package parser import ( "fmt" "io" "strconv" "" "" "" ) type bailout struct{} type Parser struct { file *scanner.File errors ErrorList scanner *scanner.Scanner pos scanner.Pos token token.Token tokenLit string exprLevel int // < 0: in control clause, >= 0: in expression syncPos scanner.Pos // last sync position syncCount int // number of advance calls without progress trace bool indent int traceOut io.Writer } func NewParser(file *scanner.File, src []byte, trace io.Writer) *Parser { p := &Parser{ file: file, trace: trace != nil, traceOut: trace, } p.scanner = scanner.NewScanner(p.file, src, func(pos scanner.FilePos, msg string) { p.errors.Add(pos, msg) }, 0) return p } func (p *Parser) ParseFile() (*ast.File, error) { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "File")) } if p.errors.Len() > 0 { return nil, p.errors.Err() } stmts := p.parseStmtList() if p.errors.Len() > 0 { return nil, p.errors.Err() } return &ast.File{ InputFile: p.file, Stmts: stmts, }, nil } func (p *Parser) parseExpr() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Expression")) } return p.parseBinaryExpr(token.LowestPrec + 1) } func (p *Parser) parseBinaryExpr(prec1 int) ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "BinaryExpression")) } x := p.parseUnaryExpr() for { op, prec := p.token, p.token.Precedence() if prec < prec1 { return x } pos := p.expect(op) y := p.parseBinaryExpr(prec + 1) x = &ast.BinaryExpr{ Lhs: x, Rhs: y, Token: op, TokenPos: pos, } } } func (p *Parser) parseUnaryExpr() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "UnaryExpression")) } switch p.token { case token.Add, token.Sub, token.Not, token.Xor: pos, op := p.pos, p.token x := p.parseUnaryExpr() return &ast.UnaryExpr{ Token: op, TokenPos: pos, Expr: x, } } return p.parsePrimaryExpr() } func (p *Parser) parsePrimaryExpr() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "PrimaryExpression")) } x := p.parseOperand() L: for { switch p.token { case token.Period: switch p.token { case token.Ident: x = p.parseSelector(x) default: pos := p.pos p.errorExpected(pos, "selector string") p.advance(stmtStart) return &ast.BadExpr{From: pos, To: p.pos} } case token.LBrack: x = p.parseIndexOrSlice(x) case token.LParen: x = p.parseCall(x) default: break L } } return x } func (p *Parser) parseCall(x ast.Expr) *ast.CallExpr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Call")) } lparen := p.expect(token.LParen) p.exprLevel++ var list []ast.Expr for p.token != token.RParen && p.token != token.EOF { list = append(list, p.parseExpr()) if !p.expectComma(token.RParen, "call argument") { break } } p.exprLevel-- rparen := p.expect(token.RParen) return &ast.CallExpr{ Func: x, LParen: lparen, RParen: rparen, Args: list, } } func (p *Parser) expectComma(closing token.Token, want string) bool { if p.token == token.Comma { if p.token == closing { p.errorExpected(p.pos, want) return false } return true } if p.token == token.Semicolon && p.tokenLit == "\n" { } return false } func (p *Parser) parseIndexOrSlice(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "IndexOrSlice")) } lbrack := p.expect(token.LBrack) p.exprLevel++ var index [2]ast.Expr if p.token != token.Colon { index[0] = p.parseExpr() } numColons := 0 if p.token == token.Colon { numColons++ if p.token != token.RBrack && p.token != token.EOF { index[1] = p.parseExpr() } } p.exprLevel-- rbrack := p.expect(token.RBrack) if numColons > 0 { // slice expression return &ast.SliceExpr{ Expr: x, LBrack: lbrack, RBrack: rbrack, Low: index[0], High: index[1], } } return &ast.IndexExpr{ Expr: x, LBrack: lbrack, RBrack: rbrack, Index: index[0], } } func (p *Parser) parseSelector(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Selector")) } sel := p.parseIdent() return &ast.SelectorExpr{Expr: x, Sel: &ast.StringLit{ Value: sel.Name, ValuePos: sel.NamePos, Literal: sel.Name, }} } func (p *Parser) parseOperand() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Operand")) } switch p.token { case token.Ident: return p.parseIdent() case token.Int: v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(p.tokenLit, 10, 64) x := &ast.IntLit{ Value: v, ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.Float: v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(p.tokenLit, 64) x := &ast.FloatLit{ Value: v, ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.Char: x := &ast.CharLit{ Value: rune(p.tokenLit[1]), ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.String: v, _ := strconv.Unquote(p.tokenLit) x := &ast.StringLit{ Value: v, ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.True: x := &ast.BoolLit{ Value: true, ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.False: x := &ast.BoolLit{ Value: false, ValuePos: p.pos, Literal: p.tokenLit, } return x case token.Undefined: x := &ast.UndefinedLit{TokenPos: p.pos} return x case token.LParen: lparen := p.pos p.exprLevel++ x := p.parseExpr() p.exprLevel-- rparen := p.expect(token.RParen) return &ast.ParenExpr{ LParen: lparen, Expr: x, RParen: rparen, } case token.LBrack: // array literal return p.parseArrayLit() case token.LBrace: // map literal return p.parseMapLit() case token.Func: // function literal return p.parseFuncLit() } pos := p.pos p.errorExpected(pos, "operand") p.advance(stmtStart) return &ast.BadExpr{From: pos, To: p.pos} } func (p *Parser) parseFuncLit() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "FuncLit")) } typ := p.parseFuncType() p.exprLevel++ body := p.parseBody() p.exprLevel-- return &ast.FuncLit{ Type: typ, Body: body, } } func (p *Parser) parseArrayLit() ast.Expr { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "ArrayLit")) } lbrack := p.expect(token.LBrack) p.exprLevel++ var elts []ast.Expr for p.token != token.RBrack && p.token != token.EOF { elts = append(elts, p.parseExpr()) if !p.expectComma(token.RBrack, "array element") { break } } p.exprLevel-- rbrack := p.expect(token.RBrack) return &ast.ArrayLit{ Elements: elts, LBrack: lbrack, RBrack: rbrack, } } func (p *Parser) parseFuncType() *ast.FuncType { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "FuncType")) } pos := p.expect(token.Func) params := p.parseIdentList() return &ast.FuncType{ FuncPos: pos, Params: params, } } func (p *Parser) parseBody() *ast.BlockStmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Body")) } lbrace := p.expect(token.LBrace) list := p.parseStmtList() rbrace := p.expect(token.RBrace) return &ast.BlockStmt{ LBrace: lbrace, RBrace: rbrace, Stmts: list, } } func (p *Parser) parseStmtList() (list []ast.Stmt) { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "StatementList")) } for p.token != token.Case && p.token != token.Default && p.token != token.RBrace && p.token != token.EOF { list = append(list, p.parseStmt()) } return } func (p *Parser) parseIdent() *ast.Ident { pos := p.pos name := "_" if p.token == token.Ident { name = p.tokenLit } else { p.expect(token.Ident) } return &ast.Ident{ NamePos: pos, Name: name, } } func (p *Parser) parseIdentList() *ast.IdentList { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "IdentList")) } var params []*ast.Ident lparen := p.expect(token.LParen) if p.token != token.RParen { params = append(params, p.parseIdent()) for p.token == token.Comma { params = append(params, p.parseIdent()) } } rparen := p.expect(token.RParen) return &ast.IdentList{ LParen: lparen, RParen: rparen, List: params, } } func (p *Parser) parseStmt() (stmt ast.Stmt) { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "Statement")) } switch p.token { case // simple statements token.Func, token.Ident, token.Int, token.Float, token.Char, token.String, token.True, token.False, token.LParen, // operands token.LBrace, token.LBrack, // composite types token.Add, token.Sub, token.Mul, token.And, token.Xor, token.Not: // unary operators s := p.parseSimpleStmt(false) p.expectSemi() return s case token.Return: return p.parseReturnStmt() case token.If: return p.parseIfStmt() case token.For: return p.parseForStmt() case token.Break, token.Continue: return p.parseBranchStmt(p.token) case token.Semicolon: s := &ast.EmptyStmt{Semicolon: p.pos, Implicit: p.tokenLit == "\n"} return s case token.RBrace: // semicolon may be omitted before a closing "}" return &ast.EmptyStmt{Semicolon: p.pos, Implicit: true} default: pos := p.pos p.errorExpected(pos, "statement") p.advance(stmtStart) return &ast.BadStmt{From: pos, To: p.pos} } } func (p *Parser) parseForStmt() ast.Stmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "ForStmt")) } pos := p.expect(token.For) // for {} if p.token == token.LBrace { body := p.parseBlockStmt() p.expectSemi() return &ast.ForStmt{ ForPos: pos, Body: body, } } prevLevel := p.exprLevel p.exprLevel = -1 var s1 ast.Stmt if p.token != token.Semicolon { // skipping init s1 = p.parseSimpleStmt(true) } // for _ in seq {} or // for value in seq {} or // for key, value in seq {} if forInStmt, isForIn := s1.