- add type infos to VM error messages - add 'Name' to UserFunction objects - add 'expectErrorString' to VM tests - replace vm.expectError() with vm.expectErrorString() to make it more explicit - add source map info to VM error messages - optimization in function calls - add file/line/col info to compiler errors - change stdlib module to be loaded from VM (instead of compiler) so they can be properly loaded after the source is compiled into binary - VM can take builtin modules optionally
260 lines
6.1 KiB
260 lines
6.1 KiB
package scanner_test
import (
var testFileSet = source.NewFileSet()
type scanResult struct {
Token token.Token
Literal string
Line int
Column int
func TestScanner_Scan(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = [...]struct {
token token.Token
literal string
{token.Comment, "/* a comment */"},
{token.Comment, "// a comment \n"},
{token.Comment, "/*\r*/"},
{token.Comment, "/**\r/*/"},
{token.Comment, "/**\r\r/*/"},
{token.Comment, "//\r\n"},
{token.Ident, "foobar"},
{token.Ident, "a۰۱۸"},
{token.Ident, "foo६४"},
{token.Ident, "bar9876"},
{token.Ident, "ŝ"},
{token.Ident, "ŝfoo"},
{token.Int, "0"},
{token.Int, "1"},
{token.Int, "123456789012345678890"},
{token.Int, "01234567"},
{token.Int, "0xcafebabe"},
{token.Float, "0."},
{token.Float, ".0"},
{token.Float, "3.14159265"},
{token.Float, "1e0"},
{token.Float, "1e+100"},
{token.Float, "1e-100"},
{token.Float, "2.71828e-1000"},
{token.Char, "'a'"},
{token.Char, "'\\000'"},
{token.Char, "'\\xFF'"},
{token.Char, "'\\uff16'"},
{token.Char, "'\\U0000ff16'"},
{token.String, "`foobar`"},
{token.String, "`" + `foo
bar` +
{token.String, "`\r`"},
{token.String, "`foo\r\nbar`"},
{token.Add, "+"},
{token.Sub, "-"},
{token.Mul, "*"},
{token.Quo, "/"},
{token.Rem, "%"},
{token.And, "&"},
{token.Or, "|"},
{token.Xor, "^"},
{token.Shl, "<<"},
{token.Shr, ">>"},
{token.AndNot, "&^"},
{token.AddAssign, "+="},
{token.SubAssign, "-="},
{token.MulAssign, "*="},
{token.QuoAssign, "/="},
{token.RemAssign, "%="},
{token.AndAssign, "&="},
{token.OrAssign, "|="},
{token.XorAssign, "^="},
{token.ShlAssign, "<<="},
{token.ShrAssign, ">>="},
{token.AndNotAssign, "&^="},
{token.LAnd, "&&"},
{token.LOr, "||"},
{token.Inc, "++"},
{token.Dec, "--"},
{token.Equal, "=="},
{token.Less, "<"},
{token.Greater, ">"},
{token.Assign, "="},
{token.Not, "!"},
{token.NotEqual, "!="},
{token.LessEq, "<="},
{token.GreaterEq, ">="},
{token.Define, ":="},
{token.Ellipsis, "..."},
{token.LParen, "("},
{token.LBrack, "["},
{token.LBrace, "{"},
{token.Comma, ","},
{token.Period, "."},
{token.RParen, ")"},
{token.RBrack, "]"},
{token.RBrace, "}"},
{token.Semicolon, ";"},
{token.Colon, ":"},
{token.Break, "break"},
{token.Continue, "continue"},
{token.Else, "else"},
{token.For, "for"},
{token.Func, "func"},
{token.If, "if"},
{token.Return, "return"},
{token.Export, "export"},
// combine
var lines []string
var lineSum int
lineNos := make([]int, len(testCases))
columnNos := make([]int, len(testCases))
for i, tc := range testCases {
// add 0-2 lines before each test case
emptyLines := rand.Intn(3)
for j := 0; j < emptyLines; j++ {
lines = append(lines, strings.Repeat(" ", rand.Intn(10)))
// add test case line with some whitespaces around it
emptyColumns := rand.Intn(10)
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s",
strings.Repeat(" ", emptyColumns),
strings.Repeat(" ", rand.Intn(10))))
lineNos[i] = lineSum + emptyLines + 1
lineSum += emptyLines + countLines(tc.literal)
columnNos[i] = emptyColumns + 1
// expected results
var expected []scanResult
var expectedSkipComments []scanResult
for i, tc := range testCases {
// expected literal
var expectedLiteral string
switch tc.token {
case token.Comment:
// strip CRs in comments
expectedLiteral = string(scanner.StripCR([]byte(tc.literal), tc.literal[1] == '*'))
//-style comment literal doesn't contain newline
if expectedLiteral[1] == '/' {
expectedLiteral = expectedLiteral[:len(expectedLiteral)-1]
case token.Ident:
expectedLiteral = tc.literal
case token.Semicolon:
expectedLiteral = ";"
if tc.token.IsLiteral() {
// strip CRs in raw string
expectedLiteral = tc.literal
if expectedLiteral[0] == '`' {
expectedLiteral = string(scanner.StripCR([]byte(expectedLiteral), false))
} else if tc.token.IsKeyword() {
expectedLiteral = tc.literal
res := scanResult{
Token: tc.token,
Literal: expectedLiteral,
Line: lineNos[i],
Column: columnNos[i],
expected = append(expected, res)
if tc.token != token.Comment {
expectedSkipComments = append(expectedSkipComments, res)
scanExpect(t, strings.Join(lines, "\n"), scanner.ScanComments|scanner.DontInsertSemis, expected...)
scanExpect(t, strings.Join(lines, "\n"), scanner.DontInsertSemis, expectedSkipComments...)
func TestStripCR(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
input string
expect string
{"//\n", "//\n"},
{"//\r\n", "//\n"},
{"//\r\r\r\n", "//\n"},
{"//\r*\r/\r\n", "//*/\n"},
{"/**/", "/**/"},
{"/*\r/*/", "/*/*/"},
{"/*\r*/", "/**/"},
{"/**\r/*/", "/**\r/*/"},
{"/*\r/\r*\r/*/", "/*/*\r/*/"},
{"/*\r\r\r\r*/", "/**/"},
} {
actual := string(scanner.StripCR([]byte(tc.input), len(tc.input) >= 2 && tc.input[1] == '*'))
assert.Equal(t, tc.expect, actual)
func scanExpect(t *testing.T, input string, mode scanner.Mode, expected ...scanResult) bool {
testFile := testFileSet.AddFile("test", -1, len(input))
s := scanner.NewScanner(
func(_ source.FilePos, msg string) { assert.Fail(t, msg) },
for idx, e := range expected {
tok, literal, pos := s.Scan()
filePos := testFile.Position(pos)
if !assert.Equal(t, e.Token, tok, "[%d] expected: %s, actual: %s", idx, e.Token.String(), tok.String()) ||
!assert.Equal(t, e.Literal, literal) ||
!assert.Equal(t, e.Line, filePos.Line) ||
!assert.Equal(t, e.Column, filePos.Column) {
return false
tok, _, _ := s.Scan()
assert.Equal(t, token.EOF, tok, "more tokens left")
return assert.Equal(t, 0, s.ErrorCount())
func countLines(s string) int {
if s == "" {
return 0
n := 1
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '\n' {
return n
func init() {