package runtime_test import ( "fmt" "testing" ) func TestString(t *testing.T) { expect(t, `out = "Hello World!"`, "Hello World!") expect(t, `out = "Hello" + " " + "World!"`, "Hello World!") expect(t, `out = "Hello" == "Hello"`, true) expect(t, `out = "Hello" == "World"`, false) expect(t, `out = "Hello" != "Hello"`, false) expect(t, `out = "Hello" != "World"`, true) // index operator str := "abcdef" strStr := `"abcdef"` strLen := 6 for idx := 0; idx < strLen; idx++ { expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[%d]", strStr, idx), str[idx]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[0 + %d]", strStr, idx), str[idx]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[1 + %d - 1]", strStr, idx), str[idx]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("idx := %d; out = %s[idx]", idx, strStr), str[idx]) } expectError(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", strStr, -1)) expectError(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", strStr, strLen)) // slice operator for low := 0; low < strLen; low++ { for high := low; high <= strLen; high++ { expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[%d:%d]", strStr, low, high), str[low:high]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[0 + %d : 0 + %d]", strStr, low, high), str[low:high]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[1 + %d - 1 : 1 + %d - 1]", strStr, low, high), str[low:high]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[:%d]", strStr, high), str[:high]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[%d:]", strStr, low), str[low:]) expect(t, fmt.Sprintf("out = %s[:]", strStr), str[:]) } } expectError(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d:]", strStr, -1)) expectError(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[:%d]", strStr, strLen+1)) expectError(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d:%d]", strStr, 2, 1)) // string concatenation with other types expect(t, `out = "foo" + 1`, "foo1") // Float.String() returns the smallest number of digits // necessary such that ParseFloat will return f exactly. expect(t, `out = "foo" + 1.0`, "foo1") // <- note '1' instead of '1.0' expect(t, `out = "foo" + 1.5`, "foo1.5") expect(t, `out = "foo" + true`, "footrue") expect(t, `out = "foo" + 'X'`, "fooX") expect(t, `out = "foo" + error(5)`, "fooerror: 5") expect(t, `out = "foo" + undefined`, "foo<undefined>") expect(t, `out = "foo" + [1,2,3]`, "foo[1, 2, 3]") //expect(t, `out = "foo" + {a: 1, b: 2}`, "foo{a: 1, b: 2}") // TODO: commented because order of key is not consistent // also works with "+=" operator expect(t, `out = "foo"; out += 1.5`, "foo1.5") // string concats works only when string is LHS expectError(t, `1 + "foo"`) expectError(t, `"foo" - "bar"`) }