(*ast.ForInStmt); isForIn { forInStmt.ForPos = pos p.exprLevel = prevLevel forInStmt.Body = p.parseBlockStmt() p.expectSemi() return forInStmt } // for init; cond; post {} var s2, s3 ast.Stmt if p.token == token.Semicolon { if p.token != token.Semicolon { s2 = p.parseSimpleStmt(false) // cond } p.expect(token.Semicolon) if p.token != token.LBrace { s3 = p.parseSimpleStmt(false) // post } } else { // for cond {} s2 = s1 s1 = nil } // body p.exprLevel = prevLevel body := p.parseBlockStmt() p.expectSemi() cond := p.makeExpr(s2, "condition expression") return &ast.ForStmt{ ForPos: pos, Init: s1, Cond: cond, Post: s3, Body: body, } } func (p *Parser) parseBranchStmt(tok token.Token) ast.Stmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "BranchStmt")) } pos := p.expect(tok) var label *ast.Ident if p.token == token.Ident { label = p.parseIdent() } p.expectSemi() return &ast.BranchStmt{ Token: tok, TokenPos: pos, Label: label, } } func (p *Parser) parseIfStmt() ast.Stmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "IfStmt")) } pos := p.expect(token.If) init, cond := p.parseIfHeader() body := p.parseBlockStmt() var elseStmt ast.Stmt if p.token == token.Else { switch p.token { case token.If: elseStmt = p.parseIfStmt() case token.LBrace: elseStmt = p.parseBlockStmt() p.expectSemi() default: p.errorExpected(p.pos, "if statement or block") elseStmt = &ast.BadStmt{From: p.pos, To: p.pos} } } else { p.expectSemi() } return &ast.IfStmt{ IfPos: pos, Init: init, Cond: cond, Body: body, Else: elseStmt, } } func (p *Parser) parseBlockStmt() *ast.BlockStmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "BlockStmt")) } lbrace := p.expect(token.LBrace) list := p.parseStmtList() rbrace := p.expect(token.RBrace) return &ast.BlockStmt{ LBrace: lbrace, RBrace: rbrace, Stmts: list, } } func (p *Parser) parseIfHeader() (init ast.Stmt, cond ast.Expr) { if p.token == token.LBrace { p.error(p.pos, "missing condition in if statement") cond = &ast.BadExpr{From: p.pos, To: p.pos} return } outer := p.exprLevel p.exprLevel = -1 if p.token == token.Semicolon { p.error(p.pos, "missing init in if statement") return } init = p.parseSimpleStmt(false) var condStmt ast.Stmt if p.token == token.LBrace { condStmt = init init = nil } else if p.token == token.Semicolon { condStmt = p.parseSimpleStmt(false) } else { p.error(p.pos, "missing condition in if statement") } if condStmt != nil { cond = p.makeExpr(condStmt, "boolean expression") } if cond == nil { cond = &ast.BadExpr{From: p.pos, To: p.pos} } p.exprLevel = outer return } func (p *Parser) makeExpr(s ast.Stmt, want string) ast.Expr { if s == nil { return nil } if es, isExpr := s.(*ast.ExprStmt); isExpr { return es.Expr } found := "simple statement" if _, isAss := s.(*ast.AssignStmt); isAss { found = "assignment" } p.error(s.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("expected %s, found %s", want, found)) return &ast.BadExpr{From: s.Pos(), To: p.safePos(s.End())} } func (p *Parser) parseReturnStmt() ast.Stmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "ReturnStmt")) } pos := p.pos p.expect(token.Return) var x []ast.Expr if p.token != token.Semicolon && p.token != token.RBrace { x = p.parseExprList() } p.expectSemi() return &ast.ReturnStmt{ ReturnPos: pos, Results: x, } } func (p *Parser) parseSimpleStmt(forIn bool) ast.Stmt { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "SimpleStmt")) } x := p.parseExprList() switch p.token { case token.Assign, token.Define: // assignment statement pos, tok := p.pos, p.token y := p.parseExprList() return &ast.AssignStmt{ Lhs: x, Rhs: y, Token: tok, TokenPos: pos, } case token.In: if forIn { y := p.parseExpr() var key, value *ast.Ident var ok bool switch len(x) { case 1: key = &ast.Ident{Name: "_", NamePos: x[0].Pos()} value, ok = x[0].(*ast.Ident) if !ok { p.errorExpected(x[0].Pos(), "identifier") value = &ast.Ident{Name: "_", NamePos: x[0].Pos()} } case 2: key, ok = x[0].(*ast.Ident) if !ok { p.errorExpected(x[0].Pos(), "identifier") key = &ast.Ident{Name: "_", NamePos: x[0].Pos()} } value, ok = x[1].