* parsing variable function types * finished variadic functions * fix case where number of passed args to variadic function is 0 * remove extraneous OpVarArgs * allow multiple variables in variadic function declaration * fix IdentList string method to print multi-arg variadic functions correctly * round 2 of fix IdentList string method to print multi-arg variadic functions correctly round 2 of fix IdentList string method to print multi-arg variadic functions correctly * clean up tasks in OpCall handling, add tests for variadic closures * cleanup for pr - add syntax documentation - cleanup parseIdentList - cleanup OpCall handling for functions and closures - cleanup tests
483 lines
16 KiB
483 lines
16 KiB
package parser_test
import (
type pfn func(int, int) source.Pos // position conversion function
type expectedFn func(pos pfn) []ast.Stmt // callback function to return expected results
type tracer struct {
out []string
func (o *tracer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
o.out = append(o.out, string(p))
return len(p), nil
//type slowPrinter struct {
//func (o *slowPrinter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// fmt.Print(string(p))
// time.Sleep(25 * time.Millisecond)
// return len(p), nil
func expect(t *testing.T, input string, fn expectedFn) (ok bool) {
testFileSet := source.NewFileSet()
testFile := testFileSet.AddFile("test", -1, len(input))
defer func() {
if !ok {
// print trace
tr := &tracer{}
p := parser.NewParser(testFile, []byte(input), tr)
actual, _ := p.ParseFile()
if actual != nil {
t.Logf("Parsed:\n%s", actual.String())
t.Logf("Trace:\n%s", strings.Join(tr.out, ""))
p := parser.NewParser(testFile, []byte(input), nil)
actual, err := p.ParseFile()
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
expected := fn(func(line, column int) source.Pos {
return source.Pos(int(testFile.LineStart(line)) + (column - 1))
if !assert.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual.Stmts)) {
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
if !equalStmt(t, expected[i], actual.Stmts[i]) {
ok = true
func expectError(t *testing.T, input string) (ok bool) {
testFileSet := source.NewFileSet()
testFile := testFileSet.AddFile("test", -1, len(input))
defer func() {
if !ok {
// print trace
tr := &tracer{}
p := parser.NewParser(testFile, []byte(input), tr)
_, _ = p.ParseFile()
t.Logf("Trace:\n%s", strings.Join(tr.out, ""))
p := parser.NewParser(testFile, []byte(input), nil)
_, err := p.ParseFile()
if !assert.Error(t, err) {
ok = true
func expectString(t *testing.T, input, expected string) (ok bool) {
defer func() {
if !ok {
// print trace
tr := &tracer{}
_, _ = parser.ParseSource("test", []byte(input), tr)
t.Logf("Trace:\n%s", strings.Join(tr.out, ""))
actual, err := parser.ParseSource("test", []byte(input), nil)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
if !assert.Equal(t, expected, actual.String()) {
ok = true
//func printTrace(input string) {
// testFileSet := source.NewFileSet()
// testFile := testFileSet.AddFile("", -1, len(input))
// _, _ = parser.ParseFile(testFile, []byte(input), &slowPrinter{})
func stmts(s ...ast.Stmt) []ast.Stmt {
return s
func exprStmt(x ast.Expr) *ast.ExprStmt {
return &ast.ExprStmt{Expr: x}
func assignStmt(lhs, rhs []ast.Expr, token token.Token, pos source.Pos) *ast.AssignStmt {
return &ast.AssignStmt{LHS: lhs, RHS: rhs, Token: token, TokenPos: pos}
func emptyStmt(implicit bool, pos source.Pos) *ast.EmptyStmt {
return &ast.EmptyStmt{Implicit: implicit, Semicolon: pos}
func returnStmt(pos source.Pos, result ast.Expr) *ast.ReturnStmt {
return &ast.ReturnStmt{Result: result, ReturnPos: pos}
func forStmt(init ast.Stmt, cond ast.Expr, post ast.Stmt, body *ast.BlockStmt, pos source.Pos) *ast.ForStmt {
return &ast.ForStmt{Cond: cond, Init: init, Post: post, Body: body, ForPos: pos}
func forInStmt(key, value *ast.Ident, seq ast.Expr, body *ast.BlockStmt, pos source.Pos) *ast.ForInStmt {
return &ast.ForInStmt{Key: key, Value: value, Iterable: seq, Body: body, ForPos: pos}
func ifStmt(init ast.Stmt, cond ast.Expr, body *ast.BlockStmt, elseStmt ast.Stmt, pos source.Pos) *ast.IfStmt {
return &ast.IfStmt{Init: init, Cond: cond, Body: body, Else: elseStmt, IfPos: pos}
func incDecStmt(expr ast.Expr, tok token.Token, pos source.Pos) *ast.IncDecStmt {
return &ast.IncDecStmt{Expr: expr, Token: tok, TokenPos: pos}
func funcType(params *ast.IdentList, pos source.Pos) *ast.FuncType {
return &ast.FuncType{Params: params, FuncPos: pos}
func blockStmt(lbrace, rbrace source.Pos, list ...ast.Stmt) *ast.BlockStmt {
