. /src/cmd/go/internal/cfg/zdefaultcc.go
  35. /src/cmd/internal/objabi/zbootstrap.go
  36. /src/go/build/zcgo.go
  37. /src/go/doc/headscan
  38. /src/internal/buildcfg/zbootstrap.go
  39. /src/internal/runtime/sys/zversion.go
  40. /src/unicode/maketables
  41. /src/time/tzdata/zzipdata.go
  42. /test.out
  43. /test/garbage/*.out
  44. /test/pass.out
  45. /test/run.out
  46. /test/times.out
  47. # This file includes artifacts of Go build that should not be checked in.
  48. # For files created by specific development environment (e.g. editor),
  49. # use alternative ways to exclude files from git.
  50. # For example, set up .git/info/exclude or use a global .gitignore.