(*ast.Ident) if !ok { p.errorExpected(x[1].Pos(), "identifier") value = &ast.Ident{Name: "_", NamePos: x[1].Pos()} } } return &ast.ForInStmt{ Key: key, Value: value, Iterable: y, } } } if len(x) > 1 { p.errorExpected(x[0].Pos(), "1 expression") // continue with first expression } switch p.token { case token.Define, token.AddAssign, token.SubAssign, token.MulAssign, token.QuoAssign, token.RemAssign, token.AndAssign, token.OrAssign, token.XorAssign, token.ShlAssign, token.ShrAssign, token.AndNotAssign: pos, tok := p.pos, p.token y := p.parseExpr() return &ast.AssignStmt{ Lhs: []ast.Expr{x[0]}, Rhs: []ast.Expr{y}, Token: tok, TokenPos: pos, } case token.Inc, token.Dec: // increment or decrement statement s := &ast.IncDecStmt{Expr: x[0], Token: p.token, TokenPos: p.pos} return s } // expression statement return &ast.ExprStmt{Expr: x[0]} } func (p *Parser) parseExprList() (list []ast.Expr) { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "ExpressionList")) } list = append(list, p.parseExpr()) for p.token == token.Comma { list = append(list, p.parseExpr()) } return } func (p *Parser) parseMapElementLit() *ast.MapElementLit { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "MapElementLit")) } // key: read identifier token but it's not actually an identifier ident := p.parseIdent() colonPos := p.expect(token.Colon) valueExpr := p.parseExpr() return &ast.MapElementLit{ Key: ident.Name, KeyPos: ident.NamePos, ColonPos: colonPos, Value: valueExpr, } } func (p *Parser) parseMapLit() *ast.MapLit { if p.trace { defer un(trace(p, "MapLit")) } lbrace := p.expect(token.LBrace) p.exprLevel++ var elts []*ast.MapElementLit for p.token != token.RBrace && p.token != token.EOF { elts = append(elts, p.parseMapElementLit()) if !p.expectComma(token.RBrace, "map element") { break } } p.exprLevel-- rbrace := p.expect(token.RBrace) return &ast.MapLit{ LBrace: lbrace, RBrace: rbrace, Elements: elts, } } func (p *Parser) expect(token token.Token) scanner.Pos { pos := p.pos if p.token != token { p.errorExpected(pos, "'"+token.String()+"'") } return pos } func (p *Parser) expectSemi() { switch p.token { case token.RParen, token.RBrace: // semicolon is optional before a closing ')' or '}' case token.Comma: // permit a ',' instead of a ';' but complain p.errorExpected(p.pos, "';'") fallthrough case token.Semicolon: default: p.errorExpected(p.pos, "';'") p.advance(stmtStart) } } func (p *Parser) advance(to map[token.Token]bool) { for ; p.token != token.EOF; { if to[p.token] { if p.pos == p.syncPos && p.syncCount < 10 { p.syncCount++ return } if p.pos > p.syncPos { p.syncPos = p.pos p.syncCount = 0 return } } } } func (p *Parser) error(pos scanner.Pos, msg string) { filePos := p.file.Position(pos) n := len(p.errors) if n > 0 && p.errors[n-1].Pos.Line == filePos.Line { // discard errors reported on the same line return } if n > 10 { // too many errors; terminate early panic(bailout{}) } p.errors.Add(filePos, msg) } func (p *Parser) errorExpected(pos scanner.Pos, msg string) { msg = "expected " + msg if pos == p.pos { // error happened at the current position: provide more specific switch { case p.token == token.Semicolon && p.tokenLit == "\n": msg += ", found newline" case p.token.IsLiteral(): msg += ", found " + p.tokenLit default: msg += ", found '" + p.token.String() + "'" } } p.error(pos, msg) } func (p *Parser) next() { if p.trace && p.pos.IsValid() { s := p.token.String() switch { case p.token.IsLiteral(): p.printTrace(s, p.tokenLit) case p.token.IsOperator(), p.token.IsKeyword(): p.printTrace(`"` + s + `"`) default: p.printTrace(s) } } p.token, p.tokenLit, p.pos = p.scanner.Scan() } func (p *Parser) printTrace(a ...interface{}) { const ( dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " n = len(dots) ) filePos := p.file.Position(p.pos) _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(p.traceOut, "%5d: %5d:%3d: ", p.pos, filePos.Line, filePos.Column) i := 2 * p.indent for i > n { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(p.traceOut, dots) i -= n } _, _ = fmt.Fprint(p.traceOut, dots[0:i]) _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(p.traceOut, a...) } func (p *Parser) safePos(pos scanner.Pos) scanner.Pos { fileBase := p.file.Base() fileSize := p.file.Size() if int(pos) < fileBase || int(pos) > fileBase+fileSize { return scanner.Pos(fileBase + fileSize) } return pos } func trace(p *Parser, msg string) *Parser { p.printTrace(msg, "(") p.indent++ return p } func un(p *Parser) { p.indent-- p.printTrace(")") }