return &ast.BlockStmt{Stmts: list, LBrace: lbrace, RBrace: rbrace}
func ident(name string, pos source.Pos) *ast.Ident {
return &ast.Ident{Name: name, NamePos: pos}
func identList(opening, closing source.Pos, varArgs bool, list ...*ast.Ident) *ast.IdentList {
return &ast.IdentList{VarArgs: varArgs, List: list, LParen: opening, RParen: closing}
func binaryExpr(x, y ast.Expr, op token.Token, pos source.Pos) *ast.BinaryExpr {
return &ast.BinaryExpr{LHS: x, RHS: y, Token: op, TokenPos: pos}
func condExpr(cond, trueExpr, falseExpr ast.Expr, questionPos, colonPos source.Pos) *ast.CondExpr {
return &ast.CondExpr{Cond: cond, True: trueExpr, False: falseExpr, QuestionPos: questionPos, ColonPos: colonPos}
func unaryExpr(x ast.Expr, op token.Token, pos source.Pos) *ast.UnaryExpr {
return &ast.UnaryExpr{Expr: x, Token: op, TokenPos: pos}
func importExpr(moduleName string, pos source.Pos) *ast.ImportExpr {
return &ast.ImportExpr{ModuleName: moduleName, Token: token.Import, TokenPos: pos}
func exprs(list ...ast.Expr) []ast.Expr {
return list
func intLit(value int64, pos source.Pos) *ast.IntLit {
return &ast.IntLit{Value: value, ValuePos: pos}
func floatLit(value float64, pos source.Pos) *ast.FloatLit {
return &ast.FloatLit{Value: value, ValuePos: pos}
func stringLit(value string, pos source.Pos) *ast.StringLit {
return &ast.StringLit{Value: value, ValuePos: pos}
func charLit(value rune, pos source.Pos) *ast.CharLit {
return &ast.CharLit{Value: value, ValuePos: pos, Literal: fmt.Sprintf("'%c'", value)}
func boolLit(value bool, pos source.Pos) *ast.BoolLit {
return &ast.BoolLit{Value: value, ValuePos: pos}
func arrayLit(lbracket, rbracket source.Pos, list ...ast.Expr) *ast.ArrayLit {
return &ast.ArrayLit{LBrack: lbracket, RBrack: rbracket, Elements: list}
func mapElementLit(key string, keyPos source.Pos, colonPos source.Pos, value ast.Expr) *ast.MapElementLit {
return &ast.MapElementLit{Key: key, KeyPos: keyPos, ColonPos: colonPos, Value: value}
func mapLit(lbrace, rbrace source.Pos, list ...*ast.MapElementLit) *ast.MapLit {
return &ast.MapLit{LBrace: lbrace, RBrace: rbrace, Elements: list}
func funcLit(funcType *ast.FuncType, body *ast.BlockStmt) *ast.FuncLit {
return &ast.FuncLit{Type: funcType, Body: body}
func parenExpr(x ast.Expr, lparen, rparen source.Pos) *ast.ParenExpr {
return &ast.ParenExpr{Expr: x, LParen: lparen, RParen: rparen}
func callExpr(f ast.Expr, lparen, rparen source.Pos, args ...ast.Expr) *ast.CallExpr {
return &ast.CallExpr{Func: f, LParen: lparen, RParen: rparen, Args: args}
func indexExpr(x, index ast.Expr, lbrack, rbrack source.Pos) *ast.IndexExpr {
return &ast.IndexExpr{Expr: x, Index: index, LBrack: lbrack, RBrack: rbrack}
func sliceExpr(x, low, high ast.Expr, lbrack, rbrack source.Pos) *ast.SliceExpr {
return &ast.SliceExpr{Expr: x, Low: low, High: high, LBrack: lbrack, RBrack: rbrack}
func errorExpr(pos source.Pos, x ast.Expr, lparen, rparen source.Pos) *ast.ErrorExpr {
return &ast.ErrorExpr{Expr: x, ErrorPos: pos, LParen: lparen, RParen: rparen}
func selectorExpr(x, sel ast.Expr) *ast.SelectorExpr {
return &ast.SelectorExpr{Expr: x, Sel: sel}
func equalStmt(t *testing.T, expected, actual ast.Stmt) bool {
if expected == nil || reflect.ValueOf(expected).IsNil() {
return assert.Nil(t, actual, "expected nil, but got not nil")
if !assert.NotNil(t, actual, "expected not nil, but got nil") {
return false
if !assert.IsType(t, expected, actual) {
return false
switch expected := expected.(type) {
case *ast.ExprStmt:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.ExprStmt).Expr)
case *ast.EmptyStmt:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Implicit, actual.(*ast.EmptyStmt).Implicit) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Semicolon, actual.(*ast.EmptyStmt).Semicolon)
case *ast.BlockStmt:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.LBrace, actual.(*ast.BlockStmt).LBrace) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RBrace, actual.(*ast.BlockStmt).RBrace) &&
equalStmts(t, expected.Stmts, actual.(*ast.BlockStmt).Stmts)
case *ast.AssignStmt:
return equalExprs(t, expected.LHS, actual.(*ast.AssignStmt).LHS) &&
equalExprs(t, expected.RHS, actual.(*ast.AssignStmt).RHS) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.Token), int(actual.(*ast.AssignStmt).Token)) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.TokenPos), int(actual.(*ast.AssignStmt).TokenPos))
case *ast.IfStmt:
