313 lines
6 KiB
313 lines
6 KiB
package tg
import (
//tgbotapi "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5"
// General type function to define actions, single component widgets
// and components themselves.
type Func func(*Context)
func (f Func) Act(c *Context) {
func (f Func) Serve(c *Context) {
func(f Func) Filter(_ *Update) bool {
return false
func (f Func) Render(_ *Context) UI {
return UI{
type ContextType uint8
const (
NoContextType ContextType = iota
// General context for a specific user.
// Is always the same and is not reached
// inside end function-handlers.
type context struct {
Session *Session
// To reach the bot abilities inside callbacks.
Bot *Bot
Type ContextType
updates *UpdateChan
skippedUpdates *UpdateChan
// Current screen ID.
path, prevPath Path
// Goroutie function to handle each user.
func (c *Context) serve() {
beh := c.Bot.behaviour
func (c *context) run(a Action, u *Update) {
a.Act(&Context{context: c, Update: u})
func (c *Context) Path() Path {
return c.path
func (c *Context) PrevPath() Path {
return c.prevPath
func (c *Context) Run(a Action) {
if a != nil {
// Only for the root widget usage.
// Skip the update sending it down to
// the underlying widget.
func (c *Context) Skip(u *Update) {
// Sends to the Sendable object.
func (c *Context) Send(v Sendable) (*Message, error) {
config := v.SendConfig(c)
if config.Error != nil {
return nil, config.Error
msg, err := c.Bot.Api.Send(config.ToApi())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &msg, nil
// Sends the formatted with fmt.Sprintf message to the user
// using default Markdown parsing format.
func (c *Context) Sendf(format string, v ...any) (*Message, error) {
return c.Send(NewMessage(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)))
// Same as Sendf but uses Markdown 2 format for parsing.
func (c *Context) Sendf2(format string, v ...any) (*Message, error) {
return c.Send(NewMessage(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)).MD2())
// Same as Sendf but uses HTML format for parsing.
func (c *Context) SendfHTML(format string, v ...any) (*Message, error) {
return c.Send(NewMessage(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)).HTML())
// Interface to interact with the user.
type Context struct {
// The update that called the Context usage.
// Used as way to provide outer values redirection
// into widgets and actions. It is like arguments
// for REST API request etc.
Arg any
// Instead of updates as argument.
input *UpdateChan
// Get the input for current widget.
// Should be used inside handlers (aka "Serve").
func (c *Context) Input() chan *Update {
return c.input.Chan()
// Returns copy of current context so
// it will not affect the current one.
// But be careful because
// most of the insides uses pointers
// which are not deeply copied.
func (c *Context) Copy() *Context {
ret := *c
return &ret
func (c *Context) WithArg(v any) *Context {
c = c.Copy()
c.Arg = v
return c
func (c *Context) WithUpdate(u *Update) *Context {
c = c.Copy()
c.Update = u
return c
func (c *Context) WithInput(input *UpdateChan) *Context {
c = c.Copy()
c.input = input
return c
// Customized actions for the bot.
type Action interface {
type ActionFunc func(*Context)
func (af ActionFunc) Act(c *Context) {
// Changes screen of user to the Id one.
func (c *Context) Go(pth Path, args ...any) error {
if pth == "-" {
pth = c.PrevPath()
// Getting the screen and changing to
// then executing its widget.
if !pth.IsAbs() {
pth = (c.Path() + "/" + pth).Clean()
if !c.PathExist(pth) {
return ScreenNotExistErr
c.prevPath = c.path
c.path = pth
// Stopping the current widget.
screen := c.Bot.behaviour.Screens[pth]
if screen.Widget != nil {
c.skippedUpdates = c.RunWidget(screen.Widget, args...)
} else {
panic("no widget defined for the screen")
return nil
func (c *Context) PathExist(pth Path) bool {
return c.Bot.behaviour.PathExist(pth)
func (c *Context) MakeArg(args []any) any {
var arg any
if len(args) == 1 {
arg = args[0]
} else if len(args) > 1 {
arg = args
return arg
func (c *Context) RunCompo(compo Component, args ...any) *UpdateChan {
s, ok := compo.(Sendable)
if ok {
msg, err := c.Send(s)
if err != nil {
panic("could not send the message")
updates := NewUpdateChan()
go func() {
// To let widgets finish themselves before
// the channel is closed and close it by themselves.
return updates
// Run widget in background returning the new input channel for it.
func (c *Context) RunWidget(widget Widget, args ...any) *UpdateChan {
if widget == nil {
return nil
pth := c.Path()
compos := widget.Render(c.WithArg(c.MakeArg(args)))
// Leave if changed path.
if compos == nil || pth != c.Path() {
return nil
chns := make([]*UpdateChan, len(compos))
for i, compo := range compos {
chns[i] = c.RunCompo(compo, args...)
ret := NewUpdateChan()
go func() {
ln := len(compos)
for u := range ret.Chan() {
if u == nil {
cnt := 0
for i, compo := range compos {
chn := chns[i]
if chn.Closed() {
if !compo.Filter(u) {
continue UPDATE
if cnt == ln {
for _, chn := range chns {
return ret
// Simple way to read strings for widgets.
func (c *Context) ReadString(pref string, args ...any) string {
var text string
if pref != "" {
c.Sendf(pref, args...)
for u := range c.Input() {
if u == nil {
if u.Message == nil {
text = u.Message.Text
return text
// Change screen to the previous.
// To get to the parent screen use GoUp.
func (c *Context) GoPrev() {
pth := c.PrevPath()
if pth == "" {