package tx

import (

	apix ""

type Update = apix.Update
type Chat = apix.Chat
type User = apix.User

// The wrapper around Telegram API.
type Bot struct {
	Me *User
	// Private bot behaviour.
	behaviour *Behaviour
	// Group bot behaviour.
	groupBehaviour *GroupBehaviour
	// Bot behaviour in channels.
	channelBehaviour *ChannelBehaviour
	sessions         SessionMap
	groupSessions    GroupSessionMap

// Return the new bot with empty sessions and behaviour.
func NewBot(token string) (*Bot, error) {
	bot, err := apix.NewBotAPI(token)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Bot{
		BotAPI: bot,
	}, nil

func (bot *Bot) GetSessionValueBySid(
	sid SessionId,
) (any, bool) {
	v, ok := bot.sessions[sid]
	return v.V, ok

func (bot *Bot) GetGroupSessionValue(
	sid SessionId,
) (any, bool) {
	v, ok := bot.groupSessions[sid]
	return v.V, ok

func (b *Bot) WithBehaviour(beh *Behaviour) *Bot {
	b.behaviour = beh
	b.sessions = make(SessionMap)
	return b

func (b *Bot) WithSessions(sessions SessionMap) *Bot {
	b.sessions = sessions
	return b

func (b *Bot) WithGroupBehaviour(beh *GroupBehaviour) *Bot {
	b.groupBehaviour = beh
	b.groupSessions = make(GroupSessionMap)
	return b

func (b *Bot) WithGroupSessions(sessions GroupSessionMap) *Bot {
	b.groupSessions = sessions
	return b

// Run the bot with the Behaviour.
func (bot *Bot) Run() error {
	if bot.behaviour == nil &&
		bot.groupBehaviour == nil {
		return errors.New("no behaviour defined")
	bot.Debug = true
	uc := apix.NewUpdate(0)
	uc.Timeout = 60
	updates := bot.GetUpdatesChan(uc)
	handles := make(map[string]chan *Update)

	if bot.behaviour != nil {
		chn := make(chan *Update)
		handles["private"] = chn
		go bot.handlePrivate(chn)

	if bot.groupBehaviour != nil {
		chn := make(chan *Update)
		handles["group"] = chn
		handles["supergroup"] = chn
		go bot.handleGroup(chn)

	me, _ := bot.GetMe()
	bot.Me = &me
	for u := range updates {
		chn, ok := handles[u.FromChat().Type]
		if !ok {

		chn <- &u

	return nil

// The function handles updates supposed for the private
// chat with the bot.
func (bot *Bot) handlePrivate(updates chan *Update) {
	chans := make(map[SessionId]chan *Update)
	var sid SessionId
	for u := range updates {
		sid = SessionId(u.FromChat().ID)
		var sessionOk, chnOk bool
		// Create new session if the one does not exist
		// for this user.
		if _, sessionOk = bot.sessions[sid]; !sessionOk {

		_, chnOk = chans[sid]
		// Making the bot ignore anything except "start"
		// before the session started
		if u.Message.IsCommand() && !sessionOk {
			cmdName := CommandName(u.Message.Command())
			if cmdName == "start" {
				session := bot.sessions[sid]
				ctx := &context{
					Bot:     bot,
					Session: session,
					updates: make(chan *Update),

				// Starting the new goroutine if
				// there is no one.
				if !chnOk {
					chn := make(chan *Update)
					chans[sid] = chn
					go ctx.handleUpdateChan(chn)
		chn, ok := chans[sid]
		// The bot MUST get the "start" command.
		// It will do nothing otherwise.
		if ok {
			chn <- u

func (bot *Bot) handleGroup(updates chan *Update) {
	var sid SessionId
	chans := make(map[SessionId]chan *Update)
	for u := range updates {
		sid = SessionId(u.FromChat().ID)
		// If no session add new.
		if _, ok := bot.groupSessions[sid]; !ok {
			session := bot.groupSessions[sid]
			ctx := &groupContext{
				Bot:          bot,
				GroupSession: session,
				updates:      make(chan *Update),
			chn := make(chan *Update)
			chans[sid] = chn
			go ctx.handleUpdateChan(chn)

		chn := chans[sid]
		chn <- u