return equalStmt(t, expected.Init, actual.(*ast.IfStmt).Init) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Cond, actual.(*ast.IfStmt).Cond) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Body, actual.(*ast.IfStmt).Body) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Else, actual.(*ast.IfStmt).Else) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.IfPos, actual.(*ast.IfStmt).IfPos)
case *ast.IncDecStmt:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.IncDecStmt).Expr) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token, actual.(*ast.IncDecStmt).Token) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.TokenPos, actual.(*ast.IncDecStmt).TokenPos)
case *ast.ForStmt:
return equalStmt(t, expected.Init, actual.(*ast.ForStmt).Init) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Cond, actual.(*ast.ForStmt).Cond) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Post, actual.(*ast.ForStmt).Post) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Body, actual.(*ast.ForStmt).Body) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.ForPos, actual.(*ast.ForStmt).ForPos)
case *ast.ForInStmt:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Key, actual.(*ast.ForInStmt).Key) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.ForInStmt).Value) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Iterable, actual.(*ast.ForInStmt).Iterable) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Body, actual.(*ast.ForInStmt).Body) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.ForPos, actual.(*ast.ForInStmt).ForPos)
case *ast.ReturnStmt:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Result, actual.(*ast.ReturnStmt).Result) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.ReturnPos, actual.(*ast.ReturnStmt).ReturnPos)
case *ast.BranchStmt:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Label, actual.(*ast.BranchStmt).Label) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token, actual.(*ast.BranchStmt).Token) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.TokenPos, actual.(*ast.BranchStmt).TokenPos)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %T", expected))
func equalExpr(t *testing.T, expected, actual ast.Expr) bool {
if expected == nil || reflect.ValueOf(expected).IsNil() {
return assert.Nil(t, actual, "expected nil, but got not nil")
if !assert.NotNil(t, actual, "expected not nil, but got nil") {
return false
if !assert.IsType(t, expected, actual) {
return false
switch expected := expected.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Name, actual.(*ast.Ident).Name) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.NamePos), int(actual.(*ast.Ident).NamePos))
case *ast.IntLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.IntLit).Value) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ValuePos), int(actual.(*ast.IntLit).ValuePos))
case *ast.FloatLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.FloatLit).Value) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ValuePos), int(actual.(*ast.FloatLit).ValuePos))
case *ast.BoolLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.BoolLit).Value) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ValuePos), int(actual.(*ast.BoolLit).ValuePos))
case *ast.CharLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.CharLit).Value) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ValuePos), int(actual.(*ast.CharLit).ValuePos))
case *ast.StringLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Value, actual.(*ast.StringLit).Value) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ValuePos), int(actual.(*ast.StringLit).ValuePos))
case *ast.ArrayLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.LBrack, actual.(*ast.ArrayLit).LBrack) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RBrack, actual.(*ast.ArrayLit).RBrack) &&
equalExprs(t, expected.Elements, actual.(*ast.ArrayLit).Elements)
case *ast.MapLit:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.LBrace, actual.(*ast.MapLit).LBrace) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RBrace, actual.(*ast.MapLit).RBrace) &&
equalMapElements(t, expected.Elements, actual.(*ast.MapLit).Elements)
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.LHS, actual.(*ast.BinaryExpr).LHS) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.RHS, actual.(*ast.BinaryExpr).RHS) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token, actual.(*ast.BinaryExpr).Token) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.TokenPos, actual.(*ast.BinaryExpr).TokenPos)
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.UnaryExpr).Expr) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token, actual.(*ast.UnaryExpr).Token) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.TokenPos, actual.(*ast.UnaryExpr).TokenPos)
case *ast.FuncLit:
return equalFuncType(t, expected.Type, actual.(*ast.FuncLit).Type) &&
equalStmt(t, expected.Body, actual.(*ast.FuncLit).Body)
case *ast.CallExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Func, actual.(*ast.CallExpr).Func) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.LParen, actual.(*ast.CallExpr).LParen) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RParen, actual.(*ast.CallExpr).RParen) &&
equalExprs(t, expected.Args, actual.(*ast.CallExpr).Args)
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.ParenExpr).Expr) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.LParen, actual.(*ast.ParenExpr).LParen) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RParen, actual.(*ast.ParenExpr).RParen)
case *ast.IndexExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.IndexExpr).Expr) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Index, actual.(*ast.IndexExpr).Index) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.LBrack, actual.(*ast.IndexExpr).LBrack) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RBrack, actual.(*ast.IndexExpr).RBrack)
case *ast.SliceExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.SliceExpr).Expr) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Low, actual.(*ast.SliceExpr).Low) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.High, actual.(*ast.SliceExpr).High) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.LBrack, actual.(*ast.SliceExpr).LBrack) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.RBrack, actual.(*ast.SliceExpr).RBrack)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Expr) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.Sel, actual.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel)
case *ast.ImportExpr:
return assert.Equal(t, expected.ModuleName, actual.(*ast.ImportExpr).ModuleName) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.TokenPos), int(actual.(*ast.ImportExpr).TokenPos)) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token, actual.(*ast.ImportExpr).Token)
case *ast.ErrorExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Expr, actual.(*ast.ErrorExpr).Expr) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.ErrorPos), int(actual.(*ast.ErrorExpr).ErrorPos)) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.LParen), int(actual.(*ast.ErrorExpr).LParen)) &&
assert.Equal(t, int(expected.RParen), int(actual.(*ast.ErrorExpr).RParen))
case *ast.CondExpr:
return equalExpr(t, expected.Cond, actual.(*ast.CondExpr).Cond) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.True, actual.(*ast.CondExpr).True) &&
equalExpr(t, expected.False, actual.(*ast.CondExpr).False) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.QuestionPos, actual.(*ast.CondExpr).QuestionPos) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.ColonPos, actual.(*ast.CondExpr).ColonPos)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %T", expected))
func equalFuncType(t *testing.T, expected, actual *ast.FuncType) bool {
return assert.Equal(t, expected.Params.LParen, actual.Params.LParen) &&
assert.Equal(t, expected.Params.RParen, actual.Params.RParen) &&
equalIdents(t, expected.Params.List, actual.Params.List)
func equalIdents(t *testing.T, expected, actual []*ast.Ident) bool {
if !assert.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual)) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
if !equalExpr(t, expected[i], actual[i]) {
return false
return true
func equalExprs(t *testing.T, expected, actual []ast.Expr) bool {
if !assert.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual)) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
if !equalExpr(t, expected[i], actual[i]) {
return false
return true
func equalStmts(t *testing.T, expected, actual []ast.Stmt) bool {
if !assert.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual)) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
if !equalStmt(t, expected[i], actual[i]) {
return false
return true
func equalMapElements(t *testing.T, expected, actual []*ast.MapElementLit) bool {
if !assert.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual)) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
if !assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Key, actual[i].Key) ||
!assert.Equal(t, expected[i].KeyPos, actual[i].KeyPos) ||
!assert.Equal(t, expected[i].ColonPos, actual[i].ColonPos) ||
!equalExpr(t, expected[i].Value, actual[i].Value) {
return false
return true