package ast

import (

// CondExpr represents a ternary conditional expression.
type CondExpr struct {
	Cond        Expr
	True        Expr
	False       Expr
	QuestionPos source.Pos
	ColonPos    source.Pos

func (e *CondExpr) exprNode() {}

// Pos returns the position of first character belonging to the node.
func (e *CondExpr) Pos() source.Pos {
	return e.Cond.Pos()

// End returns the position of first character immediately after the node.
func (e *CondExpr) End() source.Pos {
	return e.False.End()

func (e *CondExpr) String() string {
	return "(" + e.Cond.String() + " ? " + e.True.String() + " : " + e.False.String() + ")"