228 lines
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228 lines
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package objects
import (
// ToString will try to convert object o to string value.
func ToString(o Object) (v string, ok bool) {
if _, isUndefined := o.(*Undefined); isUndefined {
//ok = false
ok = true
if str, isStr := o.(*String); isStr {
v = str.Value
} else {
v = o.String()
// ToInt will try to convert object o to int value.
func ToInt(o Object) (v int, ok bool) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Int:
v = int(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Float:
v = int(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Char:
v = int(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Bool:
if o.Value {
v = 1
ok = true
case *String:
c, err := strconv.ParseInt(o.Value, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
v = int(c)
ok = true
//ok = false
// ToInt64 will try to convert object o to int64 value.
func ToInt64(o Object) (v int64, ok bool) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Int:
v = o.Value
ok = true
case *Float:
v = int64(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Char:
v = int64(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Bool:
if o.Value {
v = 1
ok = true
case *String:
c, err := strconv.ParseInt(o.Value, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
v = c
ok = true
//ok = false
// ToFloat64 will try to convert object o to float64 value.
func ToFloat64(o Object) (v float64, ok bool) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Int:
v = float64(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Float:
v = o.Value
ok = true
case *String:
c, err := strconv.ParseFloat(o.Value, 64)
if err == nil {
v = c
ok = true
//ok = false
// ToBool will try to convert object o to bool value.
func ToBool(o Object) (v bool, ok bool) {
ok = true
v = !o.IsFalsy()
// ToRune will try to convert object o to rune value.
func ToRune(o Object) (v rune, ok bool) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Int:
v = rune(o.Value)
ok = true
case *Char:
v = rune(o.Value)
ok = true
//ok = false
// ToByteSlice will try to convert object o to []byte value.
func ToByteSlice(o Object) (v []byte, ok bool) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Bytes:
v = o.Value
ok = true
case *String:
v = []byte(o.Value)
ok = true
//ok = false
// objectToInterface attempts to convert an object o to an interface{} value
func objectToInterface(o Object) (res interface{}) {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Int:
res = o.Value
case *String:
res = o.Value
case *Float:
res = o.Value
case *Bool:
res = o.Value
case *Char:
res = o.Value
case *Bytes:
res = o.Value
case *Array:
res = make([]interface{}, len(o.Value))
for i, val := range o.Value {
res.([]interface{})[i] = objectToInterface(val)
case *Map:
res = make(map[string]interface{})
for key, v := range o.Value {
res.(map[string]interface{})[key] = objectToInterface(v)
case Object:
return o
// FromInterface will attempt to convert an interface{} v to a Tengo Object
func FromInterface(v interface{}) (Object, error) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case nil:
return &Undefined{}, nil
case string:
return &String{Value: v}, nil
case int64:
return &Int{Value: v}, nil
case int:
return &Int{Value: int64(v)}, nil
case bool:
return &Bool{Value: v}, nil
case rune:
return &Char{Value: v}, nil
case byte:
return &Char{Value: rune(v)}, nil
case float64:
return &Float{Value: v}, nil
case []byte:
return &Bytes{Value: v}, nil
case error:
return &Error{Value: &String{Value: v.Error()}}, nil
case map[string]Object:
return &Map{Value: v}, nil
case map[string]interface{}:
kv := make(map[string]Object)
for vk, vv := range v {
vo, err := FromInterface(vv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kv[vk] = vo
return &Map{Value: kv}, nil
case []Object:
return &Array{Value: v}, nil
case []interface{}:
arr := make([]Object, len(v), len(v))
for i, e := range v {
vo, err := FromInterface(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arr[i] = vo
return &Array{Value: arr}, nil
case Object:
return v, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type: %T", v)