#!/usr/bin/env tengo // This is a test of custom extension for issue #286 and PR #350. // Which allows the tengo library to use custom extension names for the // source files. // // This test should pass if the interpreter's tengo.Compiler.SetImportExt() // was set as `c.SetImportExt(".tengo", ".mshk")`. os := import("os") uno := import("uno") // it will search uno.tengo and uno.mshk fmt := import("fmt") text := import("text") expected := ["test", "uno", "dos", "tres", "quatro", "cinco"] expected = text.join(expected, " ") if v := uno.fn("test"); v != expected { fmt.printf("relative import test error:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot : %v\n", expected, v) os.exit(1) } args := text.join(os.args(), " ") fmt.println("ok\t", args)