82 lines
2.7 KiB
82 lines
2.7 KiB
package runtime_test
import "testing"
func TestModule(t *testing.T) {
// stdmods
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(1)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(-1)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(1.0)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(-1.0)`, 1.0)
// user modules
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1").bar()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `bar := func() { return 5.0 }`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1").mod2.bar()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `mod2 := import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `bar := func() { return 5.0 }`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2
// -> mod2
expectWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1"); out = import("mod2").bar()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `mod2 := import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `bar := func() { return 5.0 }`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3
// -> mod2 -> mod3
expectWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1"); out = import("mod2").mod3.bar()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `mod2 := import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `mod3 := import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `bar := func() { return 5.0 }`,
// cyclic imports
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod1
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod1")`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3 -> mod1
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `import("mod1")`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3 -> mod2
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `import("mod2")`,
// unknown modules
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod0")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 5`,
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
// for-in
expectWithUserModules(t, `for _, n in import("mod1") { out += n }`, 6, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 1; b := 2; c := 3`,
expectWithUserModules(t, `for k, _ in import("mod1") { out += k }`, "a", map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 1`, // only 1 global variable because module map does not sort the keys
// mutating global variables inside the module does not affect exported values
expectWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1.mutate(); out = m1.a`, 3, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 3; mutate := func() { a = 10 }`,
// module map is immutable
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1.a = 5`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 3`,
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1.a.b = 5`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := {b: 3}`,