package objects

import ""

// Undefined represents an undefined value.
type Undefined struct{}

// TypeName returns the name of the type.
func (o *Undefined) TypeName() string {
	return "undefined"

func (o *Undefined) String() string {
	return "<undefined>"

// BinaryOp returns another object that is the result of
// a given binary operator and a right-hand side object.
func (o *Undefined) BinaryOp(op token.Token, rhs Object) (Object, error) {
	return nil, ErrInvalidOperator

// Copy returns a copy of the type.
func (o *Undefined) Copy() Object {
	return &Undefined{}

// IsFalsy returns true if the value of the type is falsy.
func (o *Undefined) IsFalsy() bool {
	return true

// Equals returns true if the value of the type
// is equal to the value of another object.
func (o *Undefined) Equals(x Object) bool {
	_, ok := x.(*Undefined)

	return ok