Daniel 3500c686b3
Improvements on compiler/VM error reporting (filename:line:col)
- add type infos to VM error messages
- add 'Name' to UserFunction objects 
- add 'expectErrorString' to VM tests
- replace vm.expectError() with vm.expectErrorString() to make it more explicit
- add source map info to VM error messages
- optimization in function calls
- add file/line/col info to compiler errors
- change stdlib module to be loaded from VM (instead of compiler) so they can be properly loaded after the source is compiled into binary
- VM can take builtin modules optionally
2019-02-20 16:26:11 -08:00

248 lines
6.7 KiB

package runtime_test
import (
func TestStdLib(t *testing.T) {
// stdlib
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(1)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(-1)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(1.0)`, 1.0)
expect(t, `math := import("math"); out = math.abs(-1.0)`, 1.0)
// os.File
expect(t, `
os := import("os")
write_file := func(filename, data) {
file := os.create(filename)
if !file { return file }
if res := file.write(bytes(data)); is_error(res) {
return res
return file.close()
read_file := func(filename) {
file := os.open(filename)
if !file { return file }
data := bytes(100)
cnt := file.read(data)
if is_error(cnt) {
return cnt
return data[:cnt]
if write_file("./temp", "foobar") {
out = string(read_file("./temp"))
`, "foobar")
// exec.command
expect(t, `
os := import("os")
cmd := os.exec("echo", "foo", "bar")
if !is_error(cmd) {
out = cmd.output()
`, []byte("foo bar\n"))
func TestUserModules(t *testing.T) {
// user modules
// export none
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, objects.UndefinedValue, map[string]string{
"mod1": `fn := func() { return 5.0 }; a := 2`,
// export values
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, 5, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export 5`,
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, "foo", map[string]string{
"mod1": `export "foo"`,
// export composite types
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, IARR{1, 2, 3}, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export [1, 2, 3]`,
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, IMAP{"a": 1, "b": 2}, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export {a: 1, b: 2}`,
// export value is immutable
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1.a = 5`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export {a: 1, b: 2}`,
}, "not index-assignable")
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1[1] = 5`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export [1, 2, 3]`,
}, "not index-assignable")
// code after export statement will not be executed
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, 10, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 10; export a; a = 20`,
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, 10, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 10; export a; a = 20; export a`,
// export function
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export func() { return 5.0 }`,
// export function that reads module-global variable
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 6.5, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 1.5; export func() { return a + 5.0 }`,
// export function that read local variable
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 6.5, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export func() { a := 1.5; return a + 5.0 }`,
// export function that read free variables
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 6.5, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export func() { a := 1.5; return func() { return a + 5.0 }() }`,
// recursive function in module
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, 15, map[string]string{
"mod1": `
a := func(x) {
return x == 0 ? 0 : x + a(x-1)
export a(5)
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, 15, map[string]string{
"mod1": `
export func() {
a := func(x) {
return x == 0 ? 0 : x + a(x-1)
return a(5)
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `export func() { return 5.0 }`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2
// -> mod2
expectWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1"); out = import("mod2")()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `export func() { return 5.0 }`,
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3
// -> mod2 -> mod3
expectWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1"); out = import("mod2")()`, 5.0, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `export import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `export func() { return 5.0 }`,
// cyclic imports
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod1
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod1")`,
}, "mod2:1:1: cyclic module import")
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3 -> mod1
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `import("mod1")`,
}, "mod3:1:1: cyclic module import")
// (main) -> mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3 -> mod2
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
"mod2": `import("mod3")`,
"mod3": `import("mod2")`,
}, "mod3:1:1: cyclic module import")
// unknown modules
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod0")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `a := 5`,
}, "module 'mod0' not found")
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `import("mod2")`,
}, "module 'mod2' not found")
// module is immutable but its variables is not necessarily immutable.
expectWithUserModules(t, `m1 := import("mod1"); m1.a.b = 5; out = m1.a.b`, 5, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export {a: {b: 3}}`,
// make sure module has same builtin functions
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")`, "int", map[string]string{
"mod1": `export func() { return type_name(0) }()`,
// 'export' statement is ignored outside module
expect(t, `a := 5; export func() { a = 10 }(); out = a`, 5)
// 'export' must be in the top-level
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `func() { export 5 }()`,
}, "mod1:1:10: export not allowed inside function")
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `func() { func() { export 5 }() }()`,
}, "mod1:1:19: export not allowed inside function")
// module cannot access outer scope
expectErrorWithUserModules(t, `a := 5; import("mod1")`, map[string]string{
"mod1": `export a`,
}, "mod1:1:8: unresolved reference 'a'")
func TestModuleBlockScopes(t *testing.T) {
// block scopes in module
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 1, map[string]string{
"mod1": `
rand := import("rand")
foo := func() { return 1 }
export func() {
return foo()
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 10, map[string]string{
"mod1": `
rand := import("rand")
foo := func() { return 1 }
export func() {
if foo() {}
return 10
expectWithUserModules(t, `out = import("mod1")()`, 10, map[string]string{
"mod1": `
rand := import("rand")
foo := func() { return 1 }
export func() {
if true { foo() }